Dad took his trap girlfriend to our family reunion

dad took his trap girlfriend to our family reunion.
grandma is on suicide watch.

Give trap gf

this, we need pics so we can judge how quickly your grandma needs to fetch a rope or bottle of clorox


post family reunion pic

Good thread

good comment

fake and definitely gay

Sup Forums at its finest.

Well, with traps like brs have, this isn't so bad

I once asked my mom if she would mind if I had transgender gf and she said it doesn't matter as long we love eachother.

is your mom a trap?

>is your mom a trap

>implying traps can't be good moms

i'm sure they do make good mums but it's kind of hard for a trap to give birth without having a womb desu

that user was adopted, you are very cruel

gomenesai sumimasen

heres a word for ya pommy cunt

cheers mate, i can't wait to use it on some cunt

try saying it into a 鏡


Oh shit son.