>when everyone thinks the villain is dead but he gets up one last time to try and kill the protagonist
Tropes You Like
>when the villain pretends to be some dumb faggot but is actually a brilliant mastermind
>when the hero gets their bumbum fiddled with
when the tough action gal goes all shy wearing a bikini at the beach
>when the villain becomes the hero's gf
name one flick besides The Usual Suspects where this happens
>when the black guy dies first
> when the hero and villain used to be best friends or brothers or something but it's never made clear
Holy shit sauce
>when the villain teams up with the hero to take on an even worse villain
>early villain comes back later and joins the team as a good guy
This is always cool idgaf
thread status: derailed
>when the villain becomes the protagonist's ally in the sequel and they are best bros
obito from naruto
>but muh last minute betrayal to setup the trilogy
what is going on here?
sauce nao plz
>le reddit frog
scary movie
>protagonist was actually the villain
Name a movie other than Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice where this happens
>hero is given a genius level intellect to justify all the the insane bullshit your about to see him do
Too easy
vibrating panties.
she is having like 15 conscutive orgasms right there.
Not a movie but DBZ. In fact, it happens twice.
Bigger Jaws
why are you so mad user? reddit is here to stay. unless you want to be sad all the time, you should get used to it. if its so bad maybe you could head over to 9gag :3
thats what i thought. must acquire gf and get her one of these
Return of the Jedi
Would you count Apollo in rocky 3? Not sure if he was considered a villain by that time though.
The 2016 United States presidential election
>16 before he died
Its a running gag at this point, I'm sure there's a few minor ones I'm missing as well.
>*villain blocks the heroes' path*
>one character jumps in and tells the main protagonist to go on ahead. he'll take care of the villain
fucking love this trope, even if it's fairly common
>"dont cum in my pussy, dont cum in my pussy"
>cums in her pussy
>that character dies a tragic death as a result of being outmatched
I honestly like this because it will always get me sad even if I see it coming.
Literally name one movie in which this happens OP.
>the villain was actually the hero
>"ohh my god you're so big"
>isn't big
>dying character has a flashback right before his death further revealing the reasons why he fights
gets me everytime
>when the villain tell the hero his plan, only to say he's not that stupid to actually tell the hero his plan before executing it, revealing it was already done 35 minutes ago
>this happens but they get saved by a side character
I remember loving that arc so much as a kid. Every single one of those fights were amazing.
I like it when they use a line like "I will be your opponent." to underline that they are depriving the villain of the battle he really wants, especially if they prove to be an unexpectedly tough opponent for the villain.
Name something BESIDES Watchmen that does this.
I'd only really count Piccolo and Vegeta
its super hot if you get the remote and activate your wife panties while in a family reunion or in a school meeting etc.
name one other movie besides watchmen
Really? I honestly don't remember that scene.
>Music goes silent during fight
Maybe 16 too actually
Blade II
Avatar The Last Airbender
The mummy Returns
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
But Zuko becomes good because he realizes he was an asshole
this movie is fucking fantastic
what the fuck
those punches look like they actually fucking hurt
>finding it hot when your wife gets off around other people
Fucking cuck
>one-man amry against everything
>spouts cheesy one-liners
>end of the world or invasion movie
>movie starts with news footage of it all going to shit
Every single movie does that but I'm a sucker for that type of stuff
>when events veer off in a weirdly unexpected direction and it's revealed that a character is just daydreaming
What happened to capeshit?
X2: XMEN United
Goldberg says it once he knocks a hole in the ship
Cinematic universes for one
>hero faces huge, muscular opponent
>punches him several times to no effect
This always leads to awesome fight scenes.
i don't know but notice the absolute lack of quips and epic pop culture references in that entire scene
>seeing her trying to contain her slelf and not to cum in front of 40 people
>she looks at you with teary eyes
>big eyes
>asking for mercy
>but you have no mercy because you own her.
not hot at all ;^)
Pirates of The Caribbean (the one where Geoffrey Rush is a good guy).
why is she covering her mouth? she doesn't even have to try to act like castle
Lolita Nabokov
>villain secretly helps the world with his mischiefs
>the female character is strong, independent and a POC
God damn this really holds up well
>Bad guy is punch proof
>Good guy has to quickly find a creative way to kill him before he's beaten to death
Forgot pic
>a gag happens
>is funny
>is later done again
>is sad
Charlie's Angels
>Mysterious villain has a 10 minute flashback exposition scene that shows his life story and his motives.
>in a documentary when they accuse someone of doing some shady shit and then immediately follow it up with "X declined to be interviewed for this film"
I'd forgotten how good that was. A great mixture of dark and campy. Perfect tone for a superhero movie.
>when there's at least 30 minutes of nature scenes randomly cut throughout the movie for no discernible reason
For Your Eyes Only had a good one as well.
And of course, there's Oddjob.
>he deflects a flying kick with his chest
Fuck yeah.
>when it's strongly implied that a character just was/will be sexually assaulted offscreen
wtf i love naruto now
>character tells another character that they don't get to bring friends, it turns out they aren't the second character's friends
You can get this with sound over at /gif/
The vibrators in pants thread
I miss fight scenes like this. It's all just quick cuts and shakycam now.
remove [s4s]
The Score
>all this text defending Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/, the most reddit of boards.
didn't even bother reading it. it was made by some autistic redditor upset that all his favorite boards get trashed on the rest of this site.