Now that RLM has attacked the sacred cow, will it allow others to come out an speak the truth, that this movie is dull as fuck?
Amazing set design and special effect doesn't save the entire movie, you know.
Now that RLM has attacked the sacred cow, will it allow others to come out an speak the truth, that this movie is dull as fuck?
Amazing set design and special effect doesn't save the entire movie, you know.
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You're right, this scene saved the movie.
Also quit being a contrarian faggot.
You can't be a contrarian from a single opinion
It really was a neat movie, but I still think they really wasted the potential with the slow pacing. It's like they were going for noir, but they forgot that noir movies generally have stories in them with more than one plot point.
I read the book. I don't remember it being so unengaging.
But maybe I'm just not remembering it correctly.
It's pretty good, the only problem is harrison ford is a fucking drip
>listening to RLM
Go post this to r/movies. You can get the upvotes from people who need plebs on YouTube to tell them what to think
Anyone else looking forward to the 4k disc?
movies don't have to have compelling stories to be good, they don't even have to have stories at all. art direction and soundtrack are what make blade runner good.
Its a really good movie the only problem with it is a bunch of dumb faggots don't like it.
Honestly had to watch it three times to actually enjoy it, now I love it. A lot of people have had the same experience.
I wish they'd put out a 4k disc of the director's cut, it's a little better imo
I think hd is the best we're gonna get with all non-Final Cut versions of the film.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is 10 times more kino .
narrative is a non-essential component of film. its main purpose is to make it possible for people with short attention spans to be able to sit through feature length films.
I think Blade Runner told very little via dialogue and very much with its visuals. Which is what movies should be about. If you want conventional storytelling go read a book, but movies can actually show things instead of having to explain them by language. No other movie makes me feel like Im witnessing another world quite like Blade Runner, which is why I love the movie so much. Also, in contrast to virtually all other Hollywood movies its got a villain with an interesting motive. He just wants to live.
kill yourself
take your adhd meds, timmy.
Yes you can
>y-youre too stupid for blade runner!
attention span and intelligence aren't the same thing.
Or your name is jay bauman. Same thing, really.
"movies don't need a compelling narrative just pretty vistas"
Go back to film school fag.
stopped reading there. they have awful taste.
fucking this
movies might be made up of lets say 5 different dimensions but you don't have to go full memes into every dimension to make a good movie
RLM is for flyover country plebs. They do not understand anything more complicated than an early Steven Spielberg movie.
Visuals are non-essential components of film. Their only purpose is to give potheads something to stare at while sitting around for two hours.
not having a story is a valid criticism, just as much as any flaws with the setting, art direction, costume design, acting, script, cinematography or music is
visuals are literally the only essential component of film.
Jay is the same tool that loved trash like TFA is it any wonder he didn't like Blade Runner. I wonder if he liked Space Cop better as well. Disney whores!
they aren't the only essential component of good films though.
RLM are narrow minded plebs. it's sad people actually take their opinions seriously.
Sup Forums isn't?
>Stan Brakhage isn't good
>Dziga Vertov isn't good
I generally enjoy RLM but disagree with Jay a lot on this one. Colin seemed more interested in having a yuk with his friends than actually putting effort into defending a movie he likes.
I rewatched Blade Runner today since the review got me thinking about it and I really don't understand how you can get bored. Like the scene where Deckard goes through the Bradbury - in the review that scene is singled out as boring and plodding but I always thought it was one of the most gripping in the entire movie since you know Deckard and Pris are going to collide any second.
No you can't
Boring isn't even a fucking valid complaint anyway. they also don't even mention the soundtrack.
Jay has always been a contrarian with no actual understanding of film. this video is just further evidence.
Nigga, blade runner isn't the biggest "sacred cow" movie of science fiction, 2001 is, and also happens to be far more overrated then blade runner
>>Stan Brakhage isn't good
isn't this the guy whose movies are like 5 minutes long?
they are. a good film can have things going for it other than visuals, but those things aren't essential in order for it to be good.
are good visuals a necessary condition or merely a sufficient one?
the movie sucks ass, the acting sucks, the dialogue sucks, the philosophical concepts are literally preschool tier (hurdur robots are humans too!), all thecharacters are annoying and unlikable
Movie is kinda boring. Bought it because I wanted too see what the movie was about since part 2 is coming out.
Needing a story to keep you engaged is literally a sign of low intelligence.
t. pleb
I'm glad someone shit on this movie and Scott. I've never seen it criticized anywhere on the internet.
feeling more engaged without a story puts you on the level of literal 1 year olds
Spending hours at a time looking at pretty pictures and thinking that makes you smart is literally a sign of mental retardation.
visuals are a necessary component of film, and good visuals are sufficient for a film to be good.
lmfao blade runner is literally pleb material. it's literally the equivalent of a zach snyder film in the 80s where the director thinks he watched some tarkosvsky and can be like him.
>paintings are bad because they don't have plots
Don't worry, there are tons of nice bedtime stories for you guys to watch.
Meanwhile the adults will be enjoying actual art.
>not having a story is a valid criticism
no it isn't, but having a bad story when your film is attempting to be narrative driven is
lol blade runner is pure accident in kino. this is why i will never shill for it because none of it was intentional
I honestly fell asleep during it
i thought this topic was about blade runner, which does have a story, and its a steaming pile of shit.
am i supposed to ignore that because its inconvenient?
Wow that image has no story, its just a pretty picture. It fucking sucks.
The videogame is better than the movie
I didn't want any words to get in the way of all the mensa members in this thread
fact is most people here these days are redditors who watch red letter media for opinions and fight over which capeshit flick is the the best with no understanding of art.
You're supposed to watch movies that are more tailored towards your room temperature IQ
I saw the directors cut when I was 14 and loved it.
But RLM is entry level as fuck. They're in their late 30s with the movie taste of middle schoolers.
blade runner has a story though. regardless of whether or not you believe having a story is necessary for a good film, it is perfectly fair to judge the merits of a story when it exists in a film.
so did you just not have an answer?
And the story is good. it can be bad if you take it at surface level. but there are so many layers and different meanings there that get no appreciation.
lay one of the good layers out for us
I feel like the tech in blade runner isn't even far anymore, like it's literally 30 years away
>spoonfeed me
simple google search can help you
Regardless of technology, I can't envision a world where things are that stylish and interesting.
Now if the buildings were all from the 1970s and everyone was wearing t-shirts and sweat pants...
it would mean the director failed in what he set out to do but it wouldn't necessarily make it a bad movie. in order for it to ruin the movie the story would have to be more than just unengaging like in blade runner, it would have to be so bad that it overshadowed every other aspect of the movie.
>overshadowed every other aspect of the movie.
And maybe I think it did.
okay but most people won't believe you and will just think you're an exaggerating contrarian.
And most people will think you're a self-absorbed autist, so I guess we're both on the same sinking boat.
don't exaggerate and be contrarian if you don't want to be seen as an exaggerating contrarian. blade runner's story is at worst just vaguely uninteresting.
And "story is literally meaningless, only visuals matter, and being bored by a poor narrative just means you're stupid" isn't being an exaggerating contrarian and a self-absorbed autist?
I know it's pretty dark with your head up your own ass, but the sun is out and it's time to wake up.
jay is treading the right path, once he realizes nobody gives a fuck about deckard and the main character of the movie truly is roy batty he'll finally get it
I got the opportunity to watch this movie recently in the cinema and let me tell you, what a fantastic atmosphere, this movie is 33% vangelis 33% practical effects and 33% rutger hauer and it's perfect for what it is
>And "story is literally meaningless
straw man. it's just not essential.
>and being bored by a poor narrative just means you're stupid"
straw man. intelligence isn't the same as attention span.
but paintings typically try to convey emotions, ideas and in contrast to your statement many even display small stories.
movies do all the above over an extended period, and given the linear fashion in which we process events the unfolding images, dialogue, and/or sound we are exposed to while watching a movie typically creates a narrative of ideas and/or emotion. Criticizing the experience one derives from the "narrative" a movie creates is totally legitimate and a lack of plot or dialogue still does not make a movie immune to such criticism (as much as lots of lazy "artsy" directors would love to believe).
tl;dr you are wrong
saying it lacks a narrative isn't a valid criticism but no one is claiming you can't criticise the narrative if there is one. there's absolutely nothing wrong with criticising the narrative but the quality of the movie doesn't hinge on how interesting the story is. it's sort of like saying "this movie has a boring soundtrack so it's a bad movie.".
>Jay and his boyfriend speak the truths about Blade Runner
>30 year old virgins have a mental breakdown
based RLM
Yes it was good and almost worth the previous hour or boredom and grittiness I had to endure. I just wish the whole movie had been like that.
> it's sort of like saying "this movie has a boring soundtrack so it's a bad movie."
No its not at all.
You experience your life as a narrative from one series of events, thoughts and emotions to the next, the same applies to movies. Narrative isn't just another concept for movies along with lighting, soundtrack etc. It literally IS the movie, Soundtrack, visuals and all the rest create the narrative. A movie will always have a narrative regardless of whether or not its scripted, plot orientated or has dialogue, how well a movies narrative can be described in words is another story, lots of art house movies for example lack a scripted story and instead lead the viewer through a non-linear series of feelings and emotions that are subjective and harder to detail then typical Hollywood movies, but there's still a narrative that one experiences.
In the case of blade runner the narrative of the movie was literally built around a scripted story so criticism of the plot is more then legitimate given that it had a significant influence on how one experienced the moving pictures and sounds that constituted Blade Runner from start to end.
art direction was good but I wish the interiors hadn't been so ugly, dark, dirty and overall unbearable to watch.
Sacred cow? Where have you been? The film was critically panned on release, and is mostly appreciated for its visuals and atmosphere over the average story
>You experience your life as a narrative from one series of events, thoughts and emotions to the next, the same applies to movies.
>A movie will always have a narrative regardless of whether or not its scripted, plot orientated or has dialogue
not necessarily. it's pretty hard to make a movie with no narrative elements at all. like was already pointed out, even a single image can have a narrative, but in order for the movie as a whole to have a narrative, it needs to be one that's overarching. you can have a collection of scenes all with their own narratives but unless they're connected in some way then the movie doesn't really have a narrative.
So RLM resorts to clickbait now?
Sad really.
Fags are making controversial videos now that 50% of their fans left after retarded Rogue One, Jurassic World or Independence Day reviews.
Those guys praised Arrival or old Star Trek movies for being slow and boring but Blade Runner sucks because it's slow and boring?
>Arrival and Star Trek
>slow and boring
they might be slow paced but they are definitely not boring, unlike Blade Runner which only has cool special effects for the 80s going for it to not get you distracted 100% of the time.