What are some things that trigger Sup Forums?
What are some things that trigger Sup Forums?
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Everything that trigger Sup Forumstards because most of this board is populated with 20 iq Sup Forumslacks.
They're cute as fuck, why the hate?
IDK, but so far Sup Forums is getting triggered like crazy
You mean like this?
You should probably keep that to one thread tbqh.
Careful user you don't want to upset and summon /r/asianmasculinity
fuck /r/asianmasculinity
why would interracial relationships trigger Sup Forums when every other thread is advocating interracial relationships
This meme has actually grown on me. The other ogres are stupid, but this mutt is funny
Self hatred probably
Why, Pablo?
Some of those threads are usually ironic though like
>wh*Te girls choose karl boogya xD
>TFW I know a guy called karl bogiya
What am I looking at? Is that a Mexican with his Asian gf?
what bizarro Sup Forums do you visit?
Why such alpha white chose Asian? He might easily get white woman.
This literally only triggers white roasties.
This may sound crazy but some people have certain preferences, and this might sound even crazier but perhaps the gentleman has no preference and just happens to like this woman on the basis of her personality.
White women are self-entitled bitches that more often than not age like shit.
A fairy tale couple, I've never seen someone that good looking in real life.
You haven't heard about the evil ways of the wh*Te woman yet? For starters they age like milk. Once that process starts to kick in they go a little crazy and decide they can do better than to be with you. Their need to feel validation about their attractiveness leads them to divorce you, take half of your money and possessions, request alimony payments, then find someone else.
What am I looking at?
how things are meant to be
It's shane the Punisher riding an asian horse(Mongolian the best breed for riding) while a monkey beats on the walls and Urma Thurman cries for no reason.
What’s more surprising to me is that white man prefer ugly Asian woman by our standard. The woman in this pic is quite average though.
its just that they are uncommon there
>american film
Makes sense
Also the girl
>Born: October 2, 1978 (age 39)
It's really true. Asian women age better.
That's usually the old creeps though who'll take whatever they can land. I'm from a city with a large Chinese/assorted asian population and WM+AF is incredibly common among young and they're generally good looking couples. Only an anecdote of course but I do spend a lot of time out and about.
General clean old fashioned hatred. Taking too many red pills does this. I used to be like this until I stopped browsing Sup Forums, it's amazing how things aren't really what they say it is.
White guys deserve to be loved too
The future
This thread is now the amwf thread
Disgusting wh*te men should go extinct. Wh*te women need to be redistributed among Africans as slavery reparations.
Man from any race other than wh*te and white woman couples.
Sup Forums's wet dream
>fashion victims
that's gonna be a no from me dawg
I love John comics
how can it trigger white roasties when they are probably the most "progressive" and notracist people, they really dont care
The guy is so much more handsome than the girl.
they're "progressive" when it makes more competition for them, but you'd be surprised how much they rage at wmaf. I suspect they're the true culprits of the "you only get asian girls if you can't get a REAL white woman" meme, if you ever go on american facebook.
They don't want it to be a two way street.
I'm not ashamed to ask for the sauce
i wish i was white...
even an ugly white guy can get an asian gf...
Sup Forumsite
we are the older twin after all
White women are disgusting, often obese and ugly as fuck after 25 (inb4 Sup Forums posts helga bigchin in a wheatfield).
On the other hand I'm a white guy with a Filipina gf and nothing makes me happier than seeing a Filipino guy with a white girl. Bonus points if she's actually pretty. I am in this tiny ass rural town staying with my gf's family and there's this couple here that's like a AMWF spammer's wet dream. I see them walking their dog around or riding bikes sometimes. They are both in great shape and really good looking. I always say miscegenation should be reciprocal. I really believe it.
Funny how all these AMWF couples are always based High T Korean Men and Feminine Slavic Women. Nobody can match that. Japanese men are limp wristed crossdressers, Chinese men are too busy jewing eachother, and that's that.
I think that white guy is hot
This. Asian women were MADE for Middle Eastern cock
In what world is this guy ugly, especially compared to the two manlet twinks
I agree, I'm white and spam amwf for this reason
Are you OK?
the kids of the asian woman look to be half whites.
i'm an ugly white guy and i have no asian gf
No my plane crashed and I'm trying to get a radio signal, thankfully I found a hatch and a station with a computer so I can shitpost
>I'm white
>looks at last two post numbers
oh ho ho ho ho
Watch out for smoke monsters!
where to find a hooker that looks like Alizee?
The gook on the left got divorced like 3 times and his band is overrated shit.
Really? We just go down to Centrelink to pick up our state-issued gfs here. Your country DOES have socialised girlfriend distribution right?
sounds like your mum
I didn't ask you about your favorite drink
Based Koreans
not the guy in the video, just in general
WMAF and AMWF should both be mandatory
Asian cucks btfo
Creating a master race of hapas is the only chance we have to defeat our common enemy.
I'd like to have a new hapa kingdom somewhere, at least one city
A "Hapa Israel", if you will.
I bet you are a salty Asian American. Go back to your shithole.
this is the future humanity needs
>people who are in the way of stuff and move really slowly
>groups who take up an entire hallway/path and walk slowly
>adults who lack extremely basic math skills we should all have at least remembered from grade 9
>servers/waitresses who feel the need to reconfirm what I want on my burger/sub/burrito ten times just because I have simple tastes
>people who think they know everything despite having little knowledge on the subject
>ricers who ruin their cars with worthless, poorly matched mods, and slap on tasteless wheels and ugly stickers
no sir I am white, I just don't mind donating all our shitty women to asians
I'm hispanic with an asian gf
how triggered are you, Sup Forums?
Very triggered and loving it.
>fellow white with an asian gf
what's the problem?
Why do White chad always pick up average Asian women?????
>adults who lack extremely basic math skills we should all have at least remembered from grade 9
Have a university degree in maths and still fail at simple arithmetic regularly.
the best of the white race can only get the bottom of asian women since asians are just so superior in general
The inherent superiority of the Asian genotype.
Same reason average Korean men pick up top 1% White Women.
White Women are just a normal date for an Asian man.
Asian men long to marry Asian women, but will settle for easy White Slutpussy.
whites have bad taste in asian women
they think lucy liu is hot and masturbate to asa akira, who is a literal goblin