RedLetterMedia BTFO, Mike Stoklasa BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
samefag again
tearing that ass up. fuck TFA
>3 posters
go shill somewhere else faggot
The review was great and I love how it pisses off the RLM retards
But stop spamming it please
>5 posters
>10 replies
Fucking embarrassing op
I hope you did your part and up liked the video to combat reddit. This is what the plinkett review should have been. People are just upset Mike Stoklasa told them to like force awakens and they can't handle all these glaring narrative flaws shoved in their face.
mike stoklasa was paid by disney
he loves nu-star wars and feminism, thats why he wouldnt talk about how awful rey was. hes a cuck and likes stronk women
stop shilling your shit video here
How will rlm ever recover?
>fuck reddit
>be sure to gib le upboat xD
>Sup Forums is triggered because RLM shit praises disney shit wars
>user actually makes a true review a la plinkett about disney wars shit
>but muh stop posting your vid...
I gave you a like user, thank you for the vid and don't mind the retards.
remider that RLM started getting popular as we got that influx of the_Donald. Hence why Sup Forums got so shit since November. It's just capeshit or some randoma e-celeb thread that nobody but three people know. Call them out on it and they call you a libcuck.
This is factually incorrect.
[citation needed]
Holy shit he posted it again the absolute madman.
It was blacks!
please make sure to like and subscribe guys!
I'm thinking of starting a Patreon too to help out with future videos!!
What sort of rewards would you guys like to see!?
RLM has been huge on Sup Forums since 2012 newfag
just make a rouge one review already and it better be as good or better than the TFA one
alternatively, do a space cop review to upset RLM more
RLM is on the same level as GreenOval and Abatap
It's literally dyed in the wool of this Malaysian pachinko webzine
Enjoy your (You)
Newfag or troll you are highly pathetic
The Shill Awakens
I liked TFA. I like RLM. I think that video is cringey as fuck and some weird fuck who is hung up on the fact that people like things keeps spamming it in order to get a reaction. Well here it is. Satisfied?
>people like things
what about TFA do you like?
>Reddit spacing
>r/Sup Forums le Asian board meme
Hello, reddit!
I agree with everything in this review.
shills are trying to kill this
they are try hards yeah
I'd respect you a lot more if you just bought an ad.
Remember to report these threads for illegal advertising. Sage, and don't give this unfunny loser or his shit video any views.
Dude, how the fuck can I take your review seriously when you say that the Star Trek reboot was good until the Wrath of Khan remake? That's nonsense. Star Trek (2009) was utter shit.
this guy is an idiot, but so are you
It is against the laws of Sup Forums. Enjoy cyberprison, faggot.
This is really well done. Mike has slipped
Being autistic doesn't make you a good critic.
no. Big means more than 50 posters in a thread. Their threads got like 3-4 posters and their threads died after 20 posts.
have the upvote
1. You're wrong and so is he.
2. RLM has been getting stickies here since like 2009 you fucking nu-Sup Forums Sup Forumseddit trash. Go watch Rogue One with your dads and get fucking molested to death you subhuman faggots.
>I'm a lying retarded newfag
Imagine being so butt-blasted that your ass is still sore after 2 years.
yea no
fuck off shill
go back to Sup Forums you donald fucks
>Reddit One cucks still this blown the fuck out by some Z list internet reviewers disagreeing with them about capeshit made for preteens
Samefag harder you fucking newfaggot. Your review is trash and RLM is Sup Forums and there will never EVER be any way you can stop us from making RLM threads or triggering you.
>name calling
>reddit spacing
ok shill
I got three minutes in and had to turn it off. Also used the Norwegian youtube hooking site so I didn't give you a view or any shekels. That was legit terrible.
nice reddit pointers newfag
There is no bigger proof someone is fresh off the boat from reddit than them using the term "Reddit spacing" in a post.
fuck off shils
WE did it RLM is dead
bury it!
To sum up the video: Lack of an enheartening 20th Century Fox-type logo intro from Disney spoops on previous Star Wars' music, designed by Williams to work with it, fair enough, but at least you mention RLM kind of mentioned it.
Then you point out the silliness of the coincidences and the mynochs or whatever they were.
So far so good. Then you dump into the same old Mary Sue crap, completely ignorant of it as the tale of a mythological hero, who by definition fulfills multiple prophecies, in this case, the well-known Star Wars ones of superb pilot, mechanic, and of course force user.
>same old Mary Sue crap, completely ignorant of it as the tale of a mythological hero,
>Star Wars has always been about Mary Sues
Except it hasn't, and the video points this out by illustrating how Luke wasn't a Mary Sue, especially in A New Hope where he is constantly saved by others and people don't automatically like him.
suck my dick newfag
>completely ignorant of it as the tale of a mythological hero
Lol what a retard
Lol what a retart
why do the mods let this asshole keep shilling his video here?
>RLM has been getting stickies here since like 2009 you fucking nu-Sup Forums Sup Forumseddit tra
newfag newfag newfag
Why are you all freaking out about this? This is good. RLM has really been going down the shitter recently.
newfag newfag newfag
WOW great video OP
Holy shit, this is amazing.
Whoa, niiiiiiice. RLM btfo!
The only problem with this video is not acknowledging Kylo Ren was shot in the gut by Chewie.
Ha ha ha great
I liked the part about Kyle Ren. Thanks for the post OP
Dude you're video isn't funny and it isn't good. Opening with 10+ minutes bemoaning the lack of 20th Century Fox logo was a shit idea. Nobody cares enough to spend 10+ minutes of their life thinking about it. All you do is just bore the viewer and they stop watching. You follow it up with a tired and obvious argument about how TFA is unoriginal, and the irony of you completely ripping off Plinkett isn't lost on the viewer.
That first 10 minutes is great. Wonderful video, OP
Nice but
>Complains that TFA is a RIP off of ANH (which it is)
>Rips off another review and clones the atmosphere
Shooting yourself in the foot m8
hello mike
Truly great. This is the phantom menace review on steroids!
Superb video and, may I say, one of the greatest opening posts in the history of the site.
I can finally sleep at night knowing that the spirit of plinkett lives on! Bless you OP
Hi, Mike.
We desperately need to get the dumb, TFA-loving masses to see this vital video which I did not have a hand in creating.
Stop shilling
Un-fucking-believable video. I LOVED this.
Close the internet. You're not going to find anything better after this video. WOW.
Great vid, man.
I want op's thick veiny horse cock up my ass.
Wow! This was a great youtube video. You should all watch it right now and donate to HackFarudMedia's Paetron account?
I just can't get enough of that faux-plinkett stuff
Don't let it die!
Is this the Mike Stoklasa retirement party thread? Because I think Sup Forums has a new reviewer to worship. Thanks OP
I was one of the people who was driven to near-suicide because I couldn't live in the fantabulous wonderland of James Cameron's Pandora. I got over that. But now I want to live in the mind of the creator of this video. Reality pales in comparison.
I don't really care about btfo-ing RLM or fighting against the hegemony of imagination that is Disney. I just like YouTube kino. And this is the most kinoest of the kino. It's so kino I kinoed my kino so hard I kinoed myself into the kinospital. True medi-kino.