>Decide to rewatch Inglorious Bastards after not watching it since 2009.
>The majority of the Nazis are actually decent people while the resistance is full of violent fucks.
Is this what Quentin Tarantino had in mind or what?
>Decide to rewatch Inglorious Bastards after not watching it since 2009.
>The majority of the Nazis are actually decent people while the resistance is full of violent fucks.
Is this what Quentin Tarantino had in mind or what?
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I bet kikes jerk off to this movie.
Easily. Just look at Shoshanna, she's a bitch to Zoller who is only but kind to her. She has her reasons, especially when she knows exactly who he is. Any other writer would have let her live and not shot to pieces while crying on the ground.
The film knows what it is. A war piece exploitation where every character is a piece of shit. The cinema exploding and all the talk about old movies is a sign.
I think he was going for a "there are no heroes in war" kind of thing.
>v-violence is b-bad
Found the liberal snowflake.
>It's okay to kill a prisoner because something he has no knowledge about is happening
>they smile and are very professional with each other, so this means they are morally superior
I bet you think women in customer service like you and want to fuck you.
The dialogue where Hans Landa speaks with the French farmer, trying to obtain info on whether he's sheltering Jews (which he was), he talks about how Germans think of themselves as the HAWK (cunning, brave)...while they see Jews as RATS (repulsive, disgusting). This analogy was used the NAZI propaganda movie "Jew süss". They depicted Jews as RATS...or at least used that imagery to portray them as such.
("Süss the Jew") is a 1940 Nazi propaganda film produced by Terra Filmkunst at the behest of Joseph Goebbels, and considered one of the most antisemitic films of all time. The movie was directed by Veit Harlan, who wrote the screenplay with Eberhard Wolfgang Möller and Ludwig Metzger. The leading roles were played by Ferdinand Marian and Harlan's wife Kristina Söderbaum;
Veit Harlan, the director is Jan Harlan and Christiana Harlan's Uncle. Christiana was Stanley Kubrick's wife and Jan was his brother in law. I think we know why Kubrick said "Hitler was right about almost everything".
This was QTs endgame. Jews are sick people
Kubrick was a jew user
>decent people
>machine gun a family in the basement
He was a self-hating jew tho
YES HE WAS....but Stanley was a self-hating Jew. While he hides Kabalistic and Masonic elements throughout his films...Stanley was disgusted by Jewish tribalism and Supremacy. He was disgusted in all of humanity; abusing each other, warring with each other and manipulating each other.
Those Nazis are decent people as long as you forget that they're... Nazis.
The real-life Nazis liked to imagine "we're decent, civilized people but unfortunately we have to do these nasty things for a greater good". Example: Himmler's Posen speeches.
But the system they participated in was murderous. As is every large state, but their state was one of the more murderous in history.
>you need a valid reason to kill someone
t. liberal snowflake
It's an exploitation movie. The success of the film rests entirely on the audience's familiarity with the subject matter, in this case WW2. Seeing Jews kick nazi ass only works if you're knowledgeable of European WW2 history.
But anyway, it's not like any of the German characters were "decent" people as you're suggesting. The few fleshed out German characters were sociopaths: Brühl's and Waltz's characters, namely.
That they are still human? Yeah
He wasn't a self-hating Jew, he was just an ethnically Jewish dude who didn't identify culturally as Jewish.
I think it was very intentional. And I think it's something a lot of people miss on first viewing. It's probably only for the little bit of subversion like that I end up enjoying Tarantino films at all.
Zoller wasn't a piece of shit, he'd actually be the protagonist if this film came out right after Casablanca.
>it's totally kill prisoners of war as long as they're blonde-haired and blue-eyed
those men worked for Hans Landa, who was the film's villain and also betrayed the Nazi Party.
Being a little bit critical of your people doesn't mean you hate yourself. The self hating Jew meme is a kike tool used to silence Jews who aren't total sociopaths.
>Completely forgets about everything else and just goes for the beginning.
Are we going to forget about the old Nazi officer who was awarded a medal for bravery while the Bear Jew just assumes he got it for killing Jews? Stands his ground and refuses to sell out his compatriots. Doesn't even shit himself when the bat touches his forehead. All the while the Bear Jew makes a show out of it, taking pleasure and beating the man to death, make him look like a literal sociopath while everyone around him claps?
I didn't like his entitled attitude toward Shoshanna when he bust the door in on her. He even says something along the lines of "there are hundreds dead that can attest to that."
ow the edge
>war hero who loves a girl who rejects his advances SO FAR acts slightly aggressive
Most women are turned on by that, they like to play the cat and mouse game.
>there are hundreds of dead
And there were, his film was propaganda but his deeds were real.
He was not betraying the nazi party when he carried out those orders.
You could say the same thing for most humanist ideologues. The (((Bolsheviks))) thought that what they were doing was right for humanity, yet they ended killing more people than the Nazis. Funny how we don't get feature length films about what the Bolsheviks did to much of Eastern Europe, except when it's some Marxist indie wankfest.
The point of this scene was to shock viewers. I'd say it has succeeded given your reaction.
Are you autistic and missed the point I'm making? I said I don't like Zoller because he's an asshole and give you points. Now you're defending those points like a retard. Fuck off.
No. That scene showed me that the Nazi officer was a better man than the Bear Jew. I already know you're probably gonna respond with
>better man
>probably killed a bunch of Jews
Ya zoller was nice til he didn't get what he wanted and then he was looking ready to rape her. So if you wanna pretend like he was a good guy go ahead but you will look retarded.
You seem to know the course of the argument, so why don't you say the conclusion? It showed people at war defending what they have however they can.
Whether it's positions or pride or anything. I don't really know why you have to argue this.
Maybe better in some ways and more civil but killing anyone outside of self defense or capital punishment is pretty low on the honor charts.
The movie invites us to condemn Nazis watching the premiere of a movie of their sniper slaughtering GIs, then serves up such ultraviolence to make it clear we are in no way morally superior.
>"Inglourious Basterds"
>the main characters aren't really nice
yeah pretty much
There's a slight difference between killing people because you think that the ends justify the means and an ideology where killing people is pretty much the central pillar. Nazism is built on eradicating everyone that either disagrees with them or doesn't fit into their concept of racial purity. Communism isn't.
Oh wow such kino
Robocop, Funny Game and Unforgiven did it better though
Having nice uniforms and being polite doesn't change the fact they're nazis.
Wow it really is just like debating Nazis on the internet
>Haha every Nazi was LITERALLY a blood-thirsty, comic book villain!
When will this meme end?
Did you forget the entire purpose of their squad? They weren't there to achieve any important military goals or to strategically take out important members of the German army. Their entire goal was to roam around behind enemy lines and make the Nazis afraid of them. So of course you would pick the most crazy, violent and sociopathic people you could find for that job.
>if we just calmly and civilly explain why non-whites are subhuman, then you HAVE to let us exterminate them! Wait, stop fighting back against us! This is why Trump won!!
If they weren't, why were they Nazis? Checkmate!
Lol. Commie apologists make me chuckle.
>Ignores everything that has been said.
Wow it really is just like debating Liberals on the internet.
Most people who saw the film, especially first timers, didn't really pay attention to that little bit.
>Bear Jew just assumes he got it for killing Jews
I don't see anything wrong with it. That is how most Jews view WWII, as the ultimate tragedy of the Jews and how anything to do with WWII also has to do with Jews. This is why Jews try to downplay the contribution of the Soviets in WWII because the sheer scale of the suffering of Russians, Belarussians, Ukrainians, etc., doesn't fit in with the narrative of "Jews suffered the most in WWII"
>He actually believes that every individual who had a Nazi uniform on, even the recruits, were bloodthirsty sociopaths who couldn't wait to exterminate Jews.
>He actually thinks every Nazi, including those in the front lines were just roaming about killing Jews, Commies, and fags.
It's almost like most of the Jew killing was done by the higher ups or specific branches or something. American education truly amazes me.
>We MUST exterminate all Nazis because they want to exterminate non-whites
Nazi see, Nazi do.
Cut Zoller some slack. He had no idea Shoshana was with the black dude or her plan to kill everyone. He was angered that things weren't working out despite him going to the distance to win her affection,even willing to bother top officials.
It's exactly in the same way in which The Wolf Of Wall Street was supposed to be seen.
It eventually breaks your train of thought based off preconceptions and makes you ask.. 'is this really ok?'
He could have been a jew killer, a courageous jew killer with medals.
Bear Jew is a violent and edgy character, he hates nazis in general, he doesn't care about that particular german being a jew killer or not
It's sad that a fucking Tarantino film of all things was 2deep for some retards.
>Attempting rape is ok if he's a Nazi
RIP Uncle Adolf
the entire MP40 magazine was a bit much
The Bear Jew did nothing wrong!
So are war crimes acceptable to Murricans if its done to the enemy?
Seems the goys will cry "Muh Holocaust" but laugh at Russians raping Germans as they counter pushed into Berlin.
of course, history is written by the victors
poor nazis they did nazi it coming! ;n;
vae victus
Of course. Germans getting raped by Russians is hilarious!
The united states is a more murderous states in the past and basically genocided the native americans. We had concentration camps called reservations, gassed them with smallpox blankets, and just plain rolled in the cavalry on villages killing men women and children. Hell even our president Jackson bragged about the scalps he has personally collected of the sub human "savages" that he hung them on the white house wall. Yet we were the civilized ones.
>still believing in small pox blankets
Most goys don't even know about that. The Jews tried to cover up all involvement of Russians in WWII aside from Stalingrad because the battle was world famous
>small pox blankets
lets say for a minute im wrong. do you deny the native american genocide? because i don't see to many redskins around here...
>Nazism is built on eradicating everyone that either disagrees with them or doesn't fit into their concept of racial purity. Communism isn't.
It isn't and that's exactly why i think communism is so dangerous, it seems innocent on the surface but when put into practice created literal hell on Earth for the countries who tried it.
What? We hate those Ruskie commies just as much as we hate Nazis.
I'm not here to argue in favor of communism. I don't give a crap. I'm just saying that Communism and Nazism aren't similar at all, and that there is a very obvious reasons why Nazis are considered more evil than Communists.
(Hint: It's because the Nazis ideology is literally "Let's kill all the Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Blacks, Gays, Socialists, Retards, etc.")
>le commies are jews
>jews tried to cover up all involvement of commies jews in WWII
Really make you think
Stalin fucking hated Jews, you idiot. The Jews tried to control the story of WWII, 30 mill Soviets died but Jews didn't like it since it overshadows their deaths and they didn't even do any fighting aside from "muh Warsaw Gheeto"
The movie is sort of satirizing the genre of WW2 porn.
In the movie, when you see Hitler laughing like a hyena at the deaths of American soldiers, you're supposed to be seeing yourself. He is, after all, literally in a theater.
The idea is that you shouldn't really be orgasming over the mass murder of human beings, no matter who they are.
>ten years have passed and people still don't understand that this movie is an indictment of violent revenge
seriously have you guys ever read a book?
Funny Games is awful. Haneke is the worst kind of vapid garbage.
>people acting as if Tarantino is clever enough to do something like that
You sound like a literal retard. It isn't all that clever even. If you don't understand the sequence filmed at the movie theater then you are seriously just very dim or you don't at all have the capacity for interacting with art in any way beyond the purely superficial.
I don't even think Tarantino is good (outside of Jackie Brown any way) but it's rather obvious what his intention with the film was.
I'd be a nazi of only to wear a uniform. SS outfits were boss as fuck.
In fact, they were Hugo Boss as fuck.
But Nazism was built on the premise that the ends justify the means. Just because you may not agree with their worldview, doesnt mean that they didn't believe what they were doing was for the long-term survival and flourishment of Germanic race.
This is a pretty cool post, user. It's just like QT to have a specific propaganda film in mind for that line.