Uh guys.... are southern europeans white or nah?

Uh guys.... are southern europeans white or nah?

Other urls found in this thread:


>brown eyes

why japs have brown eyes but finns don't???!!??

>southern European
>that nose

very common in southern europe

>le twitch scandi boiii

Off yourself, kid *nuts on you*


Yuck, what a southron face. Post Nordish eyebleach.

They are not wh*te subhumans, they are superior BLACK BULLS

because finland was very snowy

Yes they are white


in Northern Europe they are considered brown shits, elsewhere (USA, Russia, China...) they are considered whiter than sunlight itself.

What the fuck is wrong with his face?

Southrons are not white.

La abominiacion

i have blue eyes, you stinky mongolian

To be honest, Varg actually has a really nice face. It invokes a certain calmness in me to see it.
When he was younger he looked like an angel(yes, I know we shouldn't use christcuck terminology but angels are mostly pagan influenced in Nordic culture) but now he looks like a Viking chieftain wise well beyond his earthly years.

lies. japs can't have blue eyes, unless you are slavic mutt


>be paranoid schizophrenic in black metal band
>legally change name into Varg because you're an autistic teenager obsessed with norse paganism and to sound more badass when LARPing
>kill a guy because of your paranoid schizophrenia
>spend years hard time in jail like a nigger
>released from jail
>marry young stupid autistic girl who likes you because of hybristophilia
>have 5 kids you can't adequately support like a literal nigger
>support using welfare and economic aids from family and acquaintances
>live in a shit shack cuck shed in France with no bathroom and no running water like a literal nigger
>excuse for this is you want to live more "simple off the grid life" despite still using internet
>claim to be a farmer but can't farm for shit (like a nigger)
>make excuses talking out your ass about how fruit trees can't handle the sunlight of France (there are literal flourishing fruit groves in Florida)
>make more excuses about snails and vermin eating your plants and saying "oh this is nature, we won't do anything about it"
>be in your 40s and still LARP as a viking in the woods like a literal autistic child
>make failing Dungeons&Dragons copy
>homeschool your own kids basically dooming them to live as sociopaths with nigger tier IQ
>"muh blue eyes" is you only unironical argument against those calling you a retarded degenerate pathetic snownigger
>make up absurd genetic theories
>become one of the most historically illiterate youtube personalities to ever exist


southron... did you really expect me to read all that shit

i'm european ;^)

>i'm a survivalist
>i can last by my own
>fuck civilizations!
>fuck capitalism!
>(((buy my book/game)))


now compare modern meds and northern europeans


Davido-kun, you are 56%

not all italians are meds


northern europeans have the highest standard of living, they are wealthy and the least corrupted cunts in the world. stay mad & jealous 3rd worlder ;^)


yeaaaaa sure me boy lol *dabs*


whites = Finns, Estonians, Lithuanians, Karelians
sc*Ndinavs have up to like 40% ancient medoid dna

Divide and conquer isn't gonna work, Giuseppe.

>40% ancient medoid dna
das rite

but I'm right, Igor

A pic of french museum whitout italian artworks.

where are the niggers?

Can't put Greeks and Southern Italians in the same box as Northern Italians, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

It's like Finns and Nordics.


but finns are nordics

I meant to use Nordic as countries of Nordic languages.

Thats a lot of politically motivated propaganda in one picture


I'm dutch, pekka ;^)

pretty old tho
wish someone would do the same pic with Eurogenes Basal-rich K7, I'm too lazy to do it myself


we are all europeans,stop hating us like (((someone))) wants

He looks mongoloid and not caucasian, therefore not white.

destroy w*ites

ARE U TALKIN ABOUT THE JEWS???????????????????

No no no

but he's british

meanwhile in reality...

>angels don’t appear in the old testament
>angels don’t appear in the new testament
>cherubs aren’t Greco-Roman
kill yourself you stupid inbred mongoloid.


Yep. This is Alessia Cara. She is 100% Italian

>Her father was born in Canada to Italian parents, and her mother is an Italian immigrant.[7][8]


not a common phenotype
at least, less common than negroid phenotypes in Sweden

lol that type of nose is very common in north europe-baltic
we have a very small nose
why do you think germans were stereotyped by anglo for having pig noses and square heads?



All Italians are white


I had both a spanish and german gf, so i don't care.


This man is white whether you like it or not, Sup Forums

>Jason Mantzoukas has described himself as being of "100 percent Greek" descent.[2][3]

>This is what nordcucks believe kek


Why do you bother so much?

don't know why you are cherrypicking so bad
that phenotypes are not common here
he's just tanned with strange hair but could pass

southern euros in general have slightly hooked or thin noses
soft piggy noses are more common in northern europe

t. anthro pro

>soft piggy noses are more common in northern europe
and asia, their ancestors homeland

Humans aren't white, goyim
Only machines are white

just use the report function
this guy is basically a lonely retard who wants your attention

Not all Greeks are white, this should be fairly obvious. He looks semitic, so probably a mix.


>tfw we will turn wh*te

Unironically looks like a negroid/mongoloid mix.

wtf? I'm a Nordic?

Some are