This show is actually pretty funny

This show is actually pretty funny

>this show is just like me, intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

>triggered by cartoons
>posts 8 year old meme to make himself feel better about it

So, there's a rumor that the two guys who make it aren't getting along and that's why the 3rd season is taking so long. Wonder what that's about?

I tried the pilot and it was interminable, I assume it's all like that.

you find burping funny, I get it.
sadly my nihilistic comment is funnier than anything on the Doc and Marty Show


It improves but I'm not trying to convince you to watch it, I mean it's just a dumb AS cartoon show.

Oh so you've watched the whole series? That's good. What was your least favorite part?

The show doesn't get good until halfway through season 1.

the episode where Rick said "Morty" about 50 times, that part sucked.
Anyone would think it was filler because there wasnt actually a script.

I know, who talks like that? It's almost like the whole script of this show is some kind of joke.

i thought jokes were supposed to be funny...


Well, don't feel bad. That probably only applies to people who have actually watched it.

>thinking it takes intelligence to be nihilistic

Reported for trolling and rule breaking you know perfectly well this belongs on Sup Forums.

The only reason you post it here is to troll why else would you make a thread knowing full well it's going to be shitted up with 99% of haters when you can enjoy a thread where everyone likes it on Sup Forums .

No other reason than to gets some attention and to troll because that is how sad lonely and pathetic your lives because trolling and attention whoring is all you have in your lives you sad little pricks.

mmm al dente pasta

I don't think he knows what Nihilism is, and there is nothing to "get" about Rick and Morty. It's just a silly comedy cartoon with some pretty creative settings and writing

it also takes a wicked sense of humor

>cherry picking retarded comments from the stupidest user base on the internet

ironically this post carries exactly the same qualities and claims the exact same stuff about the poster

you should go discuss it on Reddit :). I heard they love this show

>to dumb

The show is fine, just a more edgy version of futurama. It's the fan base it attracts that's the problem.

I fucking love it

it's only a problem if you are an autist

Rick and morty is mainstream now so we hate it


Oh hey, it's that psycho crossdresser that manipulated a virgin into sucky sucky fun times.
How is everything?

Solid show.
Shitty autistic fanbase.
Shitty autistic haters.

>only a show this smart could be this dumb

man that sure sounds a lot like Sup Forums but what do i know

As a prospective writer, let me say that "Rick and Morty" is a pretty smartly-written show...but I don't know about THE smartest ever. It's got quite a ways to go to reach Futurama, which was like almost ALL a group of Ivy League alums.

Everyone on Sup Forums hates it too, they just aren't foaming at the mouth over it like Sup Forums

the people that hate it on here are as bad as the fanbase. There was an autist that started an anti-Rick and Morty thread on here every day at the same time for over a month

Right,fellow centrist? :D


A lot of cute girls like Rick and Morty. It's worth the ride boys

>that Reddit text space format
you have to go back, you pretentious fuck

Rick and Morty feels way too contemporary to be a classic. It just feels like if you watch it twenty years from now it will be a product of its time.

So I have to pick a side?
I either have to be
>a sperglord who says it's le gratest show ever XD u jus don get it
>a sperglord who says so reddit, lol numale cucks lmao lmao such a stoopid show muh nihilism lmao *burp* lol

No thanks, I'd rather be neither and enjoy the show for what it is.

sup reddit

yeah it's ok. it's basically reddit, but it's not like there's anything else that's funny on tv right now. 2017 is a dead meme zone.

time to get schwifty in here

why do people overuse that word these days?

this is why i don't use reddit

Basically the series is a combination between Roilands banter, and Harmons psuedo-intelligent world view.

Politically it's neckbeard, but at the same time it's hard to argue that it is not funny sometimes.

I can't listen to Rick burp-talk as I usually eat food when watching tv

It's just an empty "feel-smart" way of describing things when you're put on the spot and need some shit to say.

Same deal as yammering about pacing.

I enjoy it. There's a lot of material there that's pretty fresh comedy wise. But it does have an annoying group of fans that take it way to far. Like the Szechuan sauce thing. I mean it's a fucking show, not some gospel.

That Rickmobile thing is coming close by to me on Tuesday, anyone know if it's worth going? I'm getting the vibe there's gonna be too many autists out there though

I'm glad I saw the show in it's entirety before hearing about it here. I'm sure it adds a stigma for people who try to watch it from here now.

It is a pretty funny and clever show I don't get all the fucking memeing. The multiverse episode, mortynight run, total rickall. Great episodes, they're all good.