Did you like Neill Blomkamp's latest sci-fi monster movie gore-fest?
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Dead Space movie when?
honestly it was pretty good, but felt rushed and we lacked any real story, how that fucking gross mutant appeared and why its doing that shit. The specials effects quality is amazing on so low budget.
For everyone that hasn't seen it yet: youtube.com
Imagine a Dakota Fanning movie in which she plays a veterinarian trapped alone on an island, for some ridiculous reason she can't leave until she obtains sperm samples from animals wondering around.
She has no equipment and so must coax the animals into letting them jerk them off into a jar, this is easier said than done as many of them are skittish or aggressive. Animals include a pair of pitbulls, a donkey, a mischievous chimp, and, the greatest challenge, a prizewinning white bull named "Frost"
All of this is filmed explicitly, unsimulated and without doubles. In other words, Dakota really will stroke and squeeze a dog's cock and balls whilst crooning "Good boy"
That's creepy.
It was good. I enjoyed the scene-setting in the beginning.
better than the rest
wasn't filled with exposition by a narrator and let itself go
Goddamnit just make a Dead Space movie and a full on River God movie.
is this what Sup Forums does to people?
I'm really enjoying these. I don't know how he gets these out so damn quickly.
Is there any chance for any award recognition for shorts like these?
Lack of story? I think you understand perfectly what happened. Mining base fucked by an experiment and some light that cut eyes (lovecraftian tin' maybe) 2 social classes. One sick/infected dies the other get saved. End of story.
>I don't know how he gets these out so damn quickly.
Are you retard?
Yes, tell me now
>full on River God movie
Ok, but no more exposition though.
The exposition at the end ruined the feel of the whole film.
Are you genuinely believe he shoot it in weeks and then straight upload to chanell?
actually its supposed to be real humans and clones, but slaves are cheaper so they brainwash ppl thinking they are clones. The eyes part didnt make sense, supposdly he got possesed by some ancient ghost/demon thing? And that thing was just another of its race.
All his new shorts are pretty good don't think he'll get his money back.
someone hijacked my post. no I dont think he films these week to week. But these were only announced a couple months ago.
It just seems insane that he is capable of filming allllllll of these and put the polish together in the short time he has.
didnt he made these with kikestarter funds?
Neil was on twitter asking questions about 40k. Its fucking happening. Prepare to get purged.
Why? It looks like cheap tv movie with bad acting and dialogues and bland cinematography.
The rifle prop was fuckign dope, based blomkamp
I'm assuming you haven't watched them then.
Don't you have some Batman Vs Superman thread to create?
i hope he does the human ship going into hyperspace and getting daemon'ed and captain saying it was success since they lost only 70% of the crew
Hi Neill
Neil is the biggest progressive-sucker in the business, you really think he'd enjoy writing the fascist, radically xenophobic Imperium as "good" guys?
Fuck that. Have a unit of the guard fighting dark eldar
He will probably make it with the Emperor trying to do good but getting foiled by that dasterdly Horus and Magnus
Yup its me. I am Neill Blomkamp. Seeing what basement dwelling neck beards like yourself have to say about my show.
Are you enjoying jerking off with the caked scum from your pus filled face?
I'm shocked that a smaller production company like Blumhouse or something hasn't snagged up Niel Blomkamp now that he's a little burnt out on big studio films after Elysium and Chappie.
Say what you will about the guy, but he can put out fantastic work on a micro budget.
You seem bitter
This shit is honestly so terrible. I get why some people on here like it, but it really is just terrible. Neil was such a disappointment, and it's truly sad to see the state he is in.
Rumor is he used the Alien 5 leftovers his studio was having.
How wrong can one person be.
We need to unfuck his shit Sup Forums!
all of these Oats shorts by BLORMPF suck, just like every movie he made after District 9
It's nothing particularly special, but impressive from a technical perspective for a micro budget short film. Made for passion more than profit, and put out there for free too.
I can respect Niel for this even if I'm not blown away by the actual story itself. I think he's a fantastic direct who really knows how to take advantage of visual effects, but much like his more mainstream studio films he just needs to partner up with a stronger writer to complete the package.
Poor Cosmo, they fucked him up too much.
>Neill Blompy makes a decent movie with a fresh vision
>he then make 2 nearly-identicle films with the exact same vision, message, and a bunch of similar plot points
Gotta admit, I thought he was just a hack. Always loved his appreciation for cool guns though.
>now he makes a legit great horror short with shades of The Thing and Alien, but still keeps the cool guns
Maybe he can really pull it off: a good Alien film
He JUSTed himself after losing the nintendo world championships to John Numbers.
Starring Charloto Crapley of course
I actually thought out of all the oats things so far this one was the best one
I'm some British twat.
I have more vocal range than The Shart.
Can South African people just not do other accents?
Dakota Fanning stills owns my heart, after thirteen years.
>The Shart
>enrolled in MKSEARCH
what does that even mean?
MKSEARCH was some CIA psychological program researching mind-control/mind-altering drugs and shizz.
so this burned dude just ends up as a test subject in some secret cia facility and will never be heard from again.
Maybe it's a punishment, which might explain why he was almost immediately demoted to corporal following his promotion to sergeant
Wtf are these? Some Black mirror kind series by Blomkamp?
They're more like proof of concept shorts for a new production company that releases them for free - I think they're still trying to figure out how the funding model is gonna actually work
i liked the idea behind the creature but i disliked the way it moved. it should just kinda crawl using all the hands individually to propel itself forward. and why wouldnt they put the eyes around its body for 360 degree vision? poor design
i read that doujin too user
it was the quartz they where mining it gave off this glimmer that apparently possessed one of the crew who created the first mutant from what I assume knowledge it got from the possession. he made it from a bunch of rats and then started adding more people to it till it could start assimilating others on its own.
he can always do tau stuff since they seem pretty open to everyone
Zygote - Blomkamps Alien/The Thing
Firebase - Blomkamps Predator
Rakka - ???
Firebase was the best Metal Gear Solid movie there is.
the dude was speaking so poorly that i thought he was speaking a different language at first.
wtf was that someone from his studio or was that an actual actor?
I wouldn't be surprised if Kojima had a hand in Firebase.
the IoM arent the good guys
I need more heavy breathing dakota in my life.
Top fucking what?
Why do I actually want to see this?
honestly rakka was the nest idea and has the most potential to be amazing.
firebase is just a retarded concept
>lmao we simulation and antivirus now
zygote was ok but the coolest shit about the story isnt even in the film
it was literally a tavor with tacticool rails and a grenade launcher
Anybody got those Elysium webms of the guy getting mulched by the railgun and the robot getting popped by the proximity AK rounds?
youtube, my guy
>the story isnt even in the film
Right at the beginning when Dakota and her boyfriend were eating dinner, he expositioned about where the creature came from. Also something about lights.
>zygote was ok but the coolest shit about the story isnt even in the film
I kind of like how each one has bit of mystery. The blind guy mentions some weird light and someone on the crew doing experiments with rat brains, then Dakota catches a glimpse of the experiment and some kind of weird biomechanical exoskeleton thing on her way out.
Makes me think of the Space Jockey before everything was overexplained.
the part where they drilled open the rock and how the station collapse started isnt in the film
just like i said
Is that Wikus?
so was there only 1 person with clearance to the living quarter?
otherwise the ending makes no sense since the monster can still open the door as well right?
fucking. eww.
dakota chopped the arm with all the access fingerprints.
how do you know that?
how does she know that?
the thing had at least 2 arms with multiple hands at each arm.
the most probable thing is that it just lost 1 "megahand" and still has the other megahand with every digit still intact.
i read an interview that states that the creature is made out of at least 70 bodies (in the story it should actually be 99 ppls)
she didnt took ALL the hands
>you live in the timeline where neill blomkamp directs a 40k movie
thank you god
because we need a happy ending.
dont overthink this, it's blomkamp we are talking about here.
plus, even if dakota chopped the right hand, that thing is still alive for the rescue squad to deal with, so she's fucked either way.
im just asking questions dude
and honestly zygote has probably the biggest chance to be turned into a feature film in volume 2, so the entire story will be rebooted anyway
>and honestly zygote has probably the biggest chance to be turned into a feature film
I bloody hope so
and? the pulse rifle from aliens was just a thompson with some resin molds on it. blomkamp is ace at weapon props.
link to interview? where is all the info coming about zygote's story outside of the short film?
rakka was ok, a little retarded. firebase was turbo retarded. this was actually awesome.
Let me explain the plot. If you don't believe in the existence of the soul then the human brain is just an organic computer. In science-fiction there is the concept that certain sensory input could crash your brain or otherwise interfere with it's operation, or even infect it with a virus.
Quinn exposits a strange light emitted from the rocks they were mining rock "changed" him, though he prevented it's full effects by cutting his eyes out. Other personnel were successfully infected by the light, including a man named Holebrook who created the monster under it's influence.
The light is presumably emitted by some alien technology, intended to convert sentient beings into it's servitors.
pic related. reminds me of the M82 from Killzone. fucking dope ass shit
>feature film
Honestly i think Zygote would make a better video game than a film.
The film doesn't really say Dakota is safe, it just ends there. Maybe they should have add a ''Access Denied'' from the computer at the end to get that twist ending but I think it works on its own. You can make your own conclusion like did.
I liked Zygote the best but the whole creature design, synth twist and plot have already been told. I'm fine with it staying a short film.
I feel like Rakka is the one with the best potential as a feature film (it also was the weakest of the three, In my opinion)
>Honestly i think Zygote would make a better video game than a film.
It's already been done. The game is SOMA and has a monster that kinda resembles Zygote but it's dude-sized.
I bloody love that gun. Sturdy without being boxy-looking and sleek as hell. Real nice.
That's usually the best part of movies though. It you need more action to watch I suggest you go back to your capeshit baby mobile.
Filmed in Canada
huh. TIL.