is this good casting?
Is this good casting?
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video games aren't real you fucking virgin, real women don't have curves like that
This will never be topped sorry numales
who let this happen?
There are girls that can fit the original Lara and can act.
>"we want fit women who actually train for the part!"
>"b-but not too much i still want to mentally dominate her..."
it's too bad the movies weren't ish because she was probably the perfect casting
might as well be a trap
Literally who?
FACT: Young lara is a better written, more complex character then old lara.
>implying anyone played Tomb Raider for the story
Reminder that nuLara is vastly superior
>train for the part
She's not muscular in the slightest.
She's skinny as shit with no tits and no ass.
Well, most played it for the gameplay, but that doesn't make what I said any less true.
that pixelated pusy looks so good
Jesus christ I got more curves and a bigger chest than that and Im a skinny fag.
What a sad body.
She looks nothing like modern Lara.
is that bad?
First Tomb Raider > Everything
bitch was on fire
The actress is in good shape and looks about like the middle concept art. What more do you want? Oh yeah, giant tits.
its would be better
"Lara In Trouble" from Studio FOW makes a strong argument in your favor.
how about any tits
You obviously don't like real Lara Croft from the original game. You like the stupid reboot version.
>hurting her on purpose just to hear her moan
Oh, baby.
>A movie about nu-Lara
It was trash to begin with
Look up Enji Night
That doesn't even make any sense since nuLara still has giant tits. They aren't cartoonishly large and they're always hidden in bulky clothes, but you can see her giant boobs plain as day in TR2013.
That's one of the least feminine looking female bodies I've ever seen, for a role that's supposed to be a curvy sex symbol
Christ, she is built like a piece of plywood.
Jesus Christ even the sjw friendly Lara has a more sexy body than Vika
every goddamn photo of her is shot on a potato. makes me so damned mad. why'd she get dressed at all if people can't take proper photos
You haven't played the new verision yet have you hipster?
why dont they give these semen demons with god tier bodies acting lessons and put them in films instead of fridges and anorexic girls?
It's a shame that she sounds like a broken Jean-Claude Van Damme robot when she talks. Other than that though, it's pretty funny that some random chick on the internet can look more like a character than a Hollywood studio with millions of dollars can do to a flavor-of-the-month actress.
It's a 13 year old boy with long hair.
I can see why hollywood is going with it.
Rhona nigga
>curvy sex symbol
Because Hollywood is run by degenerate homosexuals and pedophiles. Nothing turns them off faster than women who appeal to red-blooded heterosexual males.
>been seeing her posted having no idea who she is
>op makes me realize "uh oh don't tell me that's supposed to be oral croft"
>look up "tomb raider"
>websites praising her abs
>tfw you grew up playing old TR games
>tfw you never liked Angelina Jolie's face. She still managed to be the face of the character for a long time, despite the movies are unholy abominations that deserve to burn.
>tfw new Lara from the reboot is a perfect 10/10 waifu who is likable, better written than old "arnold schwartzenegger kille em all" type Lara, better proportioned and most of all, A CUTE.
>tfw they cast a goddamn fridge to play her now
No one played Tomb Raider for character complexity. Wish this whole fucking franchise would die desu. They aren't making Crash Bandicoot movies. Like all video game movies it will be a piece of absolute shit.
Fuck Tomb Raider and fuck Hollywood people.
>a human doesn't have the body of a caricature pin-up
also, her polycount is way too high.
Was Alicia a gymnast or something as a kid?
>All these turbo virgins ITT
Newsflash! Real women don't look like your video game sex dolls :O, shocking I know. Maybe you would know this if you left your house?
> Bringing a beloved sex symbol to the big screen for a new live action adaptation
> Cast someone with absolutely no body to portray her. Even by modern standards this actress leaves much to be desired
Hollywood deserves to suffer
Alicia is a fucking GODDESS
Disgusting man body with a below average face. Why are (((they))) forcing her again?
>Real women
Real women don't have curves and breasts? Good to know.
And that's actually pretty sexist.
and real men don't look like hugh jackman or any other male super hero actor but they put massive amounts of time in the gym to look the part. maybe cast voluptuous women like daddario and hendricks instead of fuckin twig galdot and these other messes.
crying game remake when? this time the reveal is that it's actually a woman
Should've been played by Brie Larson
Stay mad.
But nulara actually does have tits
Why doesn't hollywood ever just cast the voice actors? It's Nathan Drake all over again. Don't fix what isn't broken.
Head shape is weird as fuck.
The other actress that was considered for the role was Daisy Ridley.
>paid reviews
Can't argue with that.
Don't look at my waifu.
still would've been better than the human rectangle
I'm not mad. The only reason this pewpewing pair of pixel tits kept getting sequels was because of the tits. The only reason it's getting a movie is because strong woman™ meme. And it will suck.
How this make you feel?
My G-d, what a grotesque body.
shes really stunning face-wise
This is disgusting
implying looks < acting
I don't disagree.
You just confirmed for never playing the game. Any of them.
I see women with curves like new Lara, Vik is literally a board
she a cute
She's not Lara either but at least she isn't a fridge.
None of you guys deserve to look at my waifu STOP LOOKING AT MY WAIFU YOU DONT APPREXIATE REAL ELEGANT QTS
she could have at least chosen a better bikini that fits her body style
jesus fuck what a monstrosity, and THIS is what based fassy fucks? what is wrong with him
should have casted Kaya
she fits the nulara build
unfortunately with the oscar hype, they just put meme actresses that don't fit
>this is a waifu on Sup Forums
leave fass alone, he's stepping up
this is probably the whitest girl he's dated
top right is best
he downgraded desu
Any other game franchise wouldn't have continued after AoD. But the main character had tits, so it continued. Prove me wrong.
>protip: you can't
>My G-d
tips fedora m'sir
I haven't said this in almost four years but, "what a shit waifu."
Holy shit it's a pity she lost those boobs
At last, fridgekino.
I wish nu-Lara had bigger tits, but her body is still realistically attractive. Whoever casted this movie didn't seem to search much at all.
How did it go so wrong?
Post-ironic yid posting has nothing to do with plebbit tier neckbeards you faggot.
>whitest is the ugliest
>and has the most disgusting body
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
>virgin buzzword
>"real women" (fat and/or ugly)
doesn't get much more roastie than
kys lass
when you are raised in ireland and see nothing but pasty slags, you can't resist that jungle pussy
What are the odds that the sign behind her says BRAP
What are some good nuLara SFM links?
No I mean, how did he settle for that missing slab from stonehenge in OP?
what's Sup Forums's verdict on hazel?
Kek. The gameplay was never that good, the only reason I played it was that I didn't had a Nintendo 64 and n64 emulators back then were shit
he was in a movie with her
seems to fuck every black girl in the latest movies he does
Camilla is a shit actress thiwufh, I mean just look at her scenes in californication.
what's with fass and the lack of hips on his women? and the boyish abs?
fuck this gay shit, post actual women please