Um... can we talk about Moonlight?

Um... can we talk about Moonlight?


naw nigga i ain't gay

let's normalize gay behavior in the black community, the kino

pretty good, Sup Forums wont allow it to be discussed tho because Sup Forums is now literally Sup Forums circa 2007

The three parts are poorly stitched together but it won the Best Picture Oscar for being "relevant" to modern times.

they may as well, homosexuality is rampant in the black community and extremely taboo at the same time. they kill each other over that shit.

Anyone else work with niggers? I fucking hate niggers so so much

wow its almost like oscar voters are a bunch of west coast liberal political activists

bet if you say that to my face you fucking pussy

why not target the asian community?

I hate niggers too, but I'm not a racist that's what's so insane about this

>Wong Kar-wai's Happy Together is 20 years old

Feels bad man

>Sup Forums is now literally Sup Forums
You mean.

it's not rampant

Every nigger I've ever known has been a loud, incompetent animal unfit to do their job. If they weren't a protected species I would fucking massacre them.



tell your parents about it


>According to the report, released by Gallup earlier this week, 4.6 percent of African Americans responded “yes” when asked if they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, along with four percent of Hispanics, 4.3 percent of Asians and 3.2 percent of Caucasians.
maybe not, but they have the highest level of gayness and also experience a lot of anti gay violence from within in the black community

every time you open your mouth every person around you immediately cringes. you're lucky white people are nice enough to let you live. I swear if that nigger at work asks for one more ride I'm going to knife him in my car and dump his body.

>Sup Forums is now literally Sup Forums circa 2007
ur fucking high nigga

>every time you open your mouth every person around you immediately cringes. you're lucky white people are nice enough to let you live. I swear if that nigger at work asks for one more ride I'm going to knife him in my car and dump his body.

Not really, no, it's a Disneified version of what it purports to represent, and yet another example of Oscar's long history of awarding films for their liberalism rather than for their cinematic accomplishment. In ten years nobody will remember who Barry Jenkins was, and Damien Chazelle will be a major figure.

It seems we have some niggerlovers here. There's little point in your posting on Sup Forums, we'll still be the majority when you've gone out to your job at the coffee shop.


lmao wow

A lot of repressed homosexuality in this thread, senpai.


go blow it out your ass, kiddo

Talk about what? NOTHING HAPPENS

Don´t get me wrong, form a film-making standpoint, it´s a great film, but the script is so dull and uninteresing.

Like fuck, he goes to jail and then they completely skip straight to his release.

It´s as if the movie was hellbent on not showing anything interesting.

I really thought kevin was going to turn against him at the end for some reason.

Kevin was GOAT. Whole movie felt like a film school student's first feature. Can't believe there wasn't a scene with Gay Oedipus banging Jocasta and then realizing he was homo. Scene in Act I reminded me of South Park and I laughed in the theater.

Forgettable as fuck. Also did he kill himself at the end?

I don't understand the hype. As a stand alone film it's good, but if you've seen Wong Kar Wai's films it's basically a mixture of Happy together and In the mood for love and it's not as good as either of them

I think that was the point. They wanted it to be somewhat tense, so you weren't sure if Kevin felt differently from how he did back then. But then it turns out they do in fact still love each other.

Oh wait, I guess that was the joke, wasn't it?

I thought that,do you think the movie would've been better if he did?

it was far better than manchester

>Like fuck, he goes to jail and then they completely skip straight to his release.

The story isn't about how he changes, it's about how he has had to keep himself in the closet for over a decade and put on a thuggish mask to blend into his community, never feeling intimacy or love until he finally is able to show his true feelings again.

It's a slow movie, but the emotional substance makes it worth watching.

I look forward to more Trevante Rhodes roles

I don't know if it would have been better or worse but it certainly would have annoyed me so I'm glad they didn't go in that direction.

In a universe where there's no gay sex in prisons. And where a drug dealer keeps the same phone number for years.

Here we are.

No, it's just that this is our site, and our culture. You know, like you people have in alleyways and prisons.

Gay niggers learning how to swim, the movie

>And where a drug dealer keeps the same phone number for years.
Are you a CinemaSins-tier retard or something? Obviously Kevin looked him up in the yellow pages.

As much as I love this image, I have to point out that it's fake. Kid didn't have the balls to turn that in.

I never felt like he was going to betray him again. To me it was obvious that he was being sincere about reconnecting after all that time, and that he felt really shitty about what he had done. It was just really awkward because of the emotional baggage and the fact that Chiron was like a walking contradiction, he had become a macho thug but acted all quiet like when they were kids, so there was some mixed messages and neither of them could just bring up their feelings straight up to the conversation.

>Here we are.
Where are we, white boy? Because this country ain't getting any whiter.

spics hate you niggers even more than whites do, you'll never be on top of anything worthwhile

Wrong, cracka. I'll be on top of yo corpse.

If the movie wanted emotional substance it might've given Kevin and... whatever his name was more to do together than jerk eachother off. I mean you jump to Act III and they're supposed to have been really close, but all I was getting was two guys who knew sort of hung out at school sometimes.
All I really got from the movie was a story about a guy who spent a couple of decades not being himself, which ironically means being gay, because gay people love to be exclusively defined by their sexual orientation. That's it. The guy, Chihiro or whatever, was not interesting. In fact he was pretty fuckin' dull compared to the other characters. See to me that's a big problem, to have a character study about a character who the worst character in his own movie.

It was just so basic. You leave with about as much as you go into with. It doesn't have anything to say that hasn't been said a dozen times over.

>In a universe where there's no gay sex in prisons.

Gay sex isn't about being homosexual, it's about dominating other inmates. If you're openly gay, you're most likely someone's bitch in jail. Chiron closed up and started to put on a front because having a gay experience led to him being betrayed and getting assaulted by his lover.

>And where a drug dealer keeps the same phone number for years.

You have burners for work, and one regular number for shit like your mom.

same could be said about lala land.

>but all I was getting was two guys who knew sort of hung out at school sometimes.
You realize he was the same kid from his childhood, right? The one he had the gay wrestling match with.

And his name is Chiron, like the centaur from Greek mythology, who is an outcast from his people.

I know that, and he would have been repeatedly raped in prison. Why the fuck is he acting like a maiden?

Normal people change their numbers more frequently than that. It's bullshit.

Good thing we're not talking about La La Land then, right?

We're on Sup Forums. In America, you'll continue to be kept down by your resentments and ignorance. In the world, you'll continue to be a problem easily kept in check.

This movie really sucked. Its not often you see a character and think "why should I care about this guy" because at worst its a slice of life deal but here I was just thinking what a fucking lame character. He's gay, who cares.

It deserved the Oscar. Easily one of the best movies of that year, if not THE best.

stop posting goose if you don't want to discuss his work.


The Yellow Pages must be a pamphlet now, what kind of idiot would get listed in it?

Keep telling yourself that, white boy.

>I mean you jump to Act III and they're supposed to have been really close, but all I was getting was two guys who knew sort of hung out at school sometimes.

The whole point is that Chiron had trouble connecting to other kids his age, and was prone to being bullied. That's why his handjob with Kevin was so meaningful, because he actually felt close to someone only to immediately get backstabbed for it.

gay niggers
the end

It should have been about his asshole getting churned into corned beef by Simon Adebisi.

>xD I just wrote the word "nigger", I hope my mom doesn't find out

This movie is such liberal milksop garbage, I want either a radical transgressive and sexy movie, or else a conservative one. Don't waste my time with this timid bullshit that doesn't tell the truth about anyone's feelings. I wanted to see panther-like assfucking, animal, primal.

I didn't like it

I'm gay but I didn't give a fuck. Guess you have to have grown up poor and black or have a mother who's addicted to crack to relate.

>and he would have been repeatedly raped in prison.

No he wouldn't, because once he got sent to juvie he made a point about getting tough and beating the shit out of any people who gave him shit. And that's part of the tragedy, he learned to fight for himself but at the price of having to shut down his own identity.

Yeah but what do they do in Act I? They play tag and then gather in an Indian circle and touch dicks. Act I didn't even need to exist. Should've had an extended Teenage section that featured Chinchilla and Kevin actually being friends, instead of the one scene where the latter talks about some girl's ass.

Do you not realize what site you're on? We call niggers by their name here.

then just watch gay pron, bruh.

>or else a conservative one
Then you should see Paterson, the greatest conservative film of the last decade.

2049 looks like shit and I hated Blade Runner and Arrival. Goose is pretty cool tho.

>haha I did it again, this is hilarious, oh shit mom is coming, better switch tabs to a Pewdiepie video

>working in the same profession as niggers
you're as dumb as one if you don't have a job based on your smarts wigger

>actually being friends
You mean... the beach scene? Derp.

Then he would have raped in prison. There's no third category if you're black in prison. You rape or get raped. This movie is a lie from a Madison Avenue bitch.


Very amateurish flick. The acting is terrible, especially the three actors who play the main character who didn't convince me for one second that they were the same person. The 2nd act feels like an after school special.
Dull cinematography; the only noteworthy shot is the final one of the boy standing by the sea at night, too bad the shot is a Wong Kar Wai ripoff and is totally unearned as it serves no purpose to the film and is only inserted to make the ending feel deep and cause it looks nice.
The film would have gotten very little attention if it weren't for politics. Hell even with all the media buzz and awards almost no one watched it, and rightfully so.

samefagging this hard
spotted the monkey lipped gorilla brained nigger.
we aren't buying your foodstamps fuck off to your home in the state penitentiary

>Yeah but what do they do in Act I?

Act I does a lot of set up and introducing you to Chiron. He bases his adult faux thug guy lifestyle on the drug dealer he befriends. It shows that his trouble with emotionally connecting with people stem from his crack whore of a mom. It shows that he and Kevin were always close, and Chiron was always bullied for being who he was. They're all important elements that are the foundation to his character arc.

No, I watch serious independent cinema, art films by real artists. If you can't face an willing, hungry asshole and hard, merciless cock in 2017, you are living in the past. The Oscars are a pathetic anachronism run by and for ancient white liberals.

>writing an entire paragraph about niggers
>gay niggers
WEW there m8 back to the 'ddit you go!

Oh I intend to, but I'll see La La Land first.

>XD i wrote triggered now, man reddit sure taught me how to be hilarious on the Internet

>two posts about the same thing, from the same perspective in the same style

you're retarded?

*a willing

>Handjobs are now a sign of friendship and character development
I can't keep up with these kids anymore.

Admittedly La La Land is a far better film than Moonlight. In my opinion anyway. I also really loved Whiplash.

Did you miss the part where they spent a lot of time talking on the beach before the handjob? That conversation was important.

>Hell even with all the media buzz and awards almost no one watched it, and rightfully so.
It made 65 million on a 4 million dollar budget. Doubling the budget for advertising and that is STILL an enormous profit.

yes that is the deffinition for samefagging. I'm glad an animal of your species wants to learn, but scientifically you guys aren't as up to date with the rest of us. come back when you evolve into a smarter, more productive species in a couple million years, ok?

>that is the definition of samefagging

top kek

you talking out of personal experience?

>can't even spell definition
>thinks he can talk down to anyone

Semi-successful propaganda

so what is?
>can't even click the post number
wew lad
>literally one f
>reaching this hard
keep reaching you're not doing any better

this thread never stood a chance.

No, it's just well known that that's the culture. They're sanitizing it for ninety-year-old white liberals to feel noble.