Why does Hollywood hate Asians so much?

Why does Hollywood hate Asians so much?

Sup Forums has spoken to the effect that "gooks can't act they're only good in martial arts movies" and the industry's paid attention.

The Jew fears the Samurai.

Have you met one? They are fucking useless trash

>In Chinese cinema, white actors see few lead roles, and pay discrepancies when they land one.
Move along, nothing to see here.

do Asians even care? isn't it just sjws trying to use a race and stir shit up?

Asians are a meme 2bh

You can't act either though, neither does the majority of Sup Forums.

>nothing to see here.

Good luck getting that shit to fly.

the spectacle of someone behaving as though that was ever going to stop Sup Forums types behaving like authorities on this or any subject raises a dry smile

Its because Asians make up a small percentage of the population in the West, and if you take their population number into count then they're overrepresented in Hollywood.

In Asia you'll only see Asian actors and next to no white/brown/black actors.

Could you please rephrase that in a way that allows me to feel persecuted by "sjw's"?

Considering most movies are international debuts including Asia and China specifically, They are underrepresented. Hollywood isn't a sphere devoted purely to the west anymore like 60 years ago.

This is true, and a reason Pacific Rim did so well in Asia, not only was Hong Kong a major part of the film, but the main character's love interest was an Asian woman.

But Asian actresses make white women angry so they aren't cast.

Its because Asian Women are superior

They can be represented on my BIG WHITE COCK.

Big Boobie Actress > Asian American actors

who has a harder time in Holly"wood" ?

Fuck off weebs, go watch asian "cinema" if you want to jerk off to your overlords so much

They don't want to make their pandering to China too obvious

Asians overcome discriminations by effort. Niggers just whines.

Asians actually want to see white people in movies

that's because the majority of murrica asians are actually successful people in their life unlike your common spic for negro, so the whitecuck can't have their guilt trip and play "muh white savior" role

When studios say "we want people of color" they're only talking about one color

Sup Forums theory:
The survival of the jew relies on his ability to pretend to be part of the host society, i.e. whites. If a majority of actors would display a phenotype the jew is incapable of emulating, he would risk exposure.


Hollywood - like all Americans - is hilariously racist. They all believe their own WW2 propaganda. Which, among other things, is the reason everyone laughs at them.

Which actors are there that are Asian American?
Most Asian actors I know are from other countries.

what movie is that one with Thor and the chink?

Asians hate each other, if you cast a Tibetian expect China to not watch your movie


He also beats up some gooks in a restaurant



>black or female actors want more representation
>asian actors want more representation
WHY IS HOLLYWOOD SO RACIST? Everyone should be asian and take the roles of whites

This board is a joke

Hollywood doesn't hate Asians. If they could find a way to exploit them for money you can bet your sweet ass they will.

Thing is, an Asian actor is still seen as a risk. Whether that risk is actually warranted is another matter.
Asians aren't a single group of people. Lumping them together is like lumping the Italians with the French. Are Italians going to be excited when a French actor is the lead? No. So first you have to decide which audience you're gunning for. Let's say Chinese because that's your biggest demographic. So now you need specifically a Chinese actor. But not any Chinese actor. He has to be homegrown from mainland China, because the average mainlander has no particular love for Chinese from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan + (a bunch of other countries in Asia where Chinese live).

So you need a homegrown mainland Chinese actor who speaks impeccable English and classically trained, seen as respectable in their own country and is willing to participate in a western film. They probably exist, but I don't know how many of them there are. Jet Li fit in with most criteria except maybe the English part.

Niggers and women have done nothing to deserve their own movies

Because Western media has convinced Asian men and women that they are ugly and should emulate Whites. Look at KPop and how Idol culture encourages plastic surgery to get rid of all Asian phenotypes like round faces and single-fold eyelids.

The 80s was the time of Asian kino in Hollywood. Red Sun, Mr. Baseball, Big Trouble in Little China, Karate Kid, etc. People were scared of Japs taking over the world back then.

I don't think its necessarily the western media that is the cause of this, because every race of people do ''self improvements'' to universally become better looking.

>You can't act either though, neither does the majority of Sup Forums.
Not same user but nigga I was the lead in a 12 Angry Men play and had to remember all those lines.

Sup Forums has talent. People just don't wanna admit it.

That guy who makes the BANE photoshopped meme threads has talent... if only he would fucking do something worthwhile with it like get a job in Hollywood designing film posters instead of waiting time on here because recently Hollywood films posters have been so average.

There's aren't that many Asians in America and Asian parents, for the most part, frown on their kids pursuing "acting" or "comedy" or anything entertainment related in lieu of being a doctor or a lawyer. Also, Asian cinema exists. If you want to see a movie with a bunch of Chinese people in it, watch a movie from China. Crying that a mostly white country has mostly white actors is, to put it bluntly, stupid.

>niggers are forced into movies left and right
>still bitch and whine about being kept down non-stop

Never seen that one before

Asians are less annoying I guess. Or in a different way.

>Niggers and women have done nothing to deserve their own movies

There are black directors, producers, writers, actors. What's your 'deserving' criteria other than hurting your feelings? Not that anyone would care, but still.

There really is no reason to cater to Asians, since we'll just pirate it.

t. Chink

How many asians are there with the physique of Arnie, the charisma of Tom Cruise or the sheer fucking talent of DDL?

Hollywood needs to make more kung fu movies then

What country?

I don't see how a minority that doesn't need overprotecting can do well in Hollywood to be honest.

This. 100% this. Japanese are the proof that the blacks "m'oppression" is a myth. Japanese were legitimately oppressed as recently as the 1950s, and they overcame (non violently) and now are on top economically in the states. Blacks haven't done that. They can't because they spend too much time bitching instead of assimilating and contributing. so (((they))) withhold the Japanese in film out of spite.

SJWs don't like statistics like that. "Why aren't there more blacks winning Oscars?" Because a fraction of a percent of actors win Oscars, and a small percentage of people are black. Everything is actually fair, they're just a minority in number so they are a minority in every way, as they should be.

Nothing like being a nip and being told that you're privileged because a good amount of your people made it to the top of the economic ladder.

>michelle yeoh is straight up grabbing bonds dick


Hollywood is currently undergoing enrichment, just wait til that's over with and Asians will get their chance.

because asians are usually shit actors and are at best only suited for supporting roles

Asian actors don't even bother learning kung fu anymore, and they expect to be paid more?

its almost like filmmakers are free to hire who they choose to see fit

Id have to agree with this user.

problem solved

Jews fear the samurai, it's a fact

the same reason asians are being discriminated against when they apply to colleges. So SJW's can let lower IQ plebs into higher education and have them severely drowned in student debt and realize they won't get the jobs they have been promised so that they in turn can blame white people and glass ceilings and slavery and walls, thus become activist with a victime badge, perpetuating the same idiotic nonsense to the next generation, ad infinitum.

Asian actors care.

Why do minorities believe they are special snowflakes entitled to special privileges?

Asians are successful on their own and don't need gibs like useless niggers

>literally the biggest market is China
>Asian actors are so bad that even Hollywood won't cash in on that

Pearl Harbour

I think Asians want white actors I mean pic related wasn't even trying to hide the fact it was pandering to China

Because it was Chinese made

Only chinese want white actors. I see them shoehorned into chinese films all the time as businessmen, scientists or doctors. This doesn't apply to korean or Japanese films.

And it failed.

>Asians are successful on their own

Like how Kim and Park on Hawaii Five-0 chose to leave the show because their white co-stars had way better deals? Or how there's no A-list Asian American working in Hollywood? Or how at best you usually get a minor supporting role in most shows or movies?

>Asaian American actors see few lead rolls

Maybe they should open their damn eyes!

Don't get me started on rolls!

>Japanese were legitimately oppressed as recently as the 1950s
What the fuck are you talking about retard? The time when we were at war with the Japs and most of them in our land were 1st or 2nd generation and were already wealthier than the blacks and were hung up on "muh honor and nip home land" so we peacefully relocated them to cool camps and allowed them out after the war was over? Is that what you're talking about?
Listening to blacks whine on and on is annoying, but at least they have a leg to stand on, Asians were never oppressed in America

>Asians were never oppressed in America
Oh wow, haha!

It's a Chinese film you idiot.

They never were. Asians whining about "muh oppression" are worse than Blacks

America doesnt have a history of slaving asians so they dont have to pay back now,

Why does the Jew hate Asians so much?


japs backed the side wrong during ww2 and all rook same.

subconsciously nobody really wants to look at goofball asian faces on a big screen. whites, handsome latins, and even blacks all come in line before the asian.

As i see Asians dont need hollywood tonpander to them, china's mermaid movie was made by themselves and it was extremely succesful just in their market, they watch hollywood for hollywood actors (not asian)

Hard for jews to control Asians so they take it out on the Asians trying to make it in hollywood.


People keep saying this, but it doesn't make any sense. How often do white Americans watch German cinema?

Good point but only a few productions are considered for a china release so this really shouldn't be a concern for smaller movies.

Asians that live in US probably care otherwise nobody in asia really gives a shit about hollywood

I see your point but that's the reason i said hollywood , not american, it doesnt matter if american do or dont supplement their cinema, their shit is hollywood, but hollywood is a major supplement to other markets

maybe soulless ant people just can't act well

I know what "pay" means, and I know what "discrepancy" means. But what the fuck does "paying discrepancies when you land a role" even mean

Asians make up less than 3% of the population. You might as well ask why there aren't more lead roles for Arabs or gay people.

>the man from Oceans 11 and the lead actor get paid more than "that mantis dude who was on Lost once maybe?" and a literally who gook in her first role


The question is, why does Hollywood hand black people everything while openly discriminating against Asians?

If it's ugly and weak, call it a freak.

because asians are pragmatic
but mostly because black people are loud

Nobody cares about Asian discrimination because Asians are extremely successful and wealthy and educated

everyone cares about black discrimination because blacks are poor, stupid, uneducated, violent, criminal and subhuman, and the narrative is that these faults are due to "systemic bias" and "racial discrimination"

So even though blacks have been roughly 12% of all lead and supporting roles in Oscar-nominated movies and roughly 12% of the overall population, they are allowed to complain about the Oscars being too white because they don't represent 50% of these films. Nobody cares about discrimination against non-blacks.

>Who is Lucy Liu?

i'm telling you it's evolutionary, eastern faces especially eyes freak people out and you register them as predators.

Literally in Hawaii

name one good asian actor. seriously, a legitimate good asian actor, with range.

Most Asian Americans that came from immigrant parents don't go for acting. They go to STEM and other stable jobs.
