Did high schoolers really look like this in 2002?

Did high schoolers really look like this in 2002?

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It was a different time.

It was a different time.

Now they look like this.

He started out looking younger, but the gruelling tactics Raimi employed in order to get the most out of the cast tended to age people.

>no trans people
Wow I didn't realize the makers of the new spider man were such bigots

>Tony Revolori will portray Flash Thompson in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017).[60]This version is Hispanic due to Revolori's ethnicity and does not bully Peter physically, but rather verbally, being reinvented as a rival of Peter who, described by Revolori, is a "smug rich kid."


>no trans people
Look better, that thing in the middle 100% identifies as non-binary.

>those two jewish kids


>assuming that since you can't tell if someone is trans that must mean there are no trans there
I can't even.

Yep, oestrogen in food and drinks has really ruined society

This is really accurate.

t. new yorker

ikr i mean ugh.....

They did because they were all in their mid-20s.

>Human bondage

Is this real?

Me on the far right

It's not what you think it is, my man

Who's playing Harry?

To be fair, it is New York, which has more Jews than anywhere else in the world except for Israel. Not unrealistic for there to be a lot of Jewish kids in a NY high school.

But do they actually go around like that? Fucking hell, it looks like a parody.

Do jewish people really look like that in America?

All the Jewish kids go to jew schools if they're poor or private school if they're rich. Jews are to smart too be in public high school

Except this is actually what a lot of schools look like. Mine was even more diverse than this. And no one ever threw a shit fit over it. We don't all live in the midwest, user.

I'm glad I'm not an american.

they're orthodox jews.

for being Sup Forumstards, you guys really don't know fucking anything about judaism, but i guess that comes with being 15.


This is before the soy turned all males into twinks

Nope, that's not a normal look for the average jewboy. Grew up in Brooklyn and live on long island, half of our Jews don't look Jewish at all, many I know are Aryan looking. Given that there's so many former Nazis discovered living here secretly, I guess a good number of them assumed a Jewish identity to be safe.

>muh feelings

No, only the orthodox ones.

What if the public school is in a nice area? I went to public school with plenty of Jewish kids in Broward.

For a New York high school, that's a lot of white kids

every time someone posts that pic some idiot makes that post . i mean i'm not surprised most of Sup Forums is retarded with the recent Sup Forumstard & r/thedonald invasion but jesus christ.

I'm a liberal, mate. I just asked because jews in my country look like regular people.

90% of bullying is verbal/social harassment. Physical bullying is over-portrayed in movies and TV.

But go ahead and try to twist this into some political argument about race.

I'm not from Sup Forums, I just think they look retarded and like a parody from old cartoons that today would never be even created.

This is actually really accurate for a NY public school. The only non-diverse schools in big cities are the black ones, which tend to be like 90%+ black because they tend to all live in the same area.

How do you take a 5'6" (officially, he's probably shorter) indio bully seriously?

user, I once made eye contact with the spick at the cash register at 7/11, I think he was planning on stabbing me in the parking lot later and then raping my dog. I got out of there as fast as I could. This country is truly going to shit, we need that border wall up NOW.

Fuck off. Queens, Brooklyn, etc schools are filled with 40% Chinese kids, 40% Arabic kids, 10% Black, 9% Poo in the loo, and 1% White. Any school around NYC is the worst because of it.

>Revolori Revolori give me the formuoli.

>user, I once made eye contact with the spick at the cash register at 7/11, I think he was planning on stabbing me in the parking lot later and then raping my dog.

Holy shit are you this terrified of us?

>Brooklyn is 40% non-hispanic white and 30% non-hispanic black
>But the schools are only 1% white and 10% black

Are the kids all skipping school?

Why are you so butthurt? Are you some dumb inbred kike? That's a goofy fucking look, I bet even Indians would make fun of it.


>a parody from old cartoons

And why do you think those old cartoons portrayed jews like that? Because it's literally how orthodox Jews style their hair. It's like how a devout muslim woman wears a headscarf, or a sikh wearing a turban, or a fundamentalist christian dressing "wholesome" and wearing a cross.

Shit, why do I even bother responding to teenagers on this site.

Someone Photoshop it into "Human Holocaust" instead

You mean public school. New York private schools are still at least 80% white with the rest being Asian/Saudis.

Sup Forumstards in this complaining about a New York public high school in Queens being diverse. You really can't make this shit up. Queens is probably one of the most diverse places in the world, less than half of the people there speak english as their first language.

wew that would piss me off, does everyone act and speak like nogs as well?

Yes. Every last one of us. You know all those people on American tv and in movies, not speaking like black people? All fake, we just don't want the rest of the world to know the truth.

what a nu-male reply

It's a really stupid question, I'm not going to answer it seriously.

Yeah, interacting with them is almost as bad as having to talk to Sup Forumstards like you.

It's a pretty reasonable question actually you fucking autist


He asked if everyone in American high schools talk and act like black people. It's an unbelievably retarded question.

Jesus christ you are actually autistic

>when i was in like yr 7 one kid in yr 12 got shot to death, another died of an asthma attack playing football

i think that aged them all, or matured them, they were way more mature than my cohort

my year 12 was filled with fucking retards

the kids who graduated after are still fucking retards, i cant believe these dipshits have children, theyre children themselves

Most Jews look exactly like whites, which is why Sup Forums makes such a sport of spotting them.

This is accurate for NY, you've probably never left your shitty "Holler"

>Orthodox kikes dont goto Jewish school

This is a reddit beta pretending to know what New York is like. You've probably never stopped seeing reddit betas in every thread because they never leave "Sup Forums".

who is going to portray agent venom? we need a '3 roid gorilla for that.

don't know why you're laughing, those are the school bullies.

>"you are autistic"

Hey man, welcome to Sup Forums. Glad to have you, I think you'll fit in great.

fuck off back to r*ddit cunt

Why'd you censor the word "reddit"?

Spicks are disgusting people. Unless you're from Spain then your family lineage is pretty much degenerative. Spicks are viewed the same as Italians, Irish, and Scottish. Shit bags of the human race. And we never expect them to accomplish anything without our charity.

t. inbred anglo



I'd like to believe the people who think this shit aren't the majority on this site. Am I wrong?

I don't know if they're the majority but they are certainly right. Spics are fucking disgusting and useless subhumans.

Note the use of "we"
It's some pathetic fuck trying to rationalize why he is such a failure.

But blacks tend to skip school, so its still like 10% black

Yes, majority of people believe this here. It's just more fun to make fun of blacks. If you believe caucasians aren't racist then you're rather ignorant. Take a step beyond that and speak to some actual Spanish. Mexican, South American, Guatemalan, etc. You're mutts, mix breeds, etc. You're the bastard offspring of their colonizers. They look down upon you more so than anyone else.

Really? Then why is it we send so much support and aide to those third world countries? Why do you believe so many of those shit stain countries have never amounted to anything? Go ahead and find bullshit excuses. Even India rose from it's ruler ship by England and carried itself. I know, I know, you're going to cherry pick a single place and try to claim Brazil is such a great country! Without understanding the current state of Brazil. Maybe Columbia with all it's drug money instead is your preferred choice?

>being this assblasted after getting called out

Do you live near a city or the west coast? The East Coast (New England) is not very diverse at all, outside of the major cities. Speaking from living there for 20 years. I really like this representation of high school students, mind you.


i dont see no snapbacks here user

West Coast isn't very diverse either outside the main cities. People who live in major cities tend to believe their city is all there is. Very limited experiences with the real world. They conclude what they deal with daily is how the rest of the world is. One of the biggest clues is they believe Americans are the only racist people and they rest of the world loves each other and doesn't care about race/religion/discrimination. A very tiny view point of the world.

don't forget m8, you wuz kangz n shit, that makes up for you being a loser

India is in much worse shape than Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico....hell, even I'd even take Colombia over India. Not Venezuela though.

Are you sure about that? May want to check and get back to us.

See what I mean? It's much easier to make fun of the blacks which is why all the teenagers jump on that bandwagon first.

what are you babbling about you insecure autist?

when i went to high school i literally looked like a 13-14 year old

>tfw i never did get those massive sideburns i dreamed about so i could look like the dude from beverly hills 90210


>You're mutts, mix breeds, etc. You're the bastard offspring of their colonizers.

So what? Mutts and mix-breeds are some of the healthiest, most long-lived type of dog, you know.

Explain to me why being the "offspring of colonizers" means anything at all. Tell me why it isn't a completely arbitrary concept. Is it because people are so fucking insecure in their own bodies that they feel the need to invent ridiculous shit like racial purity in order to make themselves feel better?

Go on, hit me with all the pseudo-scientific bullshit you've got.

You're trying awfully hard.

We need a plague to wipe out the cities across the world.

>if i post these reaction gifs, maybe people will think i'm not upset

If presented with a button that would wipe all spics off the face of the Earth in an instant, the majority of humanity would push it.

>Is it because people are so fucking insecure in their own bodies that they feel the need to invent ridiculous shit like racial purity in order to make themselves feel better?

Pretty much. Spaniards are a bunch of poor losers with huge egos so they will always use arbitrary stuff like that to feel superior.

It's common sense. Not sure why you're having an issue with it. Spanish people do not see mix bloods as Spanish. Mexicans as an example are mixed of Spanish and several tribes of Natives. There's always been a divide between purity and the bastards. No pseudo-scientific involved. Mexican isn't Spanish, nor is it the same culture or society. Hell the language is different also. These are things you should have learned already in school.

Your refusal and avoidance is revealing who is upset. Keep trucking kiddo.

refusal and avoidance of what? I'm just calling you a butthurt loser

Here's a long discussion, one of many if you decide to look into it.


I don't hate them, personally. I just think they sound like faggots.


Hispanic isn't a race

The brown fucker's race is mestizo

I'm sick of these fuckers trying to make hispanic a race


Okay, let's play along. A butthurt loser over what? What exactly was there in the conversation for me to lose too?

You got triggered when someone pointed out you use the accomplishments of "your" people to make up for your lack of accomplishments.

With the defensive gifs your posting to pretend you're not upset, I'd say he was right