Who are your favourite British stand-up comedians?
British UK comedians
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Has Lars Ulrich become some hack comedian in his old age?
The one with the homo accent.
Gonna have to narrow it down a bit mate
eddie izzard
I like most of them.
Sean Lock is fucking hilarious, as is Micky Flanagan.
Kevin Bridges is alright too.
I fucking HATE Ross Noble though, he's the least funny comedian on the planet.
I don't like Peter Kay, John Bishop, Russell Brand, Jack Whitehall, Al Murray... they're all fucking shite.
My son is home for the summer and has introduced me to Aunty Donna. Most of it reminds of old episodes of The State, very slap stick, but I really liked the bit they did about Ellen Degeneres.
You know...he has blue eyes and drinks warm beer?
pretentious unfunny cunt
sean lock is the right answer
Kevin Bridges is top tier my man, best comedian in Britain today.
>Jack Whitehall
His standup's really poor yeah and he has no range as an actor, but he plays posh twats pretty perfectly
>drinks warm beer
What exactly is this meme? People in the Uk don't drink warm beer
As a personal rule of thumb I try to avoid comedians who also use music in their acts because it's generally never funny, but Bill Bailey is the exception. Great comedian, great musician, and when he mixes both it's hilarious.
Dara O'Briain's stand up is also really, really good. Much better than when he's on tv, and a lot less EEEEEEEEEH which most people seem to hate him for. He's one of the best at audience interaction, and just generally funny.
Micky Flanagan's DVD's make me fucking wet myself, he's amazing.
Controversially I also love Michael McIntyre. He gets a lot of hate somehow, but I love his style of observational comedy.
this is australian you stupid cunt
I'm not a native speaker of English and Kevin Bridges' thick accent is just too much for me sometimes, I get lost while watching his gigs. Same with John Bishop, he sounds like he can't string a sentence together, but I can at least understand him. Think he's an unfunny twat though and have no idea why he's so popular.
Also what the fuck is it with the UK and Peter Kay? Isn't he like the most successful comedian from there? Never once made me laugh, no idea why he's so praised
David O'Doherty is maybe the only musical comedian worth listening to
Jens D'Louch
Sammy Mack
Mickey Flanagan
Delroy Smith
Sean Lock
Jen & Jen
The Niggerkiller
Frankie Boyle
Eddie Izzard
JoJo Cruise
The Tea Sipper
John Bishop
Al Murray
Rhonda Morgan
"Fat" Robert Northlake
Jim Acaster
Monty Python
Kevin Bridges
Dara O'Brian
Why do they all look so fucking insufferable?
Every single one of them.
>Peter Kay popular
A bit more than a decade maybe
ago fuck
That's understandable, Kevin Bridges actually makes an effort to tone down the accent when he' not performing for Scottish audiences and even then apparently some English people have trouble with him. Yeah and Peter Kay is shit, I haven't watched any John Bishop since I was 12 but I liked him back then which isn't saying much I guess
He was top-tier on NMTB - how is his stand-up?
Sean Lock is one of the best out there, I really want to see him live one day. It's a shame about some of his DVDs though because he got unlucky and got a terrible audience. Lots of awkward silence after punchlines. Meanwhile I'm watching it at home laughing my arse off
Also, anyone see Sean on the latest Cats does Countdown? He's gone all Heisenberg.
>Average ratings for season 2 - 7.28
It's fucking awful too and somehow won a BAFTA
probably my favourite comedian of all time
FUck off shit taste cunt
His show isn't the same as his standup or him as a cultural figure generally
He probably the most successful comedian world records wise because of how popular he was for a few years but in terms of relevance he's non-existent
Whoa. I never saw his new look before.
He killed buzzcocks. You'd probably enjoy his attempt at stand-up.
>He was top-tier on NMTB
That's not MArk Lamarr though youtube.com
Actually really funny, worth a try fag
He only "killed" buzzcocks because he cut his guests to the core. The guests not being able to handle the banter is what killed it.
I don't watch s.u.comedy.
>his stand-up
>I'm gay
for an hour and a bit
Oh no of course not, pretty much the only time he's brought up is as a subject of ridicule by other comedians, he's not exactly been influential to British comedy.
But Car Share was probably the most successful British comedy of the last couple of years, so clearly he still has a lot of fans
He's gay?
Well, it's new. Maybe a few weeks now.
>Amstell lives in London. He is Jewish and openly gay which occasionally features in his work.[28][29][30] He is a vegan and teetotal.[31][32]
literally Sup Forums's worst nightmare, or I guess maybe they'd like the teetotal thing because of muh degeneracy
And Jewish. I saw one of his shows once. Not really funny. He just talked for about an hour, no real jokes or anything. Shame, loved him on Buzzcocks.
He's become such a smug fuck that I've grown to hate him as a person, but I still love his comedy. The Office and Extras was great, Life's Too Short was really funny. Derek though? The fuck happened there? How did that get so many series?
I also really like his podcasts with Karl Pilkington even though he's too much of a dick to him at times, and often tries to look really educated and smart.
His stand up is okay. Can be really funny, but sometimes he just goes into a 30 minute rant at how stupid religion is. We get it, you're an atheist.
the babycop isn't a fucking british comedian
his standup is pretty good
>And Jewish
I knew he was Jewish from the (in hindsight really depressing) Amy Winehouse episode
Saw Frankie Boyle live and he was pretty poor, desu. Managed to catch Jimmy Carr before he took off and he was fucking incredible.
Bill Bailey's still great, his shows are still pretty full-on and he changes stuff up a lot. Eddie Izzard, on the other hand, really doesn't do it for me any more, hasn't got the energy and the rambling doesn't really go anywhere any more.
>Micky Flanagan's DVD's make me fucking wet myself, he's amazing.
i really really don't believe you
Frankie's lost it these past few years unfortunately, he doesn't have any particular interesting views so hearing him rant is boring, and so much of his offensive materiel is just meant to be shocking to normalfags, but fails at being actually funny
Graham Norton
fite me
To be fair to Amstell it more of a one man stage show advertised as a stand up show by promoters
It's very depressing
Russell Brand was better when he was on the gear
>It's a shame about some of his DVDs though because he got unlucky and got a terrible audience. Lots of awkward silence after punchlines.
I know right? A bad audience can ruin a stand-up DVD so much. Maybe it's just me but it really bothers me when comedians do good stand-up but the audience is just not "in the zone" or whatever. Makes me cringe watching stand-up DVDs and the audience just doesn't seem to get it, hardly applauds, only gives a small chuckle every now and then. Must be terrible for the comedian too because he knows this is the show that's being filmed and sold, while he probably had much more amazing audience appreciation earlier on in the tour. I've seen it with Sean Lock, I've seen it with Bill Bailey, they're being genuinely hilarious but the crowd's not giving them anything.
I suppose he's not for everyone but I love that cockney geezer. His whole "out out" routine is priceless, and he has a routine about the awkwardness of passing your neighbour who you don't really know that well too many times in one day that makes me laugh. I love it when comedians do stuff about social awkwardness because I relate to it so well. His peeping tom bit is also great. Like I said, maybe not for everyone but I really enjoy Flanagan and I'm still waiting on another DVD, been years now.
It's depressing that it's not stand up, or it's just a depressing show?
A good comedian rallies the audience
Kevin Bridges has got a LONG career in comedy ahead of him, he's still relatively young and if he's this funny now he's got it all going for him.
I guess because I'm English and more familiar with Scottish and Geordie accents it's much easier to understand, though sometimes it still can make no fucking sense to me when I've had a few drinks.
A depressing show
Amstell is a neurotic robot it seems IRL
To be fair he was good in Pheonix Nights.
But for me that's literally it, his live shit is insufferable.
officially - /reddit/ "i think i'm intelligent" the comedian
It doesn't help if the audience sandbags the Comedian
8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown is easily the best comedy panel show of the last decade.
It's something I can sit and watch with my parents, infact I think it's the ONLY thing I've watched with my parents in the past few years.
Thats because he had Neil Fitzmaurice and Dave Spikey helping him write the show with Paddy McGuinness chipping in
I hate them all so much. Every single one.
I like Ian Hislop. He's not a comedian. I like Ed Byrne. He's Irish.
The rest are all so horrible and have been doing the same act since 2005.
Okay, Hugh Dennis is okay.
That's the impression I got. I caught it on telly few years ago. It wasn't stand-up, it was just him talking about his life and yeah it was kinda depressing. But I get it now, he just wanted to talk openly for an hour and promoters advertised it as stand-up, invoking the idea that it would be funny and light-hearted while it was neither.
Does Graham Norton do stand-up? Must've been a while ago. Is it any good? I like him as the host of his chatshow, he's very funny and very quick and very good at keeping the show going while he's sat there with 3-5 high-profile celebrities. I can't believe it's an easy job but he's great at it. My favourite comedy chatshow host by far. Jonathan Woss can go fuck himself and Alan Carr was never funny, which is why his chatshow got cancelled.
Cats Does Countdown was good to start with, but is WAY too far up it's own arse these days
>It's very depressing
It's not even funny. He literally just bitches about his autism and I have no sympathy because I hate him so much.
>Does Graham Norton do stand-up? Must've been a while ago. Is it any good?
He probably doesn't anymore, but he used to and I remember liking it
I do like Bridges, I've seen him on panel shows and stuff and he's pretty good and I agree he's got a long career ahead of him. I freaked out when I found out he's still quite young. Especially when he was starting out years ago I'd catch him on tv and he'd be about 24 but looking like he's nearing 40.
Anyway, I'll try some of his stand-up again. It's just weird having to really focus completely on what a comedian's saying. It's not something I'd have on in the background, I'd have to completely concentrate if I want to understand what he's saying
Right, Rockbusters...ye get three cloos.
Kevin Bridges is on another level to everyone else IMO.
I feel its pretty awful now Jon and Sean look like dont want to be there, just show up for the money. Then that Joe guy does something autisticly unfunny to kill half the run time
Yeah, it's not always the comedian's fault. The crowd could just be a bit off. Comedians go on about it all the time, sometimes there's real magic going on at a gig, and sometimes you're just unlucky and you're stuck with a mostly stoic audience who might appreciate your stuff but they don't fucking let the comedian know. It's just a shame that the latter sometimes happens when they record the DVD of the tour. I hate watching a good comedian die on stage because of a shit audience
No such thing as a shit audience. What's more likely, 1 man bombing or 10000 people all being dicks who paid money to not be entertained?
I love Cats does Countdown. I'd never expected it to kick off so well as it did, but it's funny and it keeps getting recommissioned. In fact it got so popular that they stopped doing the original 8 out of 10 cats for like 1,5 years and focused solely on the Countdown spin-off. A shame, because I used to love 8 out of 10 cats but now it's back and the team captains are Rob Beckett and Aisling Bea who are mediocre at best, and the guest comedians are all literally who's.
Anyway Cats does Countdown is just really good fun because the banter is great, and you can play along at home if you want. I do think the whole "Jimmy does something silly in 30 seconds while the contestants are working" is a bit juvenile though. But man, their props department must be a great place to work if you're a prop maker.
>that Joe guy does something autisticly unfunny to kill half the run time
They stopped getting him in as Rachel's assistant a couple of series ago. He's a regular player now and he's much better doing that.
>I feel its pretty awful now Jon and Sean look like dont want to be there, just show up for the money.
I don't believe that's true. Jon looks like he fucking loves the game. Sean's always done the whole "why am I even here" thing, even in the original 8 out of 10 cats, I think it's mostly a stage persona thing.
What does bother me is that Jon and Sean hardly ever appear on the same show together, they always get guest captains in. Makes you wonder if they had a falling out or something.
Yet I'm watching the DVD at home and laughing my arse off. I think there's more to it than that. If the show starts off awkwardly and with little applause, it's likely to stay that way. While if the show starts off with the crowd really getting into it the atmosphere changes for the better. I've been to a few live gigs and it's a weird phenomenon.
Aisling is a lot better than people give her credit for, mostly because the show requires she be the token feminist (which is an annoying role to fill)
Brian Blessed biopic when?
>Brian Blessed biopic
It'd basically just be a 90 minute "Making Of..Tarzan"
Because only failed drama students become comedians these days
>that accent
u wot m8?
I recently re-watched the last two Bill Bailey DVDs, Dandelion Mind (2010) and Qualmpeddler (2013). His material in both shows is good but the audience worked very differently in both DVDs. In Dandelion Mind they raved at him from the start, and constant laughs and applause throughout (filmed in Dublin, maybe that makes a difference). In Qualmpeddler he gets applause when he appears on stage and then almost nothing afterwards. You can actually watch the two and compare how much an audience can influence the vibe of a gig.
And the weirdest thing is, I actually saw Bill Bailey's Qualmpeddler show live when he toured Europe and the entire audience was absolutely loving it, me included. So genuinely, an audience can have a massive effect on the quality of the gig. Can also have to do with the place the gig's being performed in. Comedians have gone on record saying they love touring up north because the vibe is just much better. They've also said that certain days of the week bring different results, like weekdays are great because people took time off to go and see a stand-up show, but fridays and saturdays can be a bit weird because half the audience is already pissed from after-work drinks before they arrived at the gig. There's so many things affecting the quality of a gig, it's not just the comedian being shit (though that can happen), it's also the place the audience is in at that moment etc.
When did he turn into walter white?
That's actually one of the few clips of him where I can understand what he's saying.
Peter Kay is a genuine talent.
Phoenix nights was great, Car Share was actually decent.
I get the hate but I think people are absolutely wrong and have terrible taste.
Compared to pretty much anyone who frequents the usual panel show trash he's leagues ahead in terms of actual writing and presence.
I've really grown to hate British comedy. It has gone absolutely no where in the last ten years. It's still all the same guys taking the same morally indignant tone taking cheap shots at oaf politicians and fads. They almost all take themselves way too seriously. It's hard to express why exactly but I can't stand mock the week.
It's all really pedestrian. I'm not looking for edge but these comics in this country have no substance or honesty to them. None of them should be getting paid more than 20 quid to do a show at the back of a pub and yet somehow they're filling fucking arenas.
I honestly thought he was seriously ill or something. Hadn't been on the show for a while and all (think he was in 5 of the recent 25 episodes). Turns out he was touring the country though which explains his absence from the show. And after the initial shock I actually quite like this new look
It's the same as his presenting which is 'I'm an almost 40 year old gay man pretending to be a sardonic 15 year old public school boy'
>8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown is easily the best comedy panel show of the last decade.
Agreed. I love everything about it. But don't forget about Would I Lie To You because that's incredible too. The format is just brilliant and David Mitchell and Lee Mack work perfectly as opposing team captains. Bob Mortimer fucking kills me every time he tells a story, and Greg Davies is pretty top tier too. They also get some pretty good guests sometimes like Charles Dance. And who would've thought Ray Winstone would be this funny on a panel show
Starts at about 0:55
Try and ignore Josh Widdecombe to the left there, the unfunniest cunt on the comedy scene.
tfw my fetish is something David Mitchell considers "too weird" to be real
Dylan Moran
Ed Byrne
Dara O Briaian
Basically only like the Irish. Englosh standup is universally shite
I had the same moment there. I get to sleep on ASMR. But I totally get how someone like David Mitchell would be completely weirded out by it
>Greg Davies
I was a teacher
kids are shit lmao
Terrible comedian
Not so keen on Ed Byrne, he's very hit or miss for me. But Dylan Moran is a legend, I absolutely love his style of comedy, saw him live once and it was an amazing experience. Dara is also really good. People give him shit because of Mock the Week (which has turned from "enjoyable" to "why the fuck do they still commission this" in recent years) and the fact he ends a lot of jokes with an unique EEEEEEH sound (which I think he uses to judge whether applause is imminent or not, and if it's not, he carries on). He's not great on telly but his gigs are fantastic, I don't think any comedian does audience interaction better than Dara O'Briain. He's so great at off-the-cuff stuff that he basically only writes half a show and the other half comes from his interactions with the audience.
You're describing Romesh Ranganathan there, who's comedy solely focuses on his hatred for children and of course his ethnicity. Greg Davies is actually properly funny, especially on panel shows like WILTY.
what the hell happened Sean?