How does Sup Forums feel about half-baked political-comedy news...

How does Sup Forums feel about half-baked political-comedy news? It seems to be more of a lefty niche but I hate it both ways (Stewart, Oliver, Noah, but there exists no real mainstream righty equivalent, though it exists with people like Milo). It feeds half-truths and lies through easily digestible bite-sized content. It's usually presented in an overly obnoxious manner, with a veneer of 'haha, the other half is so stupid and I'm so smart'.

At least the Onion delivers the occasional zinger through satirical fiction not propaganda.

hate every single one of them.

I don't like them, but I don't blame them either. It gets them ratings. The left-wingers are so asshurt about Trump they need shit like this to reaffirm that they're the good guys

I really fucks me off when men like Stewart claim their show isn't news yet present it in every way like it is or that people won't consume it in a similar manner.

I don't like them, but I don't blame them either. It gets them ratings. The right-wingers are so asshurt about Obama they need shit like this to reaffirm that they're the good guys

I really fucks me off when men like O'Reilly claim their show isn't news yet present it in every way like it is or that people won't consume it in a similar manner.

Yeah but you have to admit it's retarded when people use the joke points as actual arguments

I know right? It's like "hello we can spot an Alex Jones argument a mile away"

What are they thinking?

O'Reilly claims to be a comedian? He clearly is meant to be taken as news and doesn't have the pretense of JUST JOKING LMAO DONT HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE

Hannity claims to be a news reporter? He clearly is meant to be taken as a comedian and doesn't have the pretense of JUST REPORTING THE NEWS LMAO DONT HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE

Not a news reporter but a news commentator, which is leagues more honest than a political """"comedian"""". Also why would claiming to be a news reporter absolve you of responsibility?

>Comedy has to be honest

Look at this stupid cuck.

>news commentators
What is this I don't even...

Conservatives have been bitching about hip liberal comedy news for 17 years. When are you going to stop crying about the free market?

Not honest as in the tell the truth, but honest about being a biased opinion spouter who can be held responsible.

>Expressing dissatisfaction for a product
>Antithetical to the free market

>Jokes are funny when they are completely arbitrary and have no anchor in reality

But to be fair it's not necessarily truth that makes jokes funny but common belief, which means you're kinda right

>It seems to be more of a lefty niche but I hate it both ways

Its an easy form of comedy since theres fresh material almost every day. Its easily digested, and since liberals refuse to do actual research on "toxic" things like facts and reality, they can watch these shows and get their lels while still considering themselves to be knowledgable on politics.
I wouldnt bother with them, but if they keep the left misinformed and irrational over shit like "scoops", then more power to them.

Yeah, same with The Onion.

Except the onion stays consistently satire

If Colbert was only a satirist instead of a preacher then I still wouldn't like him, but I would respect him


Criticism and boycott are aspects of the free market, ya doofus.