Is this the greatest video game of all-time?

Is this the greatest video game of all-time?

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I honestly haven't finished it

I guess

It's only enjoyable if you use the trick to get nearly unlimited blood echoes. Had a blast with that bug, much better than normal gameplay

Think again

Who should direct the movie?

play a real game like monster hunter freedom unite, not this easy kid game



no, this is

>poor man's DS

>Second best DS game is a poor man's DS

No one wants to play your 10 year old handheld game grandpa. This is a hardcore gamer thread.

underage newfags don't know about this beautiful game
>tfw never again 3v1s on helms deep in MP

lmao, go back to neogaf

Um, try again sweetie

>need the latest patch and the fan patch to make it playable

>aaaah, a new 'orde of orcs

>being this much of a turbo pleb
this site is 18+ user


This new janitor is really pushing his luck

>hurr durr the game is good after you install all the patches and mods so you can have fun there is nothing wrong with it


No my point was that it's amazing even without mods

Same but I love it. Idk why I can't get it done

Yeah, sure.

no, was very dark and very very repetitive.

Amazingly glitchy.

what trick?

Sup Forums has the cringiest memes

>get banned from Sup Forums for shitposting
>come to Sup Forums to shitpost
>love it because mods don't give a shit about this board, and allow you to shitpost without repercussion
>stay to continue to shitpost

This is the problem that has plagued this board. When the number of shitposters increases, new shitposters assume Sup Forums is for shitposting and assume they are in good company. Not a single one of you faggots knew Sup Forums before the reddit and Sup Forums infestation, before all the shitposting.

Bump for discussion

What did he mean by this?

fucking cancer

Console/gamewars are literally capeshit box office posts of tv

Is it time to make a trump general janitor?

I love getting fucked in the ass but I'm not gay. What do I do

That looks really nice. Is that skywind?

It's certainly the best of the decade so far, and one of the best of the 21st century.
All-time? Not close.

What did Obsidian mean by this?

Dunno, never played it. Playing Witcher 3 right now though and it's great.

First Elder Scrolls game I ever played. Never played a game like it before and had never played a game on the PC before so I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I didn't understand the difference between stealing something and 'take' something so when I got off the boat and could walk I took everything that wasn't nailed down, even the silverware, so I could sell it for some starter cash. Furthest I made it in that game was prison. Would love to play it again now that I know how

That shit isn't from Sup Forums, seems like some user is posting his cringe OC here

It isn't really about the challenge for me
what I love most is the setting, atmosphere, interesting enemies, level and world design
the combat is also pretty satisfying, hard or not

Nah it's from Sup Forums
Saw it there couple of times


Nothing will ever match the amount of time and enjoyment I got out of that game.
>tfw will never be a middle schooler playing Halo 3 with my bros again [Open]
Close second

The base game is fucking easy, it's the chalice dungeons, specifically the defiled chalice dungeon, that will rape you. There's no boss in the actual main game that's difficult, except maybe father gascoyne. Lawrence the first vicar is also quite challenging.

Yes, yes it is

Sup Forumseddit on pooiside watch