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International #849
1. Country
Anyone else noticed terrorist attacks have sort of died down in the west?
How do Mexicans/Latin Americans view Asians?
Accidentally join american discord
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Finland has now converted 40% of refugees in to Christianity
Which of those Germans dislike more: Americans or Russians?
/ita/ - il filo
Why is every single Russian poster on Sup Forums so fucking weird?
/führerbunker/ und manchmal auch /deutsch/
1 your cunt
Hilo bonito
English not welcome here
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Question for english bois
ITT We can only post and reply to each in our native languages
/skandi/ - nabo-udgaven
Is Poland the most succesful country in Central Europe?
Hiiii goyim, let's have some fun together i'm bored
Le creatura
Was Poland ever part of Yugoslavia?
I just took 7 pills and the whole bottle goodbye Sup Forums
Are Americans okay with this?
1. Country
Scandinavians, do you understand this danish?
Sverigetråden - Sötbrevarupplagan
Its a Mexican thinks he has any relation with Aztecs and Mayans thread
Why yes, I DO bathe before I go to sleep rather than after I wake up
This is how crows are able to eat poisonous frogs
/deutsch/ oder auch /es war einmal ein großes Reich/
I am British and proud
All refugees bad
The Swedes are coming user, grab your gun
I deleted all my CP I am reformed
What is this called in your country?
I drink tea but i'm not gay
Jesus Christ India
Which country has the meanest posters?
Girls dont like me because i am nice guy
Say something nice about the above posters country
Volkswagen emmision scandals
When did you realize that media are actually means to spread propaganda and journalists should be killed?
Why is Canada so perfect?
I thought only Amerilards do this. Is this high culture now? Have we been wrong about black friday all along?
Russians are huma-
Depressing Eastern Europe thread starts here
How do nordicks handle webm related? Especially the left side...
Your cunt
You a stupid hoe, you a, you a stupid hoe (x3)
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Homosexuality should be illegal because it's unnatural
Is Czech Republic paradise on earth?
/deutsch/ Alle wollen wohnen-Ausgabe
This guy named pabel grudinin just surpassed putin's approval rate for oncoming election in March
He doesn't speak at least four languages
/ita/ il filo
This is my ancestor
What's the Best city to live in America?
Why Turks don't look Turkic at all? They are some sort of arab LARPers or something?
Does your country have good healthcare?
Tremble in fear wh*teboys, the Asian Century is upon you
We are strong together、
Sverigetråden - De 1000 fulla skinnskallarnas upplaga
/fr/ - Le francofil finnophile
Having a good time with my scandinavian lads
Why are white girls always such sluts?
Post your country best ally
Faces of Sup Forums
This is the pinnacle of ramen
Why do Jewpanese think themselves special??
Can you buy beef brisket in your country?
Do you love Japan?
Would you marry a half-asian half-white qt3.14?
/deutsch/land einig,stark und frei
86 IQ
Does slavery still exist in your country?
Someone seriously nuke japan so all these retarded nip posters stop flooding here with terrible shitposts that makes no...
Do you love Japan
To the question "Who would you choose to be President of Europe between Macron and Merkel" 72% of the Italian citizen...
This is Korea hotdogs
Race mixing is ba
/lang/ - Language learning general
/esp/ El hilo castellano
"hey you bluepilled leftist cuck did you just critisize Trump's decision to give 10 billion dollars to Israel?"
1. You're cunt
Bost Brack Metar music :DDD
/ex-ussr/ general
Is there an image that hurts as bad as this?
Yfw Americans defend this
/Éire/ comfy day in bed edition
Are Americans even human?
An unsightly beast
You're not a man if you don't own at least one firearm
Why do monkeyzillians think they're European?
How come you guys hate Israel and Jewish?
Are you patriotic enough to go to the streats with a t-shirt with your country's flag?
Terrorist states
Welcome to Sup Forums, how white are ya?
Pick a side
Do you love Japan?
ITT: Shit-tier "planets" no one gives a fuck about anymore
Itt we post how our home nation's flag should look like
Post mcdonalds from ur cunts
Why do american men have these "quirky" plans in case of a zombie attack? They mention it all the time
ITT: we make predictions about our countries situations in 10 years
Am I turning into a burger?
/deutsch/ /bayern/
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What happens here?
Kurva anyátok
Why do white men fetishize Asian women but not us women of color...
ITT Autistic fucking shit you did as a kid
Do you like McDonald???
Tex v Cali
I just ate two of these in a row and had a frozen coke
This triggers the oiropean
I'm a russiaboo
My ancestors :)
Is Sup Forums a normalfag board?
ITT: Interesting stories about ancestors of yourself, or people you know
Hilo latino /lat/
Reminder that Americans are athletically superior too the people of all other nations
Are Muslims really that bad? They seem OK to me
Wtf canada
January 29th, 2018
Let out those feels Sup Forums
Culture Pals - /cp/
Abe is the best national leader out of all the leaders we currently have desu
So are Europeans actually gonna just sit by while their countries get culturally enriched or are they just waiting or...
Reminder that if you don't enjoy whiskey you're not a real man
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Is this accurate?
Seriously speaking, why are modern wh*Tes such sissies?
How come Maoris and Aboriginals looks so different despite thier origins being so near each other?
How do you live in your country without taking drugs, alcohol and tobacco? Life is shit without it
Scientists can now use magnets to make you accept refugees
Finland appreciation thread
Generals ruined this board
Why aren't they just one big ass country? They're from the same Empire and all speak the same language...
Which one Sup Forums?
Why do NEETs claim that being a NEET is master race but then talk about how depressed and empty their lives are?
Would you racemix with a colombian?
What are some things that trigger Sup Forums?
In Japan, Scooby is named Kuruppa, Shaggy is Boropin, Velma is Megako, Fred is Handsome, and Daphne is Jenny
What the hell is wrong with Germans?
Is the Finnish race white or asian?
US invades some random country in the middle east for dubious and fabricated reasons
If your country is not on list
Why do Europeans have such an inferiotity complex when it comes to Anglos and Anglo-derivatives (Americans)?
Why is there so many self hating faggots on Sup Forums? why do you hate your country so much?
It's the canadian from Sup Forums again
Scientists predict what America will look like in 2050 and it's beautiful
Name one country that is non-white that isnt a complete third world shithole
Question to Americans
How do we fix California?
Why doesn't society see anything wrong or care about young males being jobless...
Why the hell do middle easterners and Africans immigrate into Europe? Or Spics into USA...
Britain's top celebrity couple is a Ghanaian and a Somali
What are those black tank things on the roof? I see them a lot in developing countries
Question: Why do muslims never come to the americas as much as they go to europe...
I am British and proud
Kekistan iz bad becaus I saw pictures of kids with acne who lik it
What is the best government type/ideology?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
Are there people who only speak Irish, Welsh, or Scots and don't understand English at all?
Climate Change
Question for non-native English speakers: when you speak English, what kind of accent do you speak it with? British...
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/FR/ - Le fil des francophones
Tfw no Sup Forumsernational femanons to hang out with
Tfw moving to great country
Americans will defend this
Why dont any girls come to this board?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Do finns really get this white hair like pic related or is it just bleached hair...
I am not a mutt
1. your a a cunt
Among Europe, what is the most hated country by Europeans?
If I come to Poland, I will be beaten or kill there or what?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What happens here?
What do you think of our royal family, Sup Forums?
/deutsch/ Zero-K Ausgabe
Your country
Want to make a post about my country
European journalism
Genetic features of Japanese
/ita/ - il filo
Where have you been Sup Forums?
This triggers the yuropeeon
Buying beef brisket, or pork belly...
I believe in God
Are there any Germans or Frenchies on here that don't like the EU?
Dead horse
Got soy?
American missionary goes to serbia
British republic flag
/fr/ - le fil culinaire
Why aren't the top 10 helping the bottom 10 countries more?
Sverigetråden - Mobbingsfria upplagan
I just did an 8 hour fapping session
Post the new flag of your country when you become the supreme leader
Your country
So multiculturalism works ?
What Sup Forums drives?
The red in his flag represents blood
Daily reminder this will happen in your lifetime
What do you think of the country known as United Mexican States (UMS)?
Literally have entire of continent as their territory while there are only 24.3 millions of population
Would Sup Forums watch this movie with me?
Why people call Russians slavic? LMAO they are the original 56%
Are integration efforts useless?
Me no like ronald drumpfff
Let's say the order of history of these countries you know
Walk home in London
What is "cultural appropriation"?
/bochum/ ehemals /deutsch
Great culture
Inventor of Ikea dies - Sweden rejoices
Tfw no pure Russian orthodox wife
Treating human beings differently, simply because they were born on the opposite side of a national boundary is ok
Your cunt
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
This is the dog of Finland
American woman goes to Serbia
All women are roasties even that quiet innocent girl that sits in the back of your university class is most definitely...
Spanish food is better than Italian food, does anyone else agree?
Does anyone on Sup Forums actually have a good job or go to a good school or is a competitive athlete or has any other...
Flood europe with muslims
What are you favorite type of girls? You can only choose 4 countries!
I rove traver here and there
Okay, we need the Spanish Legion to have a uniform, but we also need it to look gay
Why germans here are so mean? I have german friends and they are nice
Diversity is bad
How am I supposed to get GF?
This is what we call shithole
Your country
Saudi Q&A
I'm a citizen of the world
What European countries have you been to? Paint on map
I can't fucking believe it. Just got back from the store...
Can you Europeans explain as to why the norm for you is driving stick shift...
Sup Forums‘s thoughts on China’s colonial project in Africa?
Gangsta raps
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
ITT:Insult the country above you
Your best fren's name :DDDDD
There is just one thing that makes Poles, Germans and Russians wet
/fr/ - le fil avec un micro
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Together forever brothers
These confuse the anglo
Post reggea music from your country
Opinions on Madagascar?
Japan YES!
Black death>yellow fever
/skandi/ - snart sommar-utgåvan
Map of KFC locations around the world
How can we be like them?
Latin America should follow Nicaragua’s example, who despite being one of the poorest countries in the region...
This is Brazil's BLACK Jesus. Does your country have their own Jesus?
I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop *Nglo dogs from advancing...
/56%/ thread
ITT post your country's greatest military victories
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
This kills the american
Why is this country so boring? It's basically the same as the US but with a different language...
She just doesn’t like me bros
Tfw no migrants in your country
Why isn't NYC the capital of America?
Tfw not living in hong kong
""""""""winter"""""""" 2018
I really want to go to Italy...
We all know most Switch users are walking stereotypes, we even have a term for them "soyboys"
/sino/ - 中文
I feel emotionally attached to a social construct within of which geographic borders I happened to be born and to the...
Are nu males common in your cunt?
Culture Pals - /cp/ general
1. your cunt
Why is russia sooooo fucking poor?
I think i'm fucking balding
Pick a side
1. Euro Cunt
Russian Visa - A fucking headache
Post flight traffic of the region you live in
What MBTI personality is int?
Finland is not white
Sminem has managed to fuck girls and you haven't
Kurva anyátok
“But teacher..... Your language is too difficult. I really can’t learn it.-”
The great debate
Turks and Kurds should unite into one nation and just call themselves Turds
Have a French friend
Leaked photo of the United states of Europe in 2025
/ex-ussr/ general
I want an antifa gf
Vocaroo thread
Pick a Side
I'm affraid of a war in Europe. I think it might come in the next 5 to 10 years
/ita/ - il filo
Australia to become the ELEVENTH largest economy by 2030
Non-white here, AMA
How religious are you in your country?
/v4/ + friends
You’re listening to Radio New /balt/
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Who was in the wrong here?
Do russians actually think China is their ally?
Weird leader choices
Anyone got poland ball pics?
Europe, if you could trade all of your muslim/MENA immigrants for hispanic immigrants would you do it?
/fr/ - le fil des lève-tôts
Hilo latino
How are chicano BULLS treated in your country?
Ignore trolls
What images do you get if you google your ethnicity?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw always get lumped in with americans
Why are French people so rude ?
I'm reading about the Yugoslav wars and it seems like the war crimes angle is really exaggerated...
Why do white people cry so much about inmigration these days? (Trump, Brexit...
What are your predictions for the 2020's (the decade)?
Why are French people so adorable?
What's americas beef with the Russians?
Why don't you visit Moldova this summer?
You walk into your room and see this. Wat do?
At least you went to university... I wish I didn't get trolled by Sup Forums into thinking it was a scam...
Are they still the bad guys?
Brazil is going to become a christian dictatorship
Why don't people realise that more help for refugees means less help for aboriginals that were here first?
Sup Forums users you easily recognize
/nachtschicht/ - tagsüber /deutsch/
How do we save europe?
Updated Latin America Crime rate (2017)
Religion Wars Board Game
Was reddit right?
This is your average mexican male in 2018
/luso/ fio lusofono
Why are the Asians in Canada so fucking shitty? They're all smug assholes who act superior to natural born Canadians
A. Your country
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Dad took his trap girlfriend to our family reunion
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
Bost here and I will make a map like this one about people from your country living in Italy
South Hate Thread
What happens here?
Your country have hot MILF's?
When will Japan embrace diversity?
Obssesed with russian sad music AGAIN
Why are Chinese diaspora so absolutely cancerous on the internet...
It is your biological imperative to make children!
Hi there young man *shakes your hand* what bringsyou to America?
Your height
Why do Russians hate their own country?
ITT things shitskins, pooeyes and asians cant relate to
Why aren't other countries as diverse as ours?
Here is a picture I took with my president when I was a child
/ita/ - il filo
Is it true that in Mississippi and Louisiana, there are towns that have nearly 100% black people?
Tea is better than coffee
Post your worse cases of american education!
I wish I had an iPhone X but it's too expensive. I think I will take a bank loan in my bank to buy one...
Are they European?
What can Asia learn from East Asia?
What happens here
The chad neonazi
Literally a dozen threads about being a kissless virgin, a neet, suicidal, having severe mental disorders on here
/lat/ hilo latino
When was the last time you went to church Sup Forums
Real-life mutts
Hey Sup Forums serious question
Brazilians are disgusting
/balk/ - Balkan thread
/hölle/ ehemals /nachtschicht/ bzw. /deutsch/
I like ripped "women"
Does your country have a sophisticated tea culture?
Why is capitalism so shit?
So what does Sup Forums think of our shithole president?
Your cunt
Seriously speaking, how the fuck can people like this shit?
1. your cunt
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
What's the sexiest thing a man can wear in your country?
I don't understand why so many shithole countries on Sup Forums
Annoying stuff in your language
Another victory for socialism
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
/sino/ - 中文
Every country's most highly rated tourist attraction
1 -Your cunt
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
It's that time of the month when payday is 4 days from now on and I have no food spare some old meat and moldy bread
Pussy really tastes good
Are Southern Europeans the master race? Everyone wants to be them
Why are these guys so salty? Are they not aware that brexit means brexit?
Id fight for my country
I feel emotionally deeply connected to a large area I randomly happened to be born in and its people
/fr/ - le fil des sentiments exacerbés
/cum/ canada usa mexico
/ita/ - il filo
HALT! You may only enter this thread if you are at least 95% white
Is there a Starbucks in your country? If yes, what’s your favourite drink?
Be czech
We deserve $15 an hour
How can other cunts' troops compete with USA?
Do you prefer white, brown or black chocolate?
ITT:Post Religion Demographics from your country
So I have to travel to China for work...
Personality atlas thread
Gold Digger Thesis
Mexico, your food is great!
Why is Europe so divided?
What's the worst country on each continent? I think it's:
ITT we act as American as possible
Why are strength sports dominated by: Slavs, Balts and Germanics?
What's your favorite country that's not yours?
"I'm so glad I wasted precious years of my life in my youth arguing about race, economics...
This kills the japan
ITT: Paint the Nordic Cross with your flag's colors
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
In two weeks I lost 4 kilos by eating just sugary things. I was 88kg, now I'm 84kg
There are people who will legitimately argue that he did something wrong
Thanks to Sup Forums and Sup Forums every time I see a black person I think of KARA BOĞA and BLACK-posting
Ah yes, the chosen of Muhammad
Tfw you'll forever be a Shitalian and there is no way of changing that no matter how hard you try or how far you run...
Meet our new President. Sauli Niinistö. Well he already was the president
Votes have been counted. The new (re-elected) President of Finland:
Post ugliest flags
Scandinavia is the best place on earth, you cant debate this
What do u think abut spen
Does your country have a brother?
Why whites from shit countries think they are superior only because they are white?
Is Trump literally mentally handicapped?
Being born in Britain makes you British
His name was Artem Iskhakov
How come a large portion of democrats still support Israel?
Buenos Aires vs Rome
Sub Saharan Africans had no civilisations
Le based defender of Western civilization
Tfw 15 cm penis
Why do French people that learn to speak English fluently still sound like a stereotype...
Is this the best non-white African country?
Me like boy but only if boy look like girl
Post your DNA results (ancestry or 23&me)
"Guys anime girl waifu perfect AAAAAH"
/ex-ussr/ general
/deutsch/ Fellbestienausgabe
Japanese slave women were even sold as concubines to black African crewmembers...
/fr/ - le fil des couteaux et des balles
NASA has plan to save humankind
You call Russia weak? Heh
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
/v4/ + /pm2.5/
What is your blood type? have you ever donated blood?
Opinions on Luxembourg?
We send a letter to trump
Where would you like to live ?
Do you love South America
Culture Pals - /cp/ General
Sverigetråden - Till minne av Ingvar Kamprad
/luso/ - luso
/ita/ - il filo
Chile appreciation thread
Your native language
Why are right wing dictators always virgin soyboy autists while left wing dictators are always Chads?
Mississippi appreciation thread
You wake up in Chile during Pinochet's rule
Uh guys.... are southern europeans white or nah?
Ask a Mexican anything
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post in this thread if your country won WW2
Do you love Japan?
Insulin bottle around the world
Why are japanese so fashion leader?
/fr/ - le fil de la Der de la Der des Ders
Why are east asians fit?
Redpill me on slavic qts
/deutsch/ Schau in meine Welt-Ausgabe
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Poland attacks free speech and historical facts
Wtf disgusting whores
Woman from you're cuntry. she wuld sex a swedish man?
/sag/ formerly: desi /देसी/ /دیسی/ /ދެސި/ /দেশি/ /દેશી/ /ದೇಶಿ/ /ദേശി/...
Why Korea is too weak compare to neighboring countries?
Rest in peace, Ingvar
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...