ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong
ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong
I love this image because 90% of them literally did nothing wrong but 10% of them did absolutley everything wrong
10/10 troll
>stannis as a villain
>including real life political figures
fucking kill yourself. delete this image and never post it again.
>the didact
also that list left numbero uno
t. ahmed
Didn't he kill The Patriot's kids?
Who are the 10%?
I love how this is the only argument kikes can ever come up with.
He was just keeping things in order. He was the true protagonist.
based tony abbott
*kneels to mecca*
reminder that nazis are islamophiles
pol pot
Billy Zane
Patriot Col
wasn't he the bad guy from that one teenage mutant ninja turtles movie?
The TL;DR version of this is "I was butthurt that I lost debates against Jews"
At least muslims still have family values and respect for tradition and religion, things that Jews completely lack. I'd take a muslim over a Jew any day.
There wouldn't even be any problems between the western world and the muslims if it weren't for the jews constantly stirring up shit.
>this literal towelhead itt
*has settlement built on demolished house*
wtf I want to take in 50,000,000 refugees and get run over by a truck now
>this post
Laying it on pretty thick there Mohammed.
kike kike go away
pls shlomo-kun, stop being racist
mfw the moneygrabbing hooknosed gremlin in this thread finally snuck back into his rat hole
He was just honoring his family values and respect for tradition and religion and would have no problems with the western world if Arnold wasn't stiffing up shit.
>not including Pinhead
>turns Mel Gibson into the patriot and single handedly loses Britain the war
>did nothing wrong
reddit everyone
>just a robot programmed to do his job
Batista did everything wrong. Communism wasn't the answer, but neither was an American puppet who gave zero fucks about the other 99% of his country which was starving.
What's with the mad muslim in this thread? When did the wifi in the rapeugee camp get so good?
"Tradition" like raping children and exploding?
try again sweetie
>no Hitler
literally nobody in human history more unfairly demonised than him
get poked
Fuck off kikes
The last season of breaking bad walt basically admits he was just going through a midlife crisis and didn't care who he fucked over in the process, and he left Grey Matter in the first place because he was a prideful asshole and that regret lingered, having a shitty wife and everything was because of that
He fucked up every step of the way that's kind of the point that redditors who watch that show miss
Read up on what actual flips think of Duterte
Laughing at rape victims aside, he's the good guy
The goal is rehabilitation for addicts and forcibly arresting dealers. The problem is the dealers act like fucking petty warlords in the region
I don't think murdering drug addicts really counts as rehabilitation
le western narrative face
>mfw that's actually the real name
I almost became lactose intolerant thanks to all that cheese
literally nothing
That's not the man of steel
But he literally did everything wrong. He managed to be a bigger asshole then the emperor. The only people who don't realize this are edgy shits.
the colonel from avatar did everything wrong
>is hired to protect a mine
>alienates the na'vi and refuses to work with them (to be fair the na'vi themselves are xenophobic too)
>provokes a conflict with a numerically superior opponent that lives in a environment the humans repeatably describes as hell
>wastes huge amounts of money to keep a heavily armed helicopter fleet that can't really be used to defend anyway
>decides that the best way to expand is to commit genocide (albeit that he was under pressure from his (((employers))) )
>refuses to listen at information that could be crucial and comes from a highly reputable source
>decides to attack into a closed in area with major signal interference against a far superior force (>inb4 b-but he would have won, his force would be crippled and it would take decades to ship new men and equipment to pandora, not to mention he just assumes the na'vi will disperse and never be a problem again if he bombs the tree)
He's pretty much responsible for the fact that the humans are forced to leave.
The real heroes are of course the na'vi that just want to build a independent religious ethno-nationalist nation without interference from globalist economic interests
>they couldn't dig under the tree
I mean compared to the costs of cloning Na'vi, sending people into space on cryogenic sleep and having a military based a mine sounds pretty cheap.
Also I am pretty sure your corporation would lose a lot of goodwill from the populace if they just kill natives to get to the ore.
>Billy Zane
Fuck you he did everything wrong
>shitskin muslims try to conquer europe for 500years
>they dindu nuffin, dey just like us!
stop cuck posting
The character in the film totally existed but wasn't killed during the American revolution.
I am mad
Governor is more of a cartoon villain than Negan but since Governor doesn't quip or lean you mistake him for being a serious character.
he literally never existed
>2 Dutch flags
>1 German flag
>1 Dutch-German flag
>White power Celtic cross
he burnt down a church
>Smith never became the Vegeta to Neo's Goku
He was too likeable to be the main villain.
dumb nigger
>Western degenerate calling Stalin a cuck
>In 1933 the Soviet government, under Joseph Stalin, recriminalised homosexuality. On March 7, 1934, Article 121 was added to the criminal code, for the entire Soviet Union, that expressly prohibited only male homosexuality, with up to five years of hard labor in prison. There were no criminal statutes regarding lesbianism. During the Soviet regime, Western observers believed that between 800 and 1,000 men were imprisoned each year under Article 121.
>More recently, a third possible reason for the anti-gay law has emerged from declassified Soviet documents and transcripts. Beyond expressed fears of a vast "counterrevolutionary" or fascist homosexual conspiracy, there were several high profile arrests of Russian men accused of being pederasts.[
He was a nigger
Where is Hitler?
Also based augustus and oberstein.
What are some movies about people who hate Jess but who are also very Jewish themselves?
>Although Hitler originally wrote the book mostly for the followers of National Socialism, it grew in popularity. Hitler had made about 1.2 million Reichsmarks from the income of his book by 1933, when the average annual income of a teacher was about 4,800 Marks.[17][18] He accumulated a tax debt of 405,500 Reichsmark (very roughly in 2015 1.1 million GBP, 1.4 million EUR, 1.5 million USD) from the sale of about 240,000 copies before he became chancellor in 1933 (at which time his debt was waived).[17][18]
Gee, I wonder who made that thread...
>There were no criminal statutes regarding lesbianism.
Why is Augustus even on there? And Napoleon? What kind of brainlet made this?