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Television and Film #849
Television and Film
I was blown away by Nova in War for the Planet of the Apes...
What movie starts playing?
Jonah Hill rolls up T-shirt for directorial debut on set of Mid '90s
Don't do it Peter
Find a flaw
Find me a more overrated actor
The Shining
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Fullmetal Alchemist
ITT: Post an Image and get a Recommendation
Why are cinemas so dirty? Why do people seemingly revel in their own filth?
Dragon Ball Z
Characters name is 'Swear-Engine'
Would you ever agree to appear on an episode of Dating Naked?
So called "villains" who actually did nothing wrong
/got/ General
What doess Sup Forums think of Olivia Wildeas an actress
Why was it so shit ?
This is a fucking masterpiece
/who/ - Doctor Who General
The Circle
Its a Military Francis episode
What are some good dark comedies?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is it still the king of capeshit?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
He actually looks great here
All this time and Sup Forums still hasn't figured out how to beat The Thing, a ludicrously simple task
Super Hero Bubble
No breaks on the Wonder Woman train, fellas. Marvel can either submit or die trying
Paramount's 2017 lineup
Is she a good actress
Do you think she regrets getting involved with Twilight?
Why was he so obsessed with Bane's mask? Was it the autisms?
Could THIS be more of a Friends thread?
How do you explain this?
Sir! You forgot your popcorn!
TVs of Sup Forums
The Last Jedi
The end of the last jedi
/stg/ Star Trek General
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Smile, you son of a
Movie is an hour and 40 minutes long
Is Nolan a hack?
You're the only man who ever touched me
More like Bore for the Planet of the Apes
People are absolutely IRATE that Princess Jasmine is about to be played by a half-Indian half-English girl...
Was he a good father?
STILL has a review embargo. This isn't a good sign bois
Are niggers really stupid enough to believe this shit?
Toy Story confirmed for new 'Kingdom Hearts' game
How will they ruin it?
The First Footage From Avengers: Infinity War Blows Away Even Your Wildest Expectations
So this was pretty good
Oats studios Thread
Cruise is already 55, why is he still playing main action hero roles like he did 20 years ago?
Aladdin cast announced, Will Smith confirmed to play the Genie
Could a DOOM film work?
Are there any timeless spongebob scenes?
Find a film
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Thoughts about the actor who will play young Han Solo?
What does Sup Forums think of George 'It's Perfectly Acceptable to be a Cuckold' Ouzounian, also known as Maddox?
Did anyone else start wildly cheering batman on the moment he said this...
I've never seen a discussion about this show on here so i thought i'll start
Star Wars the last Jedi behind the scenes
Is this the best scene in horror history?
Cabin in the Woods thread
Trainspotting 2
Who was in the wrong here?
What's the morale of this story?
DC is dead, bury it. Consider it mercy
Just watched this
Rey be a Jedi Tonight!
This is your new princess Jasmine. Say something nice about her
/lbg/: D. W. Griffith General
Is this the most redpilled tv show?
Behind The Scene
This was great, why is it so underrated?
Post a picture, get a movie recommended based on that picture
The Last Jedi
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: Movies where the bad guy wins
It's actually pretty good
Whats the first word that comes to mind when you see this?
Cast it
How do we stop Disney?
Does anyone watch wrestling besides white trash?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Thoughts on Mary Poppins (2018)?
Crying in hollywood
I want to enjoy capeshit but I feel like I'm too intelligent for it. What should I do?
Are today's leaks gonna be the nail in the coffin for this season?
Why does Sup Forums have such a huge fucking problem with Jennifer Lawrence?
This is a 10/10 in Sicily
Is Dolph Lundgren a shitty actor or does he just star in shitty films?
ITT:Times when ROTTEN Tomatoes was wrong
Worth watching?
/tv kino
Pushing models as actors
/got/ general
Was he a hero or a villain?
A wrinkle in Time first TRAILER
Where would you like to see the Apes franchise go from here?
Tfw you like Lynch as a person but think Kubrick makes better movies
XRA thread
Did these men save or destroy Hollywood?
ITT: we summon based pusyposter by posting our favourite beautiful actresses
What's one Jackass stunt you want to try yourself? Mine is pic related
Why was Netalee fired from the MCU?
Not a single nomination for writing, directing, music, or lead acting
Why are the worst written characters now the face of this show this shit is just another LOTR little princess is going...
Three movies you'll sit down and watch with your son
It's a saul gets drunk episode
Why do christcucks get so butthurt because of this series?
Is Tyler Perry talented or just another porch monkey?
How doyou want your career fam?
What is the point of this (((show)))?
Save the cheerleader
Memes aside, the entire last season was consistent with the overall high quality of the previous seasons
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Emma Stone?
ITT: How to spot a redditor
Can we all agree that Logan is overrated as shit?
Is she /ourgirl/?
OK literary 30 secs ago just finished this show & wtf are you faggots problem with it ?
Does 'diversity' ruin a movie for you?
Have a 5 hour flight tomorrow.Tell me your favorite podcasts
/who/ - Doctor Who general
Slasher thread, get the fuck in here
Tom Holland Wants Tobey Maguire To Play Uncle Ben in the MCU
Wtf why was Hitler in hell!?
Is the ice cream frozen?
At what point did you drop the main story arc?
Raimi's Spider-Man 4
Hey faggots, you gonna see my newest film Dunkirk?
British Panel Shows Thread
Just applied to be a janitor. God I can't wait to clean this fucking place up. You pedo fucks are getting the permaban...
Just once, I want to experience this
Movies where the protagonist is a evil sociopath and we follow him on his journey
Threads about MOVIE and TELEVISION tropes aren't permitted anymore
Polish Movie Thread
This will never be you
What are some films where the bad guys get what they deserve?
Will he get more serious roles now?
Remember that time Riker fell in love with a Trap? Is that our Future? Will the Traps become the majority?
The greatest comedy sketch ever seen on live tv
ITT: Movies you on't understand
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Webm Thread - Saturday Edition
The Waterboy = Billy Madison = Happy Gilmore > Big Daddy = Mr. Deeds = Little Nicky > Spanglish > Eight Crazy Nights
What's next for his career?
Sup Forumstv/ BTFO
Holy shit Whites btfo
Why do we hate these two again?
Spider-Man Homecoming Crashing
Wonder Woman
Would you?
Marathoned Man of Steel and Batman v Superman last night...
Bill Burr
I think we should have a serious discussion about stopping the outright racism on this board
What is the best Planet of the Apes movie and why is it Rise of the Planet of the Apes?
Is this kino?
Hey user, are you going to pay child support? If not, you have to lick all this up! And no kleenex!
Jimmy smits thread
How do you download movies? i haven't done this in year and have no idea what website
TFW Sup Forums thinks The Raid movies were better
Movies that only you like
Star Wars penguins confirmed!
Doctor Who General - /WHO/
When is she going to start getting Sup Forums roles since everyone knows her now
Does Riley have what it takes to be the next actor to break into music?
Am I the only one who thinks if they cut out the boring CGI war bullshit and just made it about Sam and Frodo the flick...
Who was in the wrong? Luke or Kofi?
What is the film equivalent of Despacito?
Prisoner of Azkaban
"Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator? It's that power is an ascent."
The new Doctor Who
What the fuck do people see in this show?
Why the fandom of Star Wars is so shit?
The great debate
Am I the only person who still supports spoony after all these years?
Retardation in Cinema
Was he too good looking to play bond?
Smocaine 3
2 hours 40 minutes
Is anyone watching Younger (starring Hillary Duff)? It's up to its 4th season
Everyone forgot about this kino all of a sudden?
Who are the best Italian american actors and actresses?
Makes kino after kino
Recommend me some great action movies
Why didn't Indy pull out a gun and shoot Hitler?
Bill Nye Saves the World gets an Emmy nomination for the episode on 'The Sexual Spectrum'
Why haven't you watched the best film of the year yet Sup Forums
Actually scary horror films
In all seriousness, Is J-Law pretty enough to be in the new Tarantino flick?
Chimp out franchise
This movie was a piece of crap, gal gadot is a piece of crap, and i'm sick of people pretending like it wasn't
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What 2017 movie are you most hyped about?
This was fucking kino
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Johnny English 3 (2018)
Can we all agree this was the last genuinely good SW movie?
Is there such a thing as anime kino
What the actual fuck BBC and Netflix? What the fuck is this shit? Goddamn reeeee
Is this the pinnacle of foodkino?
Thoughts on Riverdale?
Kino teir
Long story short, my friend is insecure about his intelligence. He is stupid, but I want to bolster his confidence
Why are so many great directors currently doing nothing
Movie Bob explains why Homecoming sucks compared to Raimi Spider-man
This was, unironically and with complete seriousness, a perfect film
Somewhere in this universe there is a talking raccoon
TV shows to fall asleep to
Which is the best Friday the 13th movie?
/got/ general
Angel was better than Buffy
Spider-Man 2's CGI is better than homecom-
ITT: essential skinhead cinema
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Rich people are evil: the movie
"Dunkirk" IMDb rating revealed
I was more hyped than most people for this and I didn't even know it came out...
Starting S1 ep 1
Leonardo DiCaprio
Sup Forums recommended me this and goddamn what an ending. any other films with good plot twists?
What did you fucks think of this? I saw it and enjoyed it but never seen cloverfield. Are they connected at all?
Mackenzie Davis appreciation thread
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict? Predict its future. Will this movie have any longevity...
Niles Crane is a hallucination representing Frasier's deteriorating mind
What's Sarah Hyland gonna do after modern family? The show must be nearing its end by now
Why was "The Passion of the Christ" considered offensive at the time of it's release?
This movie sucked
ITT: pleb TV shows and movies masquerading as something deep and patrician
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
My mom just died. What's a movie for this feel? I need something to help me feel better
Now that the dust has settled
Things ain't like they wuz before mang
ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong
Did she go too far?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Did people in your audience really laugh when he took off the mask?
Haha look at him go
Wow this was horrible. 10 minutes worth of interesting content stretched over 2.5 hours...
Itt: nostalgic early-mid 2000s shows
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Unarmed black teen is strangled to death by a policeman because he played his music too loud
ITT: Movies that you know are bad, but you still like anyway
ITT: childhood memories
Friday night
Why didn't they just take a helicopter up the river?
Just checked American Psycho here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...
Name a better candidate for tarantino's manson family movie
The bird leak is real
Why don't you guys listen to happier, lighter music, like Baby did?
Talk with me about Manchester by the Sea
Do you think Arnie's sons has a future in acting?
/ypg/ - The Young Pope General
*stares concernedly*
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Whatever happened to Amy Schumer?
Alright Sup Forums I've taken madlibs to the next level
Why did this movie received such good reviews? It is really bad, and got some atrocious acting
What PS1 game is this?
What does Sup Forums think of Blue Bloods?
War for the Planet of The Apes
ITT: We post things that would have made Alien Covenant better
I mean this guy was a real jerk!
So we can all agree that this is the greatest film of the 21st Century right?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Opie & Anthony
Did the West just save Anime?
What's next for her career?
Before Wonder Woman Sup Forums hates her
Does Sup Forums like Mad Libs?
There was absolutely nothing wrong with Lieutenant Junior Grade Picard's life...
Why can't Americans get this Godzilla thing right? They've failed twice now
This is actually pretty funny
Lets get this out onto a tray
Why hasn't any other film done this before Sup Forums?
Can we just talk about the bonus situation?
Mass effect movie casting
Why was this made?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General:
Songs that deserve their own movies
What was his problem?
Um, can we talk about Moonlight?
So who did have the best business card?
This is the girl
Capeshit BTFO again
B-but if we kill the cylons we become worse than them
The new Spider-Man looks like SHIT!
Anyone else think that Annie's ghost being him right before he got turned into crispy-fried cyborg asshole makes more...
What are your favorite Family Guy episodes Sup Forums?
Looks like another flick has hopped on the lesbianization of America. ELASTIGIRL IS THE STAR
Wesley snipes
What was the point of all the theatrics?
It wasn't supposed to be a documentary guys
Was anybody else underwhelmed?
It's a Rom seizes the means of production episode
You were the one who taught me freedom was everyone's right
How come healing no work so good?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Actors who you thought were the same guy
Is there a more overrated flick than this? It's just DDL overacting in a period piece like he has been for 30 years now
John Wick 2 is more fucking Kino than the first
Let's talk about Colonia. This was a good EMMA WATSON film. EMMA WATSON is a quality actress
American History X
What's the movie equivalent of this album?
Any of you ever watched a movie so many times in a few weeks that you just can't enjoy the movie anymore?
Everything he touches turns to kino (the british versions anyway)
Shitty films Sup Forums memed you into watching
How can one studio be so kino?
Blue Velvet
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What does Sup Forums think of this?
So in "King Size Homer", Homer has to gain 60 pounds in order to make it to 300 lbs and qualify for disability
Go to see War for the Planet of the Apes
Dark Matter thread
Ugh i hate when this happens
Luke trains for weeks/months on Dagobah
Find a flaw
Zendaya and Spider-Man Costar Tom Holland Are Dating
How do you feel about models getting into acting?
Why is this considered the best Disney film?
Spider-man homecoming flopped
Are you ready for the biggest surprise of summer 2017?
Why does no one ever discuss The Lone Gunmen?
Did anyone else want Katara to bloodbend Azula in the finale?
Was it the greatest American sketch comedy show of all time? Yes
Will he quip?
Fuck you, it was good
ITT: Actors you would like to see in the same movie
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why is he so Smaug?
King Arthur Legend of the Sword
Hey Murr, call this guy a nigger haha!
Pitch to HBO a series based on this symbol
Thinking about watching this
This was one of the best BOTW
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Cast it
What's one movie everyone needs to watch, at least once, before they die?
Black Mirror
Reddit characters in otherwise Sup Forums shows/movies
Will she ever recover? This is probably worse than the fappening
Babs Palvin best actress in the world thread
Turns out, little monkey fella!
So Sup Forums... will it be another Nolan masterpiece?
Is 'Eyes Wide Shut' Nicole Kidman's best film?
Name one movie role he couldn't pull off
I'm going to a Frasier trivia in a couple weeks. What's the best team name?
This is not ok
The villain was literally the Eternal Anglo
/got/ general
OYYYYYYYY veyyyyyy these goyim children are on to my plot to fleece their father for everything he's worth
Jesus fuck this movie was a train wreck
Post Indian Kino
Le gritty reboot of beloved and somewhat campy old franchise
This is who the BBC have decided to cast as Zeus in their mini series about the fall of Troy
Itt: times you've met celebs
Realise my bucket of Corona beers is empty
Don't worry guys! Disney isn't going to fuck up Star Wa-
Léon (1994)
What does Sup Forums think of Mila Kunis?
ITT: essential redditcore
How can we save Sup Forums?
Stop fucking marketing this show characters as fucking human beings dont give a fuck about them outside the movies and...
What does Sup Forums think of Chloe Bennet?
The Falling Dead
Are Miyazaki's movies just Japanese Disney-tier or do they have more depth than that?
Doctor who general /who/
Why didnt they just eat the ring
How in the ever loving FUCK did this get made?
Can we talk about Neill Blomkamp's current projects...
I had a father, his name was Ben Parker
What would the blockbuster landscape be like if this flick failed?
Now that the dust has settled: Was it kino?
Kathleen Kennedy said new spin off announcement by end of June
Game of thrones
/YMS general/
What's some good kraut kino?
Lynch's best, or his worst?
"The Wachowskis asked for over $80 million to make The Matrix. They only got $10 million...
Everyone wish Harry Dean Stanton a happy 91st birthday
Gonna go see Baby Driver
Jurassic World 2 just brapped filming
Prostitution in Hollywood
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/who/ - Doctor Who General
ITT: Reddit movies
Movies that help you fight depression
Cast it
I swear to god if you ruin this thread with dubs again I will personally find and destroy you
Wish Upon
How would you rewrite the Star Wars prequels?
1991 was 38 years ago
You are tasked with showing one film to everyone in the world to bring about world peace
My bess fren Ryan Dunn died in a car assident four years ago
Reading through them, it's easy to see why. In what is arguably the most level-headed of the emails, sent on July 21...
Movie is longer than 1 and a half hours
9 years later and this still holds up pretty well
Why would there be a swimming pool and frequent Red Cross inspections at a death camp?
It's plausible enough
U mirin?
What type of sequel do you want
Sneaking Food Into The Movie Theater
What was his fucking problem?
So... Donald Drumpf
Elle Fanning offered lead role in Woody Allen's next movie
I don't look upon this like it's the end; I look upon it like it's moving on, you know...
Stuntman John Bernecker has died after suffering a fall on the set of The Walking Dead
What's wrong with liberals?
First official image from Spielberg's Ready Player One
Black Panther
ITT: Actors who are dead
Yes, I am a cop
Is there a better program for watching kinos than vlc?
Black Panther has a big-
'Wonder Woman' has no Thursday drop
Can you even think of a better Manson?
Why do (((they)))have to ruin everything?
What the fuck was the point of this?
What is tv's option on Malin akerman, will she make it big? Is she a good actress...
Well? is Besson over?
ITT: Shows everyone pretends to like
ITT Essential dark Comedies
Does anyone else hate this fag? He ruins the whole mystery and dark mature greatness of batman...
I'm 19, should I watch the disney movies I never got to see as a kid or is it too late?
Why do the prequels have the best memes?
What does Sup Forums think of Salma Hayek?
Tfw the universe hates you and only you
What is Mann's best film and why is it Miami Vice?
Why are movie theaters a magnet for people who dont care about anyone but themselves?
Disney fired Kermit the Frog's puppeteer and voice Steve Whitmire
They were so young
Apeshit BTFO!!!!
Dude Gawker didn't do anything wrong
San Junikino
/got/ general
This will be the nail in the coffin, won't it
JUST find me the most androgynous looking Lara Croft in order to not get called a sexist
This movie was really fun. I dunno why you americans don't like it. It was a fun summer movie...
First Jigsaw (Saw 8) Still
What would you do?
This is fucking kino
Stop, you're under arrest!
Literally millennial drive
Wtf i hate neill blomkamp now?
I hate how Sup Forums always throws around the word "kino" at everything, but this is unironically going to be pure...
Did she go too far?
What did she mean by this?
He literally did nothing wrong
What do these four characters have in common?
Oh yeah, that happened
ITT: Name a better action sequel
You will never see Ungoliant btfo Morgoth on the big screen
There are people that didn't like this
What's next for his career?
Is she a good actress or is she only hired for geek appeal?
Real talk: why did they make her so fucking ugly?
What movie should I watch? This is my third day just sitting and lying sick at my apartment...
There are plebian redditors who unironically hate 2001
Are there any other modern action stars like Scott Adkins? Adkins is based but I need more VOD kino
Are you going to watch The Layover? Starring Kate Upton and Alexandria Daddario
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
What does Sup Forums think of In Bruges?
Tells Finn to go to the movies
Can we get a Youtube Kino thread?
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
Thoughts on this? has anyone even watched it?
How do you feel about Nick Mullen and Cum Town?
Iliza Shlesinger vs Natasha Leggero
Overrated Films
/trek/ general
About to watch pic related for the first time. I know absolutely nothing about it. What am I in for?
IIT: Shitty actors you wouldn't miss
Susie, what have you been looking into recently? Other than glory holes
ITT: Images that really make you think
Songs that deserve their own movies
ITT: Criticisms that only brainlets raise about films
Why was she so perfect?
ITT: Movies you fell asleep to
I never saw any Transformer movie, I always heard about it being absolute shit etc. etc
There's no denying Cara Delevingne took an interesting route to Hollywood...
Is the fact that this show is never ever discussed on Sup Forums proof that it's good?
My eyes are getting weary
God this movie sucked...
Autism Suggestions
Silent pan of the ocean
Why did they fire him as Kermit?
Why did Tim Allen's show get cancelled, Sup Forums?
ITT: Simpson's jokes you didn't get
Is this gordon-kino?
This movie is a form of art, discuss
Have you guys ever been watching a movie and you recognize the same set from another movie?
Is this the best "zombie" movie ever?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Official Whose Line Game Power Rankings
Times actors broke character
Is it kino?
Half Life Movie
Tfw this came out almost two years ago
Is Peter a good father?
What do you guys think about the upcoming Godzilla VS. Kong Film? Who do you want to win?
What are some fast movies?
LOL dying for this shitty show
How did they do it? How did they make a movie where the protagonist is more autistic than Ryan Gosling in Drive...
Now that the dust has settled. Was the raping of Schibetta justified?
Two Broke Girls
What are you guys thinking about Oats Studios so far?
ITT: post in your opinion unironically the greatest kino work of art you've ever seen
Um... can we talk about Moonlight?
Spider-man (2002): $114 million opening weekend
He's a titguy
/got/ general
What are some movies that exclusively pander to the fedora audience
Why wasn't Ryan Gosling in the sequel Sup Forums?
Reddit is down
This is the greatest film ever made
What killed her acting career? The leaked nudes? The feud with Ariana?
Why is this shit so fucking famous? literally everyone is talking about it
Anyone else here a fan of James Woods?
Haven't watched Colbert for 3 years
ITT: actors who secretly hate jews
ITT: God-tier soundtracks
Why is this meth goblin famous?
I'm going to a Seinfeld trivia in a couple weeks. What's the best team name?
Just saw this shitty movie, ask me anything and I will rant for you
Is every King of the Hill episode basically
Season 4 fucking when
/bb/ Big Brother 19
So why did Spiderman Homecoming flop?
What the FUCK was his problem?
What does Sup Forums think of this DC kino?
Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant
Now that the Dust hast settled , can we admit the Job Rogan verbally anihilated Steven Crowdshiter in the weed debate?
Its me qunetin tarantino
Ok which one of you was this
Frank Darabont’s Rage Boils Over: The ‘Walking Dead’ Emails
So is it safe to say this flopped Domestically?
Is there anyone worth a subscribe on youtube nowadays?
Who is the best Riverdale girl and why is it Ronnie?
The Matrix
Was this punishment not a little harsh for a child who damages his toys and steals his sister's?
When did you first realize Game of Thrones was never good?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Ape Trilogy > BatNolan Trilogy, Godfather trilogy, any trilogy. Prove me wrong
Why don't people like Rey?
Did Hannibal ever kill anyone that wasn't a total jack ass? He never killed kids or anything, right?
Just saw an early screening
Is there a better female musician to ever exist?
ITT: Dishonest films
How does this character make you feel?
What happened to this bad boy's career?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Who are actors that you always get confused?
What was the worst experience you have ever had at a movie theatre?
Who should play manson bros?
Let's talk about Colonia. This was a good EMMA WATSON film. EMMA WATSON is a quality actress
Is this reddit?
What's some good Dixie kino?
I have an IQ of 87, what makes me clinically slow
What did she mean by this?
Why does this ugley horse keep being cast as an attractive woman, as if it doesnt completely ruin the immersion
/bb/ Big Brother 19
White """""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""
People call these "prequels", but do they really fit canonically into the original Planet of the Apes film...
I like mowing MY LAWN
Films plebs love to jerk off over
I'm protected, man. I've got protection
Is it a good series?
I wanted to watch Baby Driver, but I have to take my nephew to see one of these capeshits today instead
Is this the best Friday the 13th movie of all time?
Was it, dare I say, kino?
Webm Thread - woman locked up edition
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/bb/ Big Brother 19
List two movie settings you want to see more of
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
This is like Curb Your Enthusiasm, but not funny. Why is that?
Just finished parks and rec
Am I the only one who thinks the chick from iZombie is really good?s she's cute as hell, and a good actress too...
Hey user
Why do people praise this disaster? The visuals and voice acting are nice but actual film is dogshit...
This made guy, right? Had the most discriminating eye when it comes to t&a. He's at a club one night...
Is this the worst 'Best Drama' field of all time?
Films too smart for their audience
Hello children
Can we make gangnam style GREAT AGAIN or Just let him RIP in that case "F"
Out of all the episodes, why is this shit nominated?
Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet!
Who are your favourite TV presenters?
What will be his opening monologue at the Emmys?
Is this the most quotable movie of all time?
ITT: Post absolute kino
Black Panther stills
Remember it
ITT: Shit movies you've recently watched
What does Sup Forums think of British actor Jason Isaacs?
What the hell was his problem?
Laura Croft
Trailer makes it look there is a War between Apes and humans in the movie
ITT: The biggest fuck-ups in Star Wars
I'm okay with a black Mary Jane, but she has to look good. Not ugly like that girl
Horror movie
This would be kino
Mulholland Drive
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Pitch me your script idea, user
Is there a better movie about addiction?
ITT: We cast the Manson film
Let's try to analyze this objectively, Sup Forums. Why is Homecoming underperforming in the US...
Iron Man 3
Thought I liked horror
How will this board ever recover?
Would you watch a movie about M2K?
Didn't the ending seem kinda wrong...
/got/ general
ITT: /ourguys/ 2017 edition
Can we trust him?
The remake never stood a chance, did it?
Lesser Known Action/Thriller Movies
Anime and beta male culture is ruining Japan's traditionalist culture
I want to beat him up so bad
Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA
New Jigsaw Photo and Details on the Saw Sequel
Seven of Nine thread
What do I think about America's involvement in the war? Well, I think we should win
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Kate Upton and Alexandra Daddario
I used to worship this guy's standup back in the day...
I'm black and yes I can't wait to see Conor get loses
So, I just watched Homecoming
The Predator is ‘Not a Sequel’, Says Keegan-Michael Key
Why does he do it?
ITT: We post our top five favorite films and rate our tastes
Star Trek
ITT - Actors/Actresses That Ruin Any Film They're In
How will abolishing Net Neutrality affect the way we watch shows online?
Crystal Maze thread & Naked Attraction pre-thread
Tfw no Brigitte gf in high school
Spider-man big in India
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Pretentious garbage
A superhero movie that actually has the balls to not be a power fantasy and instead focuses on having human and...
Which one?
Did we redpill him?
Who sorcerer worked on Starship Troopers?
Your'e a big panther
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What the fuck were they thinking?
Have you done your part to save Sup Forums?
Titty Monster the Movie trailer is actually out and looks fun af... also ALOT OF TITS SEX SCENES AND STUFF
Mulholland Drive
Cinerama was the peak of cinema
Has sex with best friend's husband, not once, but twice
Man stuck in ATM sends note for help through receipt slot
Some Orson Welles quotes
Directors BOWING down to NOLAN - DUNKINO!!!!!!!
What was the point of this flick?
New JL stuff
Was it better than Aliens Sup Forums?
Scenes in movies that never fail to make you cry
This is the Norse god of death
Was he right?
Riverdale thread: Zach's gf edition
On August 26, he was given twelve life sentences; one for every person he killed in addition to 3...
FUCK YOU ALL: Frank Darabont's Furious Emails to his Walking Dead Coworkers
It wasn't funny
New card, what do you think?
Why do they hate each other?
Is the ending as bad as everyone says it is?
Still the ONLY spider-man film that actually has Spider-man keep his mask on during action scenes
What has actress Ellen Page been up to?
Is it Good?
I love this movie
Emmy nominations roll out
How Black Panther solves the problem of M'Baku (Don't Call Him Man-Ape)
What kind of person likes this shit?
Fast and Furious 9: PLOT LEAKS
How do you feel about this film poster?
"Hey, when you go home to your wife"
Don't crash my plane. Please
Movies that deal with inevitable looming death
Stupid ass mods deleting a perfectly fine IT thread
This is Ana de Armas. She's a Cuban actress and she has a role in the upcoming Blade Runner movie
What is the Anthony Fantano of /film/?
The Orville...WHY?
Can you explain this actor's appeal?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Will this be warkino?
There are "people" on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that prefer the remakes
GLOW is a good show t b h
So what's your opinion on Shia "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger" LaBeouf?
What's next for his career?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Take a movie that wasn't very good...
What are some films where the bad guys get what they deserve?
Chaos Walking
They cast Gal Gadot to play WW
Did My Life as Liz ever reach its potential?
And your other gun
Valerian Hype?
-Where can I find archives, stock, or samples of greenscreen footage i can insert into other vids?
Has this ever been funny?
Post your 10/10
I only sell short shorts
Who /hype/???
Why they are not making comedy movies like this these days?
Sophie Turner hopes 'Game of Thrones' rape controversy
Why nobody is talking about this kino?
Name the killer in Friday the 13th
Queen of the Summer
Prince of Darkness (1987)
Can animated kino be discussed here? Iron Giant is easily one of the best animated movies of all time
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...