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Television and Film #847
Television and Film
Did everyone see the Wonder Woman prequel?
When are we going to get a Kurt Cobain biopic? No, not the millionth documentary about him, an ACTUAL biopic
ITT: perfect casting decisions
ITT: Movies that Plebbit turned into shit
*clears throat*
Who's the better actor?
Autistic Sup Forums things you do
I never realized it before but in this scene all Miller does is send most of his guys to their deaths while Horvath...
King of the Hill
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Is the era of ghosthunting kino over, Sup Forums?
Post lines that made you want to walk out of the cinema
Couldn't wait for Gotham Season 3 to come to Netflix so I torrented it. What do you guys think of the Gotham series?
Moana (2016)
When will he get a biopic? he's one of the most famous people ever associated with Sup Forums
A Series of Unfortunate Events
China banned all depictions of faggotry in media
ITT: Simpsons jokes you still don't get
Scenes you wish you had not watched with others present
Why is the media pretending like this piece of trash flick is good?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Is there a bigger waste of resources in film and TV than fake nudity? This includes body doubles, CGI nudity...
suddenly new show
Why does this feel more like a "Spider-Man" movie than Homecoming?
Name ONE role he wouldn't be perfect for
Name one film that would not be improved with Wayne Brady in the lead role
ITT: White trash core
Hi, I'm Captain America
The nevernudes of film & TV
Is this kino?
Why'd he do it bros ;_;
What are some good Lovecraftian movies?
He was the hero
What do you think of Black Mirror? It seems that they're realistically predicting how the future will be...
Do you think Spielberg's next movie will be good?
Why is no one hyped for Monkey Kino?
This show was a MASTERPIECE
Why didn't they just take a helicopter up the river?
Parker, you're late man! Always late!
Admit it Sup Forums
Is this scene underrated? I think we should it recognize it as kino
The Lobster
$250 million budget
What's next for his career?
These Lazy Fucks cant even release a review of a huge film on the same weekend its out. FUCK THESE HACKS
Webm thread
Literally fuck white people
Next time baby
I unironically want George Lucas back
How did they get an adaptation so wrong? the creator of warcraft literally wrote a script for duncan jones
Last movie you watched?
Tropes You Like
Who dies at 39 from heart failure?!
What the fuck was his problem
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Aguire, The Wrath of God
Is Ancient Aliens kino?
This movie was deep
What was the point of this scene?
Why are there no funny TV shows anymore?
I unironically use and enjoy Reddit
Would you watch it?
How does Sup Forums feel about clonekino?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Waaaahhhh, beautiful blue shapeshifting mutant women want to have sex with me
What did she mean by this?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Sup Forumss thoughts on this movie?
Post your favorite film and we try to guess your age and personality
Why no twin peaks thread
Why didn't Disney cast her as MJ? A redhead, from the same show, and more talented!
So I just watched Logan yesterday and I couldn't help but notice how it was an allegory for the current situation in...
It was a good movie
In 2016 this is "cinematography"
Watching this right now
I saw this movie 2 days ago and have already forgotten what happened
Sequels, Reboots And Remakes Are Bombing In 2017
Sup Forums hates this movie now
How is this the "Titanic" of Asia? It wasn't that great
"This weeks guests will be Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and John Oliver. Whatever will we talk about?"
/prg/ - Pickle Rick General
Anyone watching?
Is this the greatest video game of all-time?
FTWD Live Gen
What the fuck happened?
How would you have fixed Spider-Man Homecoming?
So I'm watching Star Trek TNG for the first time, I love the show. One question though...
These are the nine most famous directors under 50
Just marathoned all 3 seasons over the weekend. top, top copkino
What /film/ is this from?
Is this the most beautiful image in the history of cinema?
Subtitles are edited in a way, that when the speaker is off screen the dialogue is Italicized
All the SJW propaganda in entertainment now
Mindfuck movies
Where can I find a gf like this
Did they make him TOO sympathetic? I found myself rooting for him, against the church
Why does this movie get so much hate? Is it because there's no filter on the inside of a woman's mind?
White father
Call me a boy again, Peter
I'm not racist but in whose mind this woman is supposed to be irresistible to men and women?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
This is the REAL Peter Parker
Tough Crowd w/ Colin Quinn 2017
Dad walks in
What are your thoughts on the show he's getting on Spike?
What's the general consensus on this guy?
Baby Driver is retarded
Why did they call her 'moaning' myrtle?
Kong... is not the only king
Does anime finally have their game of thrones?
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to TârgoviČ™te a year from now
/got/ general
Thoughts on Fantastic Mr Fox?
Now that the dust has settled, was it white genocide?
Will you be watching the live event of the year?
Is she possibly the cutest detective ever?
TCAP general
It's a Sup Forums goes out in public and runs into a real life celebrity episode
Are Hollywood/China gonna make more cyberpunk movies or did the failure of GitS kill that possibility
Childhood is siding with the mom's Jewish boyfriend and Captain Sisko...
Me on the left
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Jurassic world 2
/DCEU/ thread
Why hasn't a film been made about Catcher in the Rye?
ITT Official LotR recasting Part 2
/who/ - Doctor Who General
The Undateables
So how about that new Spider man movie, eh?
Can someone please explain this scene?
Okay I'm hyped now
Tfw Flash is now a scrawny indian nerd form some reason
Movies you couldn't finish
Shows that were wrongly cancelled
How will this effect Hollywood?
Can somebody explain to me why this movie is considered the weakest out of the original trilogy?
Memes aside, what does Sup Forums think of Christopher Nolan and his movies?
ITT: Describe a movie with an image and we try to guess which movie it is
A communications disruption can mean only one thing
This was pure unadulterated cyberpunk Kino. Better than the Anime even
Literally everybody watched Cartoon Network and Toonami growing up
Summarize the Prequels in a single word
Can someone please explain to me how on Earth can an actress with a shitload of money, great looks and recognition...
Try and post a better movie weapon
ITT offical LotR recasting
When did you realize that Cinemassacre is run by Mike, and James is really just an employee?
I just watched this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is white genocide, this is a jewish plot...
Mischa Barton everybody!
What's your honest opinion of Charlie Chaplin's body of work? =)
What do you think about the romance in Star Trek?
When you realize you're just racist and hate adaptations because black people
Why Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk Is So Short
What is Arnold's best movie?
Would you?
Can we get a Hannibal thread?
Award show reactions thread
Allahu frickin akbar
I recently watched this pile of garbage. What did I think of it???
Who would win in a fight?
What the fuck do you want?
Why didn't he just forcefeed an horse with the ring so it would land somewhere by defecation nobody could find?
Do you notice the difference?
Blind items
Cardassians fight Federation to a standstill
Has an actor/actress ever done or said something to where you've stopped following their work because of it?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Stuckmann general
Are some HDMI cables better than others, or is it a scam?
Why is it doing so badly? Spiderman plus RDJ should be making FAT STACKS
/bb/ Big Brother 19
In my dream last night my favorite movie was something called "Stars 5". It had william H macy, steve buscemi...
I don't even care about the diversity angle, just why HIM? Why is this person Flash Thompson...
*duel of fates starts playing*
Daily reminder
What is the worst sci fi film you have ever seen
Leave destroying Hollywood to us
You get to make ONE more movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime
Are there any Anglo-produced films where Francophones aren't portrayed as trailer trash or absolute assholes?
'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Opens at $117M
Literally kill a guy
Is she getting too big for her britches?
How do you go from this
His fingers holy shit
Post videos of people in the media getting owned (no Sup Forums shit)
Spider-Man: Homequipping
Poor Michael Keaton probably thought this would be his Joker moment...
This was pretty fucking good, I liked the ending a lot
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Official Sup Forums: Which Film was Better?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Why the fuck do grown-ass men watch this?
The Wire - Season 1
What was his end game?
Quentin Tarantino
Movies no self respecting man or white should see
Which Asian country makes the best movies?
Are the more movies similar to scp stuff where people/things/monsters/aliens are contained and studied
ITT: Perfect casting
/got/ general
F Thor
Why are they famous?
This guy is supposed to be scary?
G20 riots with classical concert
What went wrong?
Anya Taylor-joy
This movie is my bible
With white power comes great responsibility."
What the fu-
Stop right there, my invincible son
Empire of Dust continued
Is this the greatest movie from Ghibli?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General:
Good night, sweet prince
Han Solo movie actually looks good!
"When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing."
Do girls really do this?
Why do girls pretend to like star wars?
Wonder Woman passes Deadpool (LOL Reddit) and GotG2's day-to-day on way to grossing above it
What did she mean by this?
Daniel Craig reportedly signs on for Bond 25
Sheev is the sith lord!
What did Fox News mean by this?
Should this scene have been cut?
So what Sup Forums think about this movie?Good,Bad, Avarege?
Can we finally admit he was a shit villain?
ITT: celeb deaths of 2017
Is he retarded? Is he a troll? Is he a contrarian? Is he an autist? What the fuck is wrong with Armond White?
Michael Fassbender as Ted Bundy
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Movies you couldn't finish
Dark Matter Thread
Are there any porn actresses you think could successfully make the transition to """real""" acting ?
I know New York is full of blacks, spis and liberals, but was it really as bad as The Simpsons portrayed it?
This is your new "MJ" reading "HUMAN BONDAGE"
Why hasn't there been a large resurgence of Neo-Pagans in the Marvel world since Thor appeared?
Why does Hollywood hate Asians so much?
Look at that face
How can there be tension in a movie with this overpowered piece of shit in it?
Holy SHIT what a stupid fucking boring ass movie
You ever met a celeb in real life?
6 minutes in
What's your favorite scary movie?
Peter: this isn't like last time with Cap!
/who/ - Doctor Who General
She didn't deserve that
Are there any good films about bodybuilding that aren't documentaries?
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
Why is Sup Forums the most contrarian board on this site...
Tfw born in '85
She's right you know
Great kino. But what a sick fucking son of a bitch this Kroc...
Can anyone explain to me how making L a black man is a bad choice?
Try to enjoy kino
Why is Raimi's Spider-Man better than Webb's Amazing Spider-Man?
*blocks ur presidency*
My friends call me MJ
Spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen Spider man Homecoming
Batgirl Shortlist: 13 REASONS WHY ACTRESS
I kek everytime somebody says that Rick and Morty is the only good show on Adult Swim
Is this realistic?
Optimus, all I ever wanted, was the survival of our race
Characters that ruined the whole series
Why was Eddy working there? He seemed like a decently smart enough person to do better than that...
What is this expression supposed to convey?
Netflix doesn't have a bullshit leftist agend-
Charts Thread, posting what I have
Spiderman Homecoming
Rewatch Spider-man 1 and 2
People v OJ Simpson
2017 Spider-Man
That one guy who made a presentation about video games in high school
Lol @ your childhood if you didn't have Fox Kids
ITT: cast Mary Jane
Shows you watched to completion but didn't enjoy
'It's taken time but he has come round': Daniel Craig 'is set to sign on for fifth James Bond film'...
Hey Alan, move out! LMAO
Movies that are too frustrating to watch
Who will portray this in the inevitable historical epic
Looks like another film made for "the Fans"!
How did david create an alien egg without the queen alien?
What does Sup Forums think of Kiernan Shipka?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Immortal alien genocided an entire sentient species with a thought because one of them killed his wife
It was shitty
Anya Tayylor-Joy
Where are the Amerindian tv kinos?
"And the Gods hurl thunderbolts.."
What's Sup Forums's favourite Ethan Hawke performance? Personally I love the Before Trilogy
Sir, I'm losing you
Why isn't she bigger?
Did you guys enjoy Split?
Alien Covenant
Just saw this for the first time
Jurassic World 2 is almost done filming
God tier casting
How did >they convince the entire world that Scarjo is the pinnacle of beauty ?
"""men""" proudly watch this show
What film has the best special effects?
Are we looking forward to the next season of a series of unfortunate events?
Shows you watched only for the girls
/got/ general
ITT: "villains" who did absolutely nothing wrong
Why did they stop the baptism? Aren't all Christians baptized?
Wtf I just finished watching this and it was great
Literally r_e_d_d_i_t - the character
Best Spider-Man quips
Why did she turn out to be such an evil bitch?
Spiderman is from Queens, New York
Why didn't Tony just fly out of the window and shoot projectiles at Cap, or just sunk the ship entirely...
Ashley Benson
Rate my collection Sup Forums. Will be posting close ups
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Organic vs web shooters
Carbon fiber. .28 caliber, made in China. If you want to kill a public servant, Mr. Maroni...
Why isn't McKinney given bigger major roles to star in?
The GREAT debate
As far back as I can remember I wanted to be a gangster
Do you love Joe Rogan?
Whatever happened to the Ted the Caver movie?
This guy is announced as j jonah jameson
So I just watched Logan yesterday and I couldn't help but notice how it was an allegory for the current situation in...
Why was this allowed to happen?
What do my friends at Sup Forums think of this movie?
ITT: most honourable and heroic characters in their movies
Was Zod a good villain?
I am going to give you the choice I never had
Will someone like Sam Hyde ever have their own TV show ever again?
Ever see a trailer or watch a movie and see a certain actor and think "fuck! That persons in this movie...
What was your favorite early 2000s kid show?
But in all seriousness, who could credibly play Peter "Man of" Steele in a Type O Negative movie...
ITT: Flicks that are the literal embodiment of "just turn you brain off lmao"
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
What are your thoughts on Valerian?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Which trio of actresses do you prefer in terms of talent?
Now THIS is fucking horror, holy fuck what a film
Who was in the wrong here?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Who is the patrician spiderman?
Do you think Wonder Woman will be Gal Gadot's sole blockbuster or will she use it as a stepping stone to future leading...
Sup Sup Forums. Something has been bothering me lately. In TV business...
Fuck you i liked it !
Real Mary-Jane coming through
Webm Thread - Saturday Edition
You will never be painted on by Miranda Cosgrove and Jennette McCurdy
What is the point of CinemaSins...
Did people back in the day believe that these guys were natty?
What korean romance films should i watch?
Budget: $250 million
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
What does Sup Forums think of Jenny Slate?
So I really enjoyed this movie but how did he get his powers? Is he supposed to be like the X-Men...
It only took 9 years for the MCU to finally get a good villain
Pitch me a movie, user
Wait, the slave trade never happened in the MCU?
Was Gadot a little too adorable and unimposing for Wonder Woman? She felt more like a Wonder Girl than a Wonder Woman
This is the greatest crime drama ever created. Deal with it!
ITT: Tell me what you honestly, 100% believe is the best film you've ever seen in your life
Watching this kino while eating a pizza at 3 AM
Good casting
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Peter, if you're going to masturbate, please keep your door shut
They were clearly playing it up as romance in the movie. I wonder what gave Disney the cold feet
Who will play her in the inevitable remake?
FILM THEORY: (character) is actually DEAD!
Does she have a future in hollywood?
Mfw Mexico, Germany and France get litty
Remember when Sup Forums was saying Bella Thorne was going to be the one to blow up After Shake It Up and Zendaya was...
Smiles awkwardly at the camera
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Abandoned building, normal gear, who takes it?
Terminator: Salvation (2009)
Bout to get LIT on some Jenkem, what movies should I watch?
You now remember Bill Paxton is dead
Why is he so unfunny?
So what was in the box Sup Forums?
ITT: Post your goofy tv production stories
We post films that were critically bashed by are actually kino
Musicals are gay af
The Last Jedi *spoiler*
Brown Flash Thompson that is physically weaker and not as smart as Peter Parker
/got/ general
Why did Kevin Spacey need to die at the end of American Beauty?
True Blood Ending
What am I looking at
Now that the dust has settled
Baywatch Passes $100 Million Internationally
Can we all agree with this chart?
Why couldn't she just ask her agent to negotiate for a higher salary?
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Who is your favorite female director
What am i in for?
What are the worst Seinfeld episodes?
5 minutes prior, Bond establishes that the girl has grown up as a sex slave, probably raped repeatedly
Now that the dust has settled, which one of them would you rather fuck?
What was the point of this movie?
Sir we received intelligence that you were spotted watching the movie alone...
Sup Forums says movie is bad
Born: July 6, 1946 (age 71), Hell's Kitchen, New York City, NY
One of Marvel's deepest and most unique characters that has great potential for the most interesting stories
What was his name again?
I just marathoned this. What did I think?
What was his fucking problem?
These were such great characters
Childhood is idolizing Ned Stark. Adulthood is realizing Jaime Lannister made more sense
Patton Oswalt
Is Sup Forums ready for Venom posting?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Do hair transplants work? I'm only looking to slightly improve my hairline...
Marvels always right
Why have u a betrayed me Michael? Why u star in cape shit Michael? I thought you were my friend
Bout to watch pic related at my local kinoplex for the first time, what am i in for?
Spiderman Homecoming
Did we introduce him to McDonald's or something?
Is he retarded? Is he a troll? Is he a contrarian? Is he an autist? What the fuck is wrong with Armond White?
What were her motivations?
Melania Trump
When is Theroux going to make a documentary on the incel movement?
British UK comedians
Wtf happened to him?
Good night sweet prince
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
This is Joey King, she is starring in the upcoming thriller Wish Upon. Will you be seeing her new movie?
Why wasn't michael bay able to recreate kino?
You guys think Bryan Cranston or Aaron Paul are typecast? Just take a look at this guy...
Horror Kino
What are some other afrikinos
Does this scene help or hurt the movie?
NYMag: "Drake Bell Finally Speaks Out About Not Being Invited to ‘Best Friend's' Wedding"
Late 90s/pre 9/11 movies
Don't be fooled by the rocks in my crotch
I've only watched Skyfall, Spectre, and the Living Daylights
The washington monument is racist!
Why havent they made this into a movie yet? shit is spooky
Is she talented or just another flavor of the month?
Is Blade Runner objectively the best movie ever made?
ITT: Actresses you want to have anal sex with
Is Sup Forums looking forward to Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom?
Such a satisfying show that Sup Forums doesn't even need to discuss it
Bb/ Big Brother 19
You've never watched Avengers or a single Iron man movie...
He's got my axe embedded in his central nervous system!
Anna Kendrick
Since the dust has nearly settled, which one was the better capeshit?
Press F to pay respects
Now that the dust has settled, who had the better show? Howard Stern or O & A?
Am i the only one who thinks that Better Call Saul is better than Breaking Bad?
What do extras talk about in restaurant scenes?
Hey guys wanna get together later and go see a movie?
ITT movies reddit memed you into hating but are actually pretty good
Are there any serious documentaries about 9/11 that are not some conspiracy crap...
Why would federation use troublesome teleporters if they have warp drive...
You know, sjw's were insufferable but at least they didn't flat out ruin browsing this board like the alt-right
Red Dwarf thread
Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long...
/dceu/ general
What is this century's Lawrence of Arabia?
So now that the dust has settled, who was better?
Why does Sup Forums hate this movie so much?
Who are the most likable actors in the business?
Fuck this reddit show, it's not fucking "deep" or smart at all
Scenes that partially rescued bad plotlines or seasons
You have 3 seconds to name a vidya that could be a decent movie
Hear me out. I saw the dislikes on the episode and I thought, "It couldn't be THAT bad"
Has any other show had this level of drop in quality?
This show is actually pretty funny
Yes, yes, well done, Wonder Woman. Well done, Wonder Woman
ITT: times you acted like the joker
How'll Quentin Tarantino movies change now that he's a married man?
How come Conservashits are terrible at comedy and generally unfunny ?
How do we save them?
*male yelling and 5 minute applause break*
Movie ends
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Worked at G4 from 2007 - 2012
So they should just stop doing end credit scenes now, right? We've reached the pinnacle and this will never be topped
I want to cummy in mummy
This movie was funny at the start, but then it started taking a serious tone talking about modern politics...
Movies about discomfort
What if they rebooted spiderman as a female?
The greatest film ever made turns 20 years old this month. Say something nice about it!
I've never actually watched American Pie because I'm not THAT old as you ancient fucks. However...
What did he do for 20+ years all alone?
It's already happening, tons of kids and nomalfags are hating it because it's literally not enough generic capeshit
A mysterious, robed traveler with a large trunk offers you a choice of artifacts and abilities. You must choose between:
Two boobs one boner
Actresses who's nude scenes surprised you in a good way
This retard
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What did everyone think of the latest Dark Matter episode?
Was he in the wrong?
You're an engineer trapped on a malfunctioning spaceship, unfrozen from cryostasis decades too early...
You're stuck in that house with all ghosts loose
ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Hey user, wanna Netflix and chill?
Character makes a thread about a movie still not available via torrents
Reminder that she is the biggest cunt ever to be on TV. Yes, even worse than Skyler White
Rate these tits
What was the best kino you watched in this?
I miss when diversity wasn't forced in movies
In a real life situation, would a CIA shoot a captive enemy before throwing him out of a plane?
Lord of the Rings
80s Fanstasy movie posters
She's perfect
Give me a reason why I shouldn't have my boy here pull your head off ?
Why is it so overrated?
Turns out she's pretty good as Aunt May after all, why did Sup Forums ever doubt her?
What's his objectively best work?
What are some good movies about Germans and their true barbaric nature?
Will Valerian be her break out film ?
No romance, as in literally 0%
What is Leela's character supposed to be...
Give me essential dad-core flick's
Reddit killed Rick and Morty
At home with a friend trying to watch something streaming
Michael B Jordan is so fucking shit, why do niggers want him in anything?
What the frack was her problem?
Armageddon is shit
Post a better combo, you literally can't
What are some good movies about the Mayans? I watched Apocalypto but it doesn't seem very historically accurated
Who asked for this?
How bad is it that one of your main Star Wars stars is shitting all over the new movies?
Whatever the weirdo was, it was definitely a man in a dress
When is somebody gonna make a movie about /r9k/
Am I supposed to sympathize with Hannah when most of the bad shit that happened to her are her own fault?
Why does found footage get such a bad rap...
ITT: Unpopular Opinions
What does Sup Forums think about Sons of Anarchy?
Why wasn't he successful in the end? He was clearly really talented, they made a point of showing how good he was...
Is Dune KINO?
Name a better captain than Picard
I don't get it
What would you do?
Why are you guys so triggered by some white characters being played by black actors...
Webm Thread
So Jay, what did you think of Spiderman: Homecoming?
Hello IT have you tried turning it off and on again
Does "diversity" casting in Hollywood alienate xenophobic Asian viewers?
This is the timeline where not even the powers of Spider-man and RDJ combined can stop Wonder Woman
Why did crabbe turn black?
Stranger Things
Its a my daughter morphs into a whole different person episode
Spiderman: Homiecoming
Give me comfy aesthetics
Breakout star?
What do you think was the best james bond film?
Give me some /2011/-core
You have 10 seconds to explain to me, without using memes, how this man is a bad comedic actor
/got/ general
ITT: Times you cried like a faggot bitch to a kino
20 years old soon
Why doesn't she just understand she's not worth it?
I've never seen a British Tv show where the concept of "cleverness" wasn't central or heavily emphasized...
Will it be kino?
You guys noticed all the Metal Gear references in Baby Driver, right?
Get outta that jabroni outfit
Why has there been almost no reliable spoilers for Star Wars The Last Jedi? The movie is only six months away
What did Gandalf mean by this?
D'aww Man With Everything Want HUG!!!
Villain is revealed to be closely connected to the hero the whole time
We need Vince Vaughn
Nice guys
LOST finished 7 years ago
What is the market for this garbage flick?
This is a strong contender for "worst film I've ever seen" title, seriously
What am I in for?
I'll tell you a secret
Horror movie
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Did she do her own stunts? That would be pretty impressive
Why isn't anyone in the Jackass crew speaking out about this?
You will never see Bootsy ever again
Why are women so cunty towards nice guys in kinos?
Drive aside, will the 2010s go down as the worst decade in film ever?
I only slept 4 hours last night
Alien: Covenant
If you kill him he'll win
"Balance the equation." Do transporters KILL?
Rough Night
Thoughts on pewds' gf?
You can only post ITT if your favorite movie got a videogame
Anybody up for an X-Files general?
What was the moral of this movie?
How to fix Spiderman: Homecoming
Reddit the show: Rick & Morty
Did you like Baby Driver?
Anyone else disgusted with the blatant agenda pushing and degeneracy of Spiderman Homecoming?
What's your favorite right wing movie?
What does Sup Forums think of the "eyebrow mafia"?
Apparently this was successful for some reason...
>filmmaking advice
Castlevania - 1 step away from perfection
Turn off the nostalgia goggles and the fact that you played the game on your Nintendo. Be real
Can we have a cringe TV moments thread?
Why didn't Aragorn place county-level tariffs on dwarves imports?
Is this the greatest casting decision ever?
Why do people like this trash? I just got out of the movie and it was terrible. Everyone seems to love it
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Which trio of actresses do you prefer in terms of talent?
What's the worst episode?
I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in human evolution. We became too self aware...
What did Scientology mean by this?
What movie did you fap to the most as a kid?
Why didn't Naboo pay their taxes?
How do you think David ultimately killed her?
This is a children's movie
Guilty pleasures
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Who was in the wrong here?
Pleb Test
So what's the point of this movie? cultural marxism?
The Millenial Female Suicide Epidemic Has Begun
Watching Wonder Woman
Anyone else get confused watching British shows?
What was the exact episode where The Simpsons turned to shit?
Why do Aussies make the best kids shows?
Do you miss early-to-mid 2000s shows and movies?
Anyone else felt empty after finishing this series?
Now that Opie's gotten fired, who will take his *snicker* "coveted" 3pm to 6pm timeslot?
Is this good casting?
That will be $575.00 plus tip
Why is this guy everywhere?
So where are you talking me tonight, user?
ITT, Facts that Sup Forums is too biased to see
He got a new tattoo
I saw this at a screening yesterday and i can honestly say those were my favorite two hours in all my years of watching...
Hey actually did it. They actually fucking made a movie about Reddit. No dog whistles, no allusions...
Why is this character triggering Sup Forums so hard...
Get btfo
IT thread
Who portrayed MJ better?
/tpg/ Cooper is never coming back edition
Embarrassing Bodies
Rank em, Sup Forums
Why didn't they notice their brother sleeping with someone named "Peter Petigrew" on the Marauder's Map for 3 straight...
Parents out of town
Webm Thread - Friday edition
What's some good movies about retarded women?
What's your favorite Marion Cotillard kino? For me it's Midnight in Paris
When do you think was the exact moment Walter turned into Heisenberg?
What television character are you a little bit in love with
Just say "Bane" or "kino" a lot and we'll fit right in
Now that the dust has settled, would you all calm down. She wasn't Mary Jane
Replicant kills everyone mercilessly because it lacks empathy
Would you?
Movies are the lowest form of art
Jesus fucking Christ
What did she mean by this?
Can this fag ever stop crying on camera?
Just watched pic related. Holy shit where has this movie been all my life...
Underrated Film Scores
Why do people say this is boring? One of the most suspenseful and well made horrors of thsi decade
This Is Why Donald Glover’s ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Role Is Worth Freaking Out About
Give me your HONEST opinion
Why don today's movie posters all look like photobashed garbage?
Why is it that after 10+ movies, Disney Marvel has yet to produce a single...
Quick! Sup Forums
Who was in the wrong here?
Look Who's Back
Was it Kino?
Zendaya is starring in major motion pictures, and this trash is starring in shitty Netflix or straight to DVD movies...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Electric Dreams
Your thoughts on this character?
ITT: "villains" who literally did nothing wrong
Leave Capekino to me
Misery kino're on Sup Forums, on a Friday night
Essential anime kino?
How much would you put into this?
*cuts pizza with scissors*
Tom Holland Praises the Diversity in Spider-Man: Homecoming
What are some good animalkino?
What are some comfy horror movies Sup Forums?
What are some films about consciousness transcending the limits of reality?
What's the verdict on FernGully?
He just caught you
If DS9 was made in 2017, these two would be gay
ITT: Actresses who can realistically pull off capequeen roles
So... is Peter like... the only white kid at that school?
ITT: Actors who will get snubbed at the Emmys
What does Sup Forums think of Ron Perlman?
Baywatch was a flo-
>ITT: Female protagonists that work well enough
What do you think about her body of work?
Movie hasn't been out 24 hours and feminists are already bitching
How will joss recreate this scene?
Alt right or feminist? take a guess
/got/ general
Who was in the wrong here?
Old movie
I miss Raimi
Serial killer kino
What are you looking forward to in Stranger Things season 2?
Characters who did nothing wrong
Let me get this straight. Plinkett's main complaint about TFA was that Finn and Rey didn't kiss and become a couple?
Was it kino?
Literally what was the point of this character? What was her actual purpose in the plot...
This is considered white in America
What are some great conceptual films, like 2001?
Why bother with actors anymore?
Its a Bond thread
Dark Matter thread anyone?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Stop having white children
Mark Hamill dosen't seem to like The Force Awakens OR The Last Jedi
This wasn't very good honestly
Oh Arnold, you make my girlhood tremble
Who was the best dog?
*Glass Shatters*
Jamie Stewart
Avenger's Infinity War Budget Is $1 Billion
What other Disney actresses aged like wine?
Sup Forums is the worst board on any chan in the entire world
Budget: $325 Million
What MCU Film would you cast these two in?
What hot garbage
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...