Does this scene help or hurt the movie?

Does this scene help or hurt the movie?

gay! XD

>le conservative homophobe who's actually a fag meme

It was a ham-fisted vehicle to enable Lester's death.

>really strict mean white colonel army guy who loves nazis is secretly a fag lel
>classically masculine men want dick on the down low for real
>oh and his wife is a catatonic and his son is a drug dealer
>don't be strict
>let your son stick things up his ass while shooting a bb of heroine
>otherwise you might be a giant fag cryptonazi

Other than that I liked most of the film.

Lester should have banged Mena as was originally written in the script before his execution.

>Lester should have banged Mena as was originally written in the script before his execution.

They felt it was important that he not go through with it for him to have his redemption arc.

hurt, definitely

it was the defining moment where the film, teetering between meaningful and hackneyed, tipped towards the latter

>Makes fun of actually-very-plausible plotline where angry character is actually a closet fag
>Gets angry because main character didn't sleep with underage girl

I like your logic, user

Pretty much ruined it for me desu
But I have to admit I only saw it last year for the first time, it might've worked better in 1999 but now 'homophobic guy is a low key fag' is kinda played out

Why does Spacey like kissing men on camera so much

It's like you aren't even paying attention. Spacey is gay. He's actually gay. But he keeps his private life private so nobody knows the details.

This scene tells you why, the Colnel is the way he is; he's been in the closet of closet his whole life and he's never found a way to deal with it. He's very much like Ennius in Brokeback Mountain. Because of his inner turmoil, he takes it out on everyone around him. Same thing with Carolyn, Lester's wife. She's personally unhappy and thinks others are responsible for her happiness. Lester wakes up, when he realizes the super experienced sexual fantasy before him is actually an inexperienced teen and he switches to "Dad mode".

Why do you guys think this doesn't ever happen? I agree, narratives like that are pushed on us pretty heavily in the current year but why do you have such an intense revulsion to non-faggy character being gay? Have you ever met real gay people before?

>Have you ever met real gay people before?
Every gay person I know is extremely faggy tbqh
The problem is that this kind of 'twist' is too played out, it has literally nothing to do with what I think about gays in real life

But that actually isn't uncommon in real life.

Lel. Welcome to Sup Forums, land of the antisocial spergs who know how real life works based solely based on movie watching.

>actually-very-plausible plotline where angry character is actually a closet fag
what's plausible about that? that is not how real life works

it is though

t. fag

>colonel sees what appears to be Lester getting his dick sucked by teenage son Ricky
>Lester is also purchasing large amounts of drugs from Ricky and smoking them with him

No father would ever flip out over an adult neighbor fucking his adolescent son and doing drugs with him. COULDN'T HAPPEN. Secret fag cryptonazi way more realistic and true to life.

>wanting the script to be true to the original vision and thus showing that (just like the American Beauty rose that is beautiful on the outside and rotting within) there is only a pretty facade/prologue+epilogue (Lester as supernatural narrator now redeemed in death) when in fact there was no redemption and Lester died just as pathetic a man as he lived punctuated by a brief electrical discharge of orgasmic hedonism and selfishness.

I actually forgot this part

This thread is an excellent way of identifying anons that have sucked dicks and rationalized it as "experimentation."

Why is ErBody lookin at me?

They had to reshoot this scene 12 times because Spacey kept getting hard and his massive hard-on was distracting the rest of the crew

>it is though

It is ultimately uncommon but was, at the time, a concept that was an unexplored reality.

Your acting like it's some tired cliche is a hindsight reaction twenty fucking years later when the discussion it provoked has been analyzed to death.

>that is not how real life works
Most don't go ape-shit crazy like that guy, but it definitely happens. I have a co-worker that hooks up with guys like the Colonel thru Grindr at Gun Shows. Srsly.

no, it was a lame hackneyed """""""""""twist""""""""""" 20 years ago. I felt that way when I watched it 10 years ago.


It wasn't a twist, you could tell he was closeted right off the bat.

how would anyone measure that scientifically.

>I watched 10 years ago!
>That is equivalent to the opinions of a decade prior!

You don't like the approach. That doesn't mean it wasn't relevant 10 years prior to your having viewed. Cultural opinions seem to shift fast these days, if you haven't noticed...

FYI - even 10 years is a long time in terms of cultural shifts.

>career was rock solid
