>23 posts early
willy bum poo
Detest the nigger caste
not looking forward to having professor toilson for two classes in a row today
3 for a quid at the moment.
Trump to Send Americans to the Moon
Need the mosque down the road OoB (out of business)
need my willy sucked
I am Anglo.
skipped another lecture to post on /brit/
wonder if kiernan shipka has blonde pubic hair
Business idea: leave toil 30 minutes early
my hobby is going to bars and observing drunk losers try to pick up women
bumped into the girl i was dating just before christmas today and it was a very confusing experience. we got on like we'd never been apart. like we'd never had that fight. heavy, heavy flirting. lots of touching. non-stop laughing. lots of dirty jokes and innuendo.
makes it all the more confusing as to why she told me she doesn't have feelings for me anymore just over a week ago
Not a fan of early threads
Pooey bumholes
A guy at my work always says that he knows the moon landings where fake, "Because if they'd been to the moon they'd be going back there all the time, stands to reason dunnit."
introspection is a virtue
Does Sup Forums store metadata on pics we upload? I just realised the pics I take with my iphone have fucking longitude and latitude GPS details stored in them (Properties>Details). Doesn't seem to be any for this lad's pic though .
Demand a full Brexit
>Does Sup Forums store metadata on pics we upload?
kind of mong that owns an iphone
Gagging for a full english brexit right now lads
It was a gift from my mum, okay?
they scrubbed metadata for years now
About 5 Maltesers in a bag now, country's gone
Not going to get that with a gutless leader like may in charge
You'll take your crippling eu fine and come crawling back within five years
Sup Forums doesn’t even store exif data with the exception of /p/. It won’t even correct your phone pics to make them right side up.
Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Sound
just ate an entire pack of Mr Kipling's bakewell tarts and an entire 8 pack of Mr Kiplings angel slices
mummy will NOT be happy
Anyone have that image comparing Thatcher and Callaghan?
What's Metadata
Dumb gook bastard.
I'm still in the habit of uploading screencaps of images desu.
you just try to dox me mate I'll knock your jaw off
>fruits de mer
This is like when I found out the Austrian German for potato is erdapfel - earth apple.
Never listening to anything a New Zealand person says. Simple As
You'll have to find me first :)
Cheers lad
Going to move to Japan and get me a zipperhead gf.
>There are no “black swans” for MB readers. They know the risks. We’ve calibrated them already.
i have been screaming with laughter at this for the past 20 minutes. (since by definition you can't compute the risk of a black swan in advance.)
amazed that I still haven't plucked up the courage to stick a knife in myself and end it yet
Don't let HIV positive nigerian immigrants cum in your bum
who is this mong, why can he not iron a shirt, and how do i know that he works in a call centre
Honey I've cried too,you better believe it. Honey my heart still beats for you even though you don't feel it.
would be a dumb way to end it
me and the lads
>sent british troops to northern ireland
(that's pat arrowsmith.)
(she was arrested yesterday...)
>oh hi, and welcome to macrobusiness dot com, where we see the unseen
>bear with me, i'm just... calibrating
Rorke Socialism
don't understand how people have the bollocks to ask women out
I don't feel real anymore. I feel like I and everyone else are just a ghost in a shell. Even the female in this arousing pic is just a grey matter connected to a spinal cord connected to a torso connected to limbs laminated over with skin.
And end what, your five day streak without doing something completely retarded?
you sure this is good advice?
pen, nae pen
enough is enough
koreans are the cheapest, most disconnected human beings I've ever met
>all the comments are people complaining about how rude the woman is to dare object to oppression, invasion and murder in a direct manner
Deep down all you brits are killers.
any pipeman in?
just woke up
new zealanders are fat
i'm in love with the girl on the manchester virgin megastore checkout desk
>Deep down
speak for yourself mate
>you brits
>british flag
not even gay but fannys look minging
bit gay
well gay
British troops out of Ireland! Ulster is Gaelic! Kill all huns!
business idea: open a shop called "chad retailer" next to virgin megastore
how much for an off the grid gook
ha! gayyyy
she ran out of things to say and it was just embarrassing.
they actually let her speak and all she can say is "troops out of ireland!" on a loop like a stuck record. didn't even sing any of the good IRA songs
rocking my laptop with my semi-erect willy
>Virgin Megastore
The crazy thing about that gymnastics doctor is that he probably didn’t even nonce a single one of those girls. I bet all his charges were from groping/fingering/ inappropriate touching instead of actual sex. Imagine getting sentenced to 200 years in prison for being a nonce and never getting laid out of it.
That's all she needed to say tbqh. Though a rendition of Go On Home British Soldiers would've been absolute beezer.
i'm on sale at the virgin megastore
which one is more /ourguy/?
>didn’t even nonce a single one of those girls
>groping/fingering/ inappropriate touching
dumb yank
I mean he didn’t stick his willy in them.
Left or right, probably right.
thom (pronounced like thumb) yorke
I'm sure he'll be getting plenty of sex in jail mate.
any piggy man in?
yeah probably this
One of them Gallagher faggots.
it's easy to be miserable
being happy is tougher. and cooler.
Listening to Good Kid M.A.A.D City (Deluxe Edition) by Kendrick Lamar, otherwise known as "Nigger Music"
It's finally, literally, hip to be square.