Is the Fallout series the ultimate ancap fantasy? Unironically asking

Is the Fallout series the ultimate ancap fantasy? Unironically asking.

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Shit wrong board pls don't ban me mods

no, the ultimate ancap fantasy is one where people are free to make contracts with each other, and where people acknowledge others ownership of property as long as it was justly obtained.

In Fallout, raiders/bandits/whomever break rule the property rule. Presumably people own their own bodies, so killing them would be a big no-no. Also stealing and breaking contracts (
which is a large part of the game) is another big no-no in ancap land.

(check I'm not a robot)

Nope it's the ultimate leftist fantasy, where the communist bloc destroyed fascist AmeriKKKa in a rain of nuclear hellfire.

But who would enforce this? In theory if someone steals from you, you're in charge of imposing the penalty, and that's what happens in fallout

how is it the ultimate leftist fantasy you drooling waste of space

>where the communist bloc destroyed fascist AmeriKKKa in a rain of nuclear hellfire

that isn't in the game, retard.

you are thinking too small. after several people in a family were killed the survivors might think, hmm how can we protect ourselves? They would presumably try to enter into a contract with someone/something/organization who can help them with protection while offering something in return to that group.

I mean examples are everywhere, for one, you could simply pay for some sort of police/response service that would guarantee physical protection if you are being threatened or harmed.

The Fallout example, is groups of people who band together with similar interests, in order to carry out some vision of the good life, all the while providing meaningful everyday services.

It's bee awhile since i last played fallout, but obviously there are cities that function somewhat well. Obviously, for story purposes lots of things go on behind the scenes, but realistically people would form some sort of mutual agreement that would allow for a large group of people to be physically protected. In this scenario you could imagine multiple families gathering the wagons to help each other fend off against marauders. After a short amount of time, the individual or the family would not necessarily be in charge of imposing the penalty, instead they develop some contract with another group of people and mutually agree on terms that would benefit both parties, i.e. protection for money/food/whatever.

>you could simply pay for some sort of police/response service that would guarantee physical protection if you are being threatened or harmed.
I believe that is called a government.

the difference in an ancap society is that you are never forced by either individual or state to pay for anything against your will. In a modern classical liberal society, the government is going to make you pay taxes regardless of your need for social programs, in favor of distributing wealth/resources to others in the society.

The ancap argument is that you should not be forced into a tribute if you do not want to, and instead that the private market could be more effective at taking care of social problems or needs than a government could. For example, if you wanted to, you could simply defend yourself and your family in a fallout scenario.

In this scenario one could imagine a certain type of liberty in which the individual has no responsibility to others in the society, but also has chosen to not enter into any agreements with others, at the risk of their own safety.

Presumably, people could make governments/societies/organizations with rules, and have a very complex structure similar to what we are now familiar with modern governments. the only difference is that you would not be forced to join, but instead would have the option to if you wanted to. adults could voluntarily join into a state where they agree to pay taxes in return for some baseline social programs like police,fire protection,hospitals and so on. The major difference is that you would not be FORCED to do any of this and could just fend for yourself.

If you are interested you should read Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick. I'm not an ancapper myself (and neither is Robert Nozick) but you might enjoy it anyways.

There is literally nothing wrong with paying tax.

well at least I tried to explain the ancap argument... but then i got MEMED

do you use eoads

Yes. Just replace "TOW" with Fat Man.

not inherently, i agree. however, it becomes a problem when your government gives $10 million to a known terrorist

If you have equal representation, sure. If you're paying tax so others can sit on their ass, then you're just a cuck

Post memeballs.

Borderlands better fits that bill tbqh. We all know the true ancap fantasy is Bioshock

What is the ancap response to supermutant union of egoists?

I'm happy to pay tax for others to sit on ass, as I like to sit on my own ass occasionally or when I have to.

You did a fine job, I just think that there is nothing wrong with a central body which regulates daily life to a degree and takes care of non profitable ventures.

I appreciate that but your example just depends on the government.

Capitalism cannot exist without a little statism and any attempt to do so will result in chaos followed by reformation of governments in one form or another.

No because snap in real life was unironically boring

See the American Midwest and medieval Ireland, medieval iceland.

Would fall apart quickly



I don't know I always thought this seemed more like the ultimate ancap fantasy:


Ancappers probably never had to fill out their taxes, or they'd know how nightmarish that is, and they would realize that administering one's finances in an AnCap scenario would be 5000x of a clusterfuck.
When you have to keep track of every individual facet of daily life that's normally taken care of automatically, you're bound to make mistakes and to say "Fuck it", losing every edge that the system might've had for you because it's just too much of a pain in the ass.

Just the administration part of AnCap would be a nightmare on the individual, and that's ignoring all the added stress of living in a everyone-for-themselves society.
It just feels superficial and shortsighted, with the cons outweighing the good just for the sake of a "freedom" you can't do anything with.

that's a stale meme, poorly executed

>Expecting it to work
>When 99% of the userbase has youtube links automatically converted to video title + thumbnail

>ive only played bethesda fallout
go back to and stay go

I listened to Getter's Fallout.

Wait I thought the whole point of AnCap was that you COULDN'T go onto other people's property, how is he spreading the virus?