What are some movies when a Sup Forums mod tries to become an alt-right e-celeb?
What are some movies when a Sup Forums mod tries to become an alt-right e-celeb?
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kakishibu jeans
Holy shit that forehead LOL
seriously though, was that the first time someone behind the scenes at Sup Forums did any kind of media?
in Malice's own words, Sup Forums is where the right has the most intellectual momentum, and he wonders why, even at Fox News where he does segments, the mainstream media doesn't bother learning about Sup Forums properly
moot and snacks have been on shows, not mainstream shows though
>Sup Forums is where the right has the most intellectual momentum
What are some movies about little crying libcuck bitches making off topic threads because they lost the election and have no power for 8 years and everyone ridicules them in all spaces?
being flung toiletward counts as having momentum
>B-b-b-b-but it was HER TURN!!!
u mad drumpfcuck?
>Sup Forums is where the right has the most intellectual momentum
Why would I be mad when my presidential candidate won and is president? Just making an observation about bitter impotent libcucks. 8 years.
>8 years for the most disliked president in us history
Unless he's running against shillary again, I wouldn't count on that
if OP pays to watch Michael Malice, he's probably not a libcuck.
Oh yeah? Are all of the illegals in California going to win you the vote that doesn't matter again?
I woke up this morning and I had a terrible revelation.
Hillary Clinton is NOT president! Isn't that horrible?
Wow, drumpf truly btfo
He won Florida and Pennsylvania by very very slim margins as well. And this was against the most hated Democrat in American history.
>the most hated Democrat in American history
Not the tune I was hearing 8 months ago. Why do libcucks lie and twist truths when they're losing?
>Democrats want your kids, ages 3 to 7, to watch this.
yes. Michael Malice knows about Sup Forums. he's writing a book about the New Right/Alt Right/Trump movement. he had to look at Sup Forums to do research.
This thing uses the bathroom with your daughter.
Yes, it very much has been the tune. It's been that way ever since the Democratic convention when Sanders voters were booing her. Are you stupid?
deal with it leftoid
> 120,000 votes
> 45,000 votes
> very very very slim margins
Oh... dear... god.
Please help us lord.
>It's been that way ever since the Democratic convention when Sanders voters were booing her.
That was 10 people. The whole crowd had I'm with her signs. A piece of advice - telling all the women and shitskins your party needs that the next election is in the bag isn't a great strategy. It did not work for Hillary.
Yes, those are very very slim margins. He won Florida by 2% and won Pennsylvania by 1%. Not to mention the fact that he won Michigan by .3%. And this was against one of the most hated politicians in America.
lol thats why she won the popular vote, right? shut up drumpf cuck. He will lost when he goes up for re-election and your tears will taste like saltcubes
Why aren't several states cooperating with voter fraud investigators?
Michigan and Pennsylvania recounted already, because the margin was so slim.
>He will lost
That's what you said the first time though. What happened?
No you don't understand, Florida may be full of old people and Cubans fleeing communist hellholes but it's but it's not a RED STATE. Disney land is there it can't be a backwater redneck populace like TEXAS.
>le epic switcharoo
That's not what I ask leftoid.
It's a swing state, and it was literally red, and Trump is literally president. Democrats still don't even have someone to run against him. Imagine the libcuck despair a second time.
That's what you said 9 months ago you butthurt faggot. Even if he does lose, he would've already appointed enough supreme justices to last us three decades
Bootleg Chris Pratt
>It voted for Hillary.
Boy, that propaganda music video and video clip from a media channel that was confirmed to be working with her sure is proof that people actually liked Hillary! Seriously, how retarded do you have to be that people like Hillary fucking Clinton. Do you actually follow politics? The South park "giant douche vs turd sandwich" bit was brought up regularly in reference to the election because of how disliked both candidates were.
I am an le epic centrist too with no concrete beliefs and I dont trust anyone!! I will sit here and not vote!
> He will lost
What third-world shithole are you from, subhuman?
Who switched anything other than you, retard? Why are you trying to change the subject from those states that I mentioned? Voter fraud didn't take place there and the recounts confirm it.
>I get my political standings from jew cartoons
typical left leaning parasite.
Well, I sure hope you guys will change your strategy then, because you still need to win the electoral vote, not the popular vote even in 2020.
The state of libcucks.
>Trying to debate with leftists.
That post had nothing to do with "getting my political leanings" from anywhere you illiterate moron. It was just alluding to the fact that people frequently mentioned the shitty south park episode when talking about Clinton vs Trump. Neither candidate was popular, and trying to suggest otherwise is historical revisionism at its finest.
>implying I didn't barge into the conversation halfway through
It's not a debate now that Trump is president. We're just making them squirm.
>Why would I be mad when my presidential candidate won and is president?
Because he's objectively the worst president ever and is fucking up even by the standards he set out during his campaign? Or are you doing that kindergarten thing where you plug your ears and shout so you don't have to hear how wrong you are?
> 2020
> Trump wins wider margins everywhere
Lol, they are already taking care of Democrat vote fraud, by 2020 the lefty fraud will be minimal.
Theyalready figured out Trump would have won Rhode Island and New Hampshire if it wasn't for fraud.
No more illegas, dead people and busloads of fag voting multiple time next election. It'seems over. With MSM narrative falling apart and no fraud the left is about to realize America is still America. That's what they get for being so greedy and cheating so much. Sorry, but USA is not going 3rd world yet.
ancap isn't centrist. it's NO STATE
people are generally good and we create a prosperous society when we don't give any organization the right to initiate aggressive force.
you own yourself, you own your property. you have the right to protect it. everybody else has the same rights. they'll probably shoot you if you try to take it from them. [PEACE AND PROSPERITY INTENSIFIES]
>trump isn't popular, the electric jew told me so
>literally every woman in the united states shilling for her
Please, just fucking stop. Stop fucking lying.
Trump is doing some really wonderful things that will help even the liberals in this country.
There's no doubt that something like Kate's Law will help this nation. The travel ban is also a good thing as it sends a clear message to the Islamic world. Punishing sanctuary cities is also a great thing as those places are also sanctuaries to many illegal immigrant criminals.
These are all positive things that will greatly benefit the health of our nation. You can't deny it.
People literally didn't like her you fucking imbecile. You can search "least popular presidential candidates" on Google and you'll hundreds of results about how poorly regarded both Trump and Clinton were.
is that according to polls?
Hillary Clinton wanted to open our border to Mexico. Can you imagine something so horrible? Have you ever been to Mexico? I have and it's one of the worst places on Earth. There's a reason why so many people flee that country. If America gets swamped with Mexicans out quality of life and prosperity will be destroyed. There's no denying that truth.
Mass deportations will be great for America. The wall will actually help both countries. The wall will really help Mexico by doing two things. Hurting the drug cartels and forcing Mexico to build an actual economy based on it's own merits. Finally Mexico will become a real nation.
Trump is already turning out to be a greater president than Ronald Reagan.
>literally every woman in the united states shilling for her
>you can Jewgle the new post election polls that show Hillary was a mistake and no one really liked her, we will win the next election.
T h e s t a t e o f l i b c u c k s
> objectively the worst president ever
How so?
>thread about the 6-head brooklyn faggot mod that keeps Sup Forums a shit hole so he can shill and put it on his resume as a social media cockgobbler
>50 posts, 15 posters
>some particular giant forehead ass faggot makes the thread about trump and gets Sup Forums and native Sup Forums to argue about that instead of how much of a gigantic political baiting faggot he is
Fuck you manlet.
The second amendment was created specifically to shoot at the government. Fuck you for not supporting that shooting.
Someone finally goes on a shooting spree targeting exactly who they are supposed to (the powerful) and the right throws a shitfit. Figures.
In the USA this should be considered a danger inherent in the job of a high level public servant.
Yes. That only makes it worse, because even with polls designed to make Hillary look good, her disapproval rate was still historically high.
Every single link is from before the election. I really don't know how stupid you have to be to think people actually like Hillary fucking Clinton
wow that's really cool you fucking nerd
Hillary Clinton was one of the most evil human beings to ever hold high office. The woman had her heart set on starting WW3. She even had the aid of President Obama, who was setting things up so it could happen as soon as she took office.
Oh, and surprise, surprise, they both invested heavily in military stocks right before the election, believing those stocks would skyrocket at the start of the war. Profiting from the death of millions? Possibly billions? These are some quality human beings.
So if you voted for Trump you actually helped save millions of lives. You are a hero.
Salty. Butt hurt. Completely BTFO.
By any standard other than r/The_Donald, Trump generals on Sup Forums, and infowars/Breitbart shill rags. Maybe do some research outside of your echochamber sometime.
>inb4 he pretends to be indifferent to trump and "just wants his question answered"
image being this much of a dork lmao
You got any real sources bud? I ain't giving traffic to jew owned mudrackers.
So should I download the episode?
>ummm actually if you don't support deep state puppet A or deep state puppet B you're not doing your part
Fuck off. There are more than 2 parties. If you want to support the deep state dictatorship, keep voting for the deep state puppet 2, the less mainstream deep state puppet.
>Yes. That only makes it worse, because even with polls designed to make Hillary look good, her disapproval rate was still historically high.
I was asking about the polls that say Trump is unpopular.
Democrats are truly the enemy of all that is good and righteous in the world.
They want your little boys to become little girls. They want disgusting tranny monsters to use the restroom with your daughter. They want everyone to be bisexual or gay. They want to open our borders to Mexico and let dangerous Muslims flood into our country.
They hate family, they hate gender roles, they hate men, they hate white people, they hate everyone who doesn't agree with them. They encourage violence against everyone who doesn't follow their lead. These people are absolute maniacs.
>those sources
This is one of the most retarded things i have ever read.
lmaoing @ these 50 year old fagtrons with their rightwing copypasta shilling ahahaha
Thanks brah, MAGA. I hope we get to see the bitch hang for High Treason one day
what is with this reddit formatting?
>She cries alone every night.
And that's when I knew, once and for all, that there truly was a just God ruling the universe. Praise Him.
>native Sup Forums
Trump is illuminating the fact that America needs to secede into smaller countries.
the more Trump makes the left lose its mind, the more demand there will be from both sides to split the country apart.
then we keep seceding until every person governs only themselves.
All true. Wtf is wrong with them?
When will burgershits realize that social values are a false flag mind op? It doesn't really matter who shits in which restroom. What really matters is economy and foreign policy. Those are things both of your parties agree on, burgershits. Real issues are controlled by deep state, fake issues are used to create the illusion of democracy.
>that image
Jesus Christ. Libcucks are finished.
They have embraced every form of degeneracy.
Are you denying that the spirit of the 2nd is to kill politicians and their lackeys?
>Losing an election rigged in your favor.
So you can't give me an answer on why he's "objectively the worst president ever?"
My dream is to have my own cabin, grow my own produce, well my own water, and raise my own livestock/wild game. Love this timeline
I wonder what happened to Huma?
Does she and Hillary still share a bed?
if you're already subscribed, you should watch every episode because Michael Malice rules.
also East Side Dave Show. ESD is a genius.
if you don't already pay for it, I wouldn't exactly recommend it unless you are into right wing stuff, and you listen to lots of podcasts every week. I listen to several hours of podcasts every night.