HOH: Panda
Veto: TBD
Nominations: Dom, Jess
Temptation: TBD
Curse: TBD
previously on /bb/:
HOH: Panda
Veto: TBD
Nominations: Dom, Jess
Temptation: TBD
Curse: TBD
previously on /bb/:
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shit tier sketch lines
Sexiest Derrick post plz
Alex for wasting her hoh
So, what exactly is she planning? Back-door Jess or splinter Paul's alliance?
i miss him so much
I want mark to pick me up and throw me through a wall...
Reminds me of the walking dead
>people calling alex racist for nominating dominique
WHAT THE FUCK? she's blind now????
who the fuck is that
would you watch elena porn? would you fap to it?
Doesn't care whether Dom or Jess leave. Xmas is the back up if one gets taken down.
shit tier strategy
she has TWO (2) terminal diseases user!!
make the big alliance like her more than dominique
evict dominique
get jason/ramses/kevin/josh to be loyal to her and integrate into the group
kiss up to the clear "alpha" (lmao) paul and get him to put his stamp on the move
it's not foolproof and it might not work but i don't know why people are acting like it's incoherent, people like matt and raven are already planning to straight up lay low for three weeks or whatever
why did she paint her face like a mime
Has anyone ever fucked in the BB house?
you get arrested if you do it so no
imagine if Frank was on this season instead of Paul
imagine Frank, Panda, whistlenut and Kevin conversations in the bedroom...
google april and ollie hoh room
April and Ollie
have they still not gotten any alcohol? did they get any in the HOH baskets
the fuck is wrong with this chick?
I wish he would have just thrown that Filipino girl under the bus and figured out a way to stay.
What the hell? Are the ratings so bad they've recruited nudists to live in the house now? Why are these bitches topless?
yes, no
Paul ended two strong black women who trusted him. He did that
tfw they didn't let you bring your Uncircumcised Phimosis Shota Dildo into the house
well its about to be 3
Grey hair on young people is pretty good looking, and you get used to it so you dont get a mid life crisis when you get your first grey hair
mine is not Ollie, it's the very first one, David and Amanda in BB4.
David was alpha af, had sex in the house with a stranger, while his, still a virgin, ex was there as well.
I dunno, Robin Van Persie is handsome and the singer of We Are Scientists
who are you quoting?
end your life
I'm surprised that more showmances haven't had sex in the BB house
why did RVP become the singer of we are scientists??
Raven is so ugly
Really hope more people self evict so the season can be shorter and we can get to OTT2 already.
>matt, elena, and raven are complete retards and are asking paul to explain everything to them that's going on in the house
they are all tied for the biggest paulfags and they deserve death
>dom has a "pussy hat"
lol MAGA!
the girls on this season suck
i hope an all guys alliance wipe out these dumb fucks real soon
it makes sense though, 15s females were great, 16s females were shit, 17s females were GOAT, 18s females were a mixed bag, and otts females were great
we were due for a garbage female cast
Dom is gone
Is Paul balding?
mark and dom figuring out that matt and raven are coming after them. josh whistlenut and kevin want to put up matt and raven next week. LET'S GO
>dom:someone always comes for the black person
give me a white girl with a fatass to fap to. also, i think josh is underrated so far
>dom playing the race card
Did she just pull the fucking race card???
as long as panda, whistlenut and kev are good going forward, I'm cool
dey alweyz go aftuh deh black persuh deyz so raycis
two people are playing the sympathy card so she had to go all in
>black person goes on the block
>chimp out
every season
>mark just now realizing he should've stayed loyal to cody
tbf asians do hate blacks
Oh my gosh I made that!
So who is on the block Dom and ???
The big alliance is dead. mastermind gamergurl normie alex edition
Where can one easily watch older seasons? Some of those really early ones I haven't seen since they first aired.
>mark realizing keeping xmas was a mistake
If I was in the house I would nominate minorities in the first week
>literally in the OP
dom is literally davonne just more eloquent
>i knew somethin wuz off..
on cbs dot com or youtube
If mark would've stayed loyal to Cody and voted out xmas then she would have never broken her foot. Her broken foot is mark's fault not jason's
was I being "misted" if I gave the wrong answer
xmas confirming again she knows both of the first 2 voters voted to evict ramses. way to go grodner
Where's the lie?
Misted into a reverse mist by misting yourself asking me that question.
people keep saying ur not a retarded faggot
you fell right into my mist, ay-non
elena's milk mist
>dey alwayz go for the black people early on