>Okay, we need the Spanish Legion to have a uniform, but we also need it to look gay
Okay, we need the Spanish Legion to have a uniform, but we also need it to look gay
> la atrocidad oscura
Americans see a tight belt and are immediately outraged
Burger is right tho, that's gay af
It's a bit odd, I'll give you that
>short sleeved shirts buttoned up only halfway to display the chest and arm muscles
>tight, form fitting pants designed to show both the behind, but also the bulging manly front
>ridiculous hats that barely reach the chin, and have no other function besides looking fancy
dude. This outfit was designed for maximum sluttiness.
I highly approve.
You mean sexy
Our Carabinieri can look pretty gay as well
A uniform is a uniform ya jobless neet.
yeah, it kinda looks gay
Wait, are they gay or just european?
geat a load of this arrowthrower
90% of the times, someone who can't pull off wearing a piece of clothing will say it's gay.
I mean, not that there is anything wrong with that!
I get more of a Starship Troppers vibe desu
not effay
They're sexy as fuck
what's with the boots, they going to the leather club?
No idea. The whole uniform looks weirdly sci-fi, especially compared to the old one
fuck you
Probably motorcycle carabineri
They're soldiers though.they're supposed to look intimidating. They look like strippers.
El demonio...
They look better than uniforms from Brasilia
>thinking that's gay
clearly haven't seen greece's
Italians always look /fa/ as fuck, how do they do it?
They were the police of the king, so I guess they're supposed to look fancy
>police of the king
"Nel clima della Restaurazione, Vittorio Emanuele I di Savoia, al rientro in Torino, dopo un periodo passato in sostanziale esilio a Cagliari (il territorio continentale del Regno di Sardegna era stato occupato dalle truppe di Napoleone Bonaparte) all'inizio del XIX secolo, emanò la legge reale del 13 luglio 1814 ("Regie Patenti")[4] con la quale fu istituito il Corpo dei Carabinieri Reali, unità militare con compiti di polizia."
>let them give you a blowjob
>they let you go without a ticket
I would purposefully break the law desu
Because they only get turned on with fat people
Holy fuck I'm not even gay but if I had a friend like that I would ask him to dominate me
Why aren't your cops like Spanish cops if you are the same people?
I like the outfit of the Dutch artillery.
When the King leaves his palace for our version of the 'state of the union'.
They have to fire a cannon salut every minute until he's back home.
They used to look more badass. Back then, they were named the Foreign Tercios
Greek one looks comfy and cute
Our carabineros are fat manlets and cute girls.
it's like a gay pride what the hell?
*Teleports behind you*
They are just looking for a boipussi to smash. Like yours.
>blong, blue eyes
really makes me wonder
just... why?
>that bulge
Brazil and Portugal are shit tier compared to Spain. We don't left soldiers and cops grow beards, just admit. They look like babies and Spanish guys look real men with these beards
It's Romance Southern Europe.
It's not even gay. It's just to much /fa/ in us.
I wonder if France does the same?
Why are you including yourself? Portugal don't let uniformed grow beards
I'm talking about style, not beards.
Plus Police in my town have beards.
OwO what's this?
Bicycle police look like shit everywhere. (Although granted, those are a bit extreme)
I have a theory that majority of people all over the over the world have nothing against homoerotism, while finding act of homosexual sex itself aesthetically unpleasant and revolting
police of the king doesn't mean police created by the king
Beards are 40% of male style. This is why Spanish ones look so hot
Homosexual sex makes me laugh. The fact that another man is letting someone fuck his ass while enjoying it looks incredibly pathetic for me
Soldiers can't have beards because gas masks don't work with them. I'd rather have no beard then have my lungs melt inside of me.
As for police, I don't see why they can't have beards, except of course elite police corps like the Carabinieri here in Italy that historically were always forbidden to have one because they represent the nation.
What's with the tiny chinstraps?
...said Sasha when he felt an erection in his pants while looking at handsome men in uniforms.
It's because we are CONKANGSTADORES
World War One gas mask maybe. Trust me Luigi you can wear a modern gas mask with a beard just fine
No you can't mohammed (sorry don't know any polish names)
>Soldiers can't have beards because gas masks don't work with them.
That depends on the type of mask. If it's a tight fitting one, than yes it can be a problem, if it's a hood there is no problem and certain militaries of course allow there troops to have beards, like the German army.
When our troops were deployed in Afghanistan all forces were encouraged to grow a beard to blend in with the locals..
Are rapefugees encouraged to ride bikes to blend in with Dutch locals ?
>sorry don't know any polish names
yet, it's very Freudian that the first name you thought about was Mohammed hmm...
I know Jacob :3
mirin those calves desu
>Okay, we need the US military to have a bloated runaway budget so out of control that it threatens global peace and has a negative impact on the population's quality of life but also is still somehow useless and unable to defeat goat fuckers or rice farmers
All belts are tight in America
Most of our men survived the various Iberian wars, so they left manly descendants. Spain's men all died, so only the fags procreated.
Still, their women don't have moustaches, so it's hard to tell who won.
São Paulo has the best uniforms desu.
nice to meet you, I'm Krzesimir
isn't it too warm?
Black cops. LMAO your country is really a hellhole joke.
No, São Paulo is pretty chilly.
Your mum blends in with my dick~~ ;)
Your parents are funny people, you poor dork
Your penis is short and wrinkly too ?
>posting real data here
also, leave Krzesimir alone
Hot as fuck
It is only gay if you are attracted to men....
By that logic just let cops walking around with speedos
Dont they have any not handsome guys in that formation ?
Why are Southern Europeans and Southern Americans the way they are? Not hating though.
meanwhile in Mexico
looks cool but isnt pretty hot in hueland?
Why does everyone think that Brazil is like Rio?
No, it's not hot in São Paulo ffs.