The leaks were real
The Last Jedi
Other urls found in this thread:
so THAT'S where he went off to
>redwood will still allow them to shill even though its going to be worse than tfa
Jesus fucking christ
Not gonna lie to you, user. I hate the fuck out of Disney Star Wars but that animal thing looks cute as fuck. I really want a space penguin plushy now. I will probably buy one or two as soon as the movie comes out, it's gonna be impossible to resist.
Fuck you Disney. Fuck you.
>implying TFA was bad
Don't you a Big Black Cock to suck?
the sheer irony behind this post
That little fucker is at least a billion dollars in merchandising alone for Disney.
I wanna hug it
I want to ____ that penguin
What is that cute little stinker?
>'people' will actually shill this movie on Sup Forums for zero monetary compensation
but WHY
Why is everyone throwing a fit about these fluffy little birds?
It's not like having small cute alien critters is inconsistent with the original Star Wars trilogy.
So what were the leaks about?
Gen X ruined Star Wars.
Because people pretend to hate the Ewoks like they are so smart for hating something made for kids and merchandise. But those same people will defend Disney shit and these childish little birds. I think anons here are complaining about that hypocrisy.
I think just concept art drawings and someone calling them "force penguins"?
chek'd n' kek'd good sir
Same leak as the penguin things said Rey was going to fight an underwater sloth monster that would transform into Snaking upon besting it.
>snoke rumor is true
>tfw you're a real human bean, but are too sensitive and afraid of scorpions
>zero monetary compensation
If only you knew....
I like it better than Sheev 2.0
>all those Goldmember memes we will have to see in December
>Caring for Disney Star Wars
tell me, whys he wear the poncho
I'm actually excited now for the new film and I liked some of the other creature designs in that video. The director is competent and the cast is good, I'm looking forward to it. I'm sure I'll get all sorts of autistic (you)s though.
Don't you have a favorite show or movie or book? What if suddenly they take your favorite character and make a sequel where they ruin that character in every way possible? Sure, you can ignore it but you must feel *something*?
I fail to see what is wrong there.
Its just a happy feet penguin with a seal pups face slapped on it.
Lazy Jews.
A Sloth Lord?
Gen X were the reason Star Wars was successful in the first place. Without them it's just another 70's b-movie.
>what if someone changes or adapts intellectual property that they own that you don't own and do whatever they want with it?
I remind myself I'm a fucking adult and continue to like what I enjoy and avoid what I don't.
What are even the leaks
thats like the complete opposite of the scorpion jacket from drive
It doesn't seem like you really care too much about anything though. Your standards are incredibly low.
Is this what happens when God abandons us?
So, if I don't feel irrational hatred and rage for science-fantasy fiction getting sequels, that means I have low standards? Is that what you tell yourself to make you feel special or some shit? Grow up, clod.
I never mentioned irrational hatred or rage. Are you autistic?
The leaks from MSW are real, yes. The other ones are pure garbage.
Then what exactly do you expect me to feel, faggot? You expect me to be overtly concerned with an intellectual property getting a sequel? How old are you? Can I guess?
I've never seen a more shitty site than MSW. They don't even have a page that lists all the leaks. It's just stupid and irrelevant news
That's a lobster, ass.
If you don't care about anything TV or film related then you don't belong in this board. Otherwise it seems that you are just triggered because someone else cares about Star Wars.
Maybe you have some sort of brain damage if the idea of liking something and disliking the sequel doesn't make sense to you.
>you are triggered because you aren't triggered enough
Holy shit, just kill yourself. I care about movies and television shows that I enjoy, I just don't sperg out about the things I don't.
You sound brain-damaged if you can't follow what that user is saying to you, mate.
Fuck Ewoks
It seems like you are part of the culture that only accepts "likes" and disregards any form of criticism. You probably call people "haters".
>not that user
>actually am that user
>if you don't go out of your way to autistically sperg out about fiction, you don't criticize anything ever.
Holy shit, kid. This is actually retarded teenager logic.
What was the Snoke rumor?
You are literally complaining about people complaining. No matter how stupid you think they are, you are the one who's mad at the most trivial stuff.
Besides, no one in this thread is "autistically sperging". You seem unable to understand how people feel, a sign of autism.
Holy fuck I bet you just predicted the future of how exactly it will be
>moving the goalposts
He's not connected to the rest of the saga in any way whatsoever. He's a completely original character who's literally just rich.
Now this seems apcetable.
General Leia dies at the end of the film in Quarrow (new capital of The Republic/Resistance) sacrificing herself to destroy all of the data on Resistance outposts, command centers, and safe havens of important politicians. The city is attacked by Ben and the Knights of Ren in a surprise maneuver after another giant space battle in a different part of the galaxy served as a distraction.
Also Rey and Luke are not related, he doesn't he know who she is. However, he sensed Han's death. He also went into exile when after was defeated by Snoke. Kyle/Ben harbors grudges against Luke because of a past incident where a family important to him (not sure exactly what his connection to them is) was murdered by the last remnants of the empire.
The Millennium Falcon is destroyed by Captain Phasma and her forces, she fights Chewie.
Luke's lightsaber is destroyed by the end of the film after Rey loses against Kylo Ren and is nearly killed by him (only to be saved by Luke).
Luke's planet of Ach-to was a temple of the ancient Jedi order that was capable
>2017 star wars
>not watching superior chinese cartoons instead.
>You are literally complaining about people complaining
Except that's not happening, you just said it was.
Thats probably for the best I suppose, but whats his connection to the dark side then?
You are complaining about this thread. But then you say people should just ignore it when they dislike something. Why don't you move on if you don't like this thread?
Maybe Ben angry Jaina dead?
ayo hol up
so you be sayin my sword can be like purple drank and shit?
That's not me, bud.
I thought this stuff was Japenese
>mfw reading this with an outrageous jewish accent
No idea why you are posting then. You aren't making sense either.
>all of these assumptions because user literally can't handle how other people aren't as upset as him.
>The Millennium Falcon is destroyed by Captain Phasma and her forces
No fucking way this happens. There are still more movies to make and they gotta sell Falcon toys. If anything, it'll probably be damaged and augmented in the next movie with some shiny material that gives it a new look so that they can sell more toys, like C3PO's red arm.
not matter how much you hate disney, you have to agree they know how to make cute shit.
Maybe it's you?
You seem pretty upset about other people making a thread about star wars.
are the penguins hostile? that would be great
>whats his connection to the dark side
he's rich
>he thinks any criticism is everyone else around him being upset
I'm guessing 16?
The end of the movie will set up some kind of time loop a la The Matrix, making the whole saga a repeating cycle. Episode IX will be how the chav and the negro join forces to break the cycle and bring peace to the galaxy. Fuckin screencap this.
>the chav and the negro
This would make a nice novel title.
Because it brings a whole new level of credibility to the leaks that had a huge amount of negative responses.
They're basically force penguins on crack and on Achtoo, when Kylo supposedly gets there and fights Rey, he beats her by throwing one of those little birds of a cliff or something and she tries to catch it.
But it also gives a lot more credibility to that whole ''force sloth'' thing, The Force Tree and a whole bunch of other shit.
> Trolling this bad
TFA wasn't bad.
Go away Disney shill.
Kek, I'm a shill because I said it wasn't bad? Relax hothead.