Emma Watson is basically an amazing actress to have pulled off what she did in Beauty and the Beast. She basically had to interact with nothing but CGI. She was on her own.
Emma Watson is basically an amazing actress to have pulled off what she did in Beauty and the Beast...
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she truly is the best minority actress
She rill purdy tho
That's not how these movies work, they always have a person on set to aid in blocking for characters that aren't there.
I mean, not really. There's somebody there in one of those marked CGI skin suits, so she was acting towards a real human.
But I get what you were trying to say if you weren't retarded
i like french girls
I don't care about her movies or politics, I just want to jerk off to her
On that note, was it ever confirmed that those bathtub webms were her? If not, who were they?
> basically twice
basically, what you have is called an obsession, basically
Do you think she ever broke down and cried like that faggot Ian McKellen?
Oh yes I totally know those suits that are shaped like tiny teapots and candelabra.
>was it ever confirmed
dubs confirm if we ever needed more confirmation
basically we knew within the hour that the tub videos were here
>EXIF data shows her mother's house in England and she was visiting on that date
>moles fit
>freckles fit
>bracelets fit from the same day she was pictured in an airport she had that bracelet in a tub too
basically it's highly unlikely that someone would go through all this trouble to fit a fake nude video of her with the leaks of her non-nude pictures
she likely made the video for her 36 yo bf (who was visiting with her) to get him going a bit because at 36 who knows if he can even get it up anymore
You try being in his position, you unaccomplished pleb.
Wouldn't mind sticking my cock in her pussy if you know what I mean
Nah, she really isn't a good actress. English actors are typically better physical actors, and she's quite stiff. She doesn't have the range of vocal acting American actors do either, so there goes both of the two ways of great acting out the window. I really see her in a new light after her leaks, though. She has a sense of class about her on and off screen, and that's at least good enough for movies. Jeff Goldblum's made a killing off of his persona with no discernible acting skills, so I don't see why she couldn't.
>She doesn't have the range of vocal acting American actors do either,
Oh, please. English actors are better at this than Americans too.
>I have to look at cameras boohoo
fucking thin-skinned faggot. probably never had a real job in his life
They really aren't.
t. Vocal editor
Emma Watson is basically an above average really cute girl who got lucky 17 years ago and has been riding the wave ever since despite not being significantly cuter than any other hollywood it girl with little acting ability.
Even Sofia Copolla couldnt make her shine.
>36 yo bf
TBF, if she's mature or he's immature then it probably just werks.
Before it became a stigma to millennials, our grandparents were marrying 10-15 years older for men.
>Jeff Goldblum's made a killing off of his persona with no discernible acting skills
I takes a lot of skill to act your own persona in front of cameras as a movie character. Not as much skill as acting with range, but a lot of skill nonetheless. You have to be able to act natural with a bunch of cameras pointing at you, while saying things that someone else wrote.
That's just being a good liar. A ton of people are good liars.
yes because then marriage was nothing more than an economic arrangment merging the wealth of two families... it's literally the basis of all the economic systems in history before like 200 years ago, and that behavior stayed even tho those systems have gone
the reason why a family would give their female child to a 15 year older man is because that man is a better shot than a man of the same age, in the economic terms (because women didn't work and even if they did it was some placebo job that couldn't support them on their on so they were heavily dependent on the financial support of a man)
contrast this with today where women work, and this particular woman that is worth ~ 100 mil or something, this behavior of marrying older men makes literally zero sense, unless you're into floppy dicks that get up once a week
You mean they were given less choice and were happier on average because of it, which is just human nature. Too much choice is a pain.
Her being worth so much and constantly being around very mature men her entire life makes sense for her, though. Why wouldn't she want a guy that's old enough to really know what he wants out of life? She's not exactly a spring chicken herself, closing in on 30. You can't judge that. Trying to play make-believe that you're just magically only going to get along with people within 2-3 years of yourself after the age of 20 is an immature ideal.
>That's just being a good liar. A ton of people are good liars.
Yeah, but are they good liars on camera while saying things other people wrote? Also keep in mind that film actors have maintain continuity while possibly shooting parts of the same scene on different days, they have to deal with rewrites, they have to be able to play to the camera while not giving the audience any reason to believe that the camera is there... etc. There's a lot that goes into it.
>You mean they were given less choice and were happier on average because of it, which is just human nature. Too much choice is a pain.
What the fuck does this even mean.
That dude she's dating is... well he's already looking like an old man.
He's a great speaker and he's charming, but you're putting in the things that can stress actors out. He's not really an actor, he's more of a face and a character. And what I mean by that, because I'm bad with words, is that he quite literally memorizes the lines (which IS a skill and takes a ton of practice and rereads), and just says them. He doesn't "get in the character's heads" so to speak, he just is the character and he works off of the other actors to make lying easier, which just comes naturally to some people - it certainly does me. He's just far more charming than most people about it, which even makes it good to those that see through the farce.
Are you gonna link me the god delusion next while you continue to project qualities on an actress you've never met you pseudo intellectual tool.
Considering the two aren't related, no.
Belle will forever look like shit because as a feminist Emma Watson refused to wear a corset, She didn't even want the dress to look too fancy, because her Belle was going to be a proactive princess. She also refused to have her hair styled up fancy or have sexy makeup added to her face.
She also wanted her Belle to wear manly brown boots with socks instead of black flats as the animated Belle wears so she could stomp around the set in manly "Ima kick your ass if you look at me the wrong way" boots. Fuck that bitch.
Disney's Belle is supposed to be 17 yet in some scenes this bitch looked dang near 35.
>forgot pic
>Image very related.
She looks like an angry 45 year old mom in a family of 7+ there. Jesus.
did anyone watch the circle ??
im 5 mins in and it;s sooo bad...
ITT: b8ing of all kinds but nothing else but b8ing
>3 years of SS+GOMAD
nobody is forcing you to watch the shitty disney version. you could watch the b/w original or if you want luscious cleavage, why not check out christophe gans' 2014 version with lea seydoux as belle?
She really did a great job I just watched it again. I honestly enjoy it a lot one of my favs this yeae so far easily. Entire thread memeing she's bad likely.
She's a delusional feminist with imaginary enemies, It's natural to her to act
thats a big boy
>does something slightly uncommon for the average actress
>thinks to herself
>WOW Emma! You're really pushing the boundaries of the art, you're a true gift to the medium! destined to be a timeless inspiration for those who come after!
>i think i'll make a thread on Sup Forums so everyone there can bask in my luminescence
Thought Watson, Stevens, Evans, Mcgreggor and Kline were all delightful. Evans has a nice voice and so do Kline and Watson.
What was the name of that movie where she was playing that valley girl slut.
Honestly the best film I've seen all year almost by a longshot. This review that talks about a meth trip or something is how I feel.
>valley girl slut
when you have a feminazi play a valley girl slut you get about 15 secs of hot dancing, she doesn't even touch a man that isn't gay in the film, let alone kiss or fuck one
it's called The Bling Ring and if you ever had any respect for Coppola, that film should have killed all of it
The film was good and so was Emma. Belle and the Beast had more char dev and had good chemistry tbqh.