Are Americans even human?

Are Americans even human?

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Living is a luxury.

t. Americanas Creaturus

What is wrong with that?

This. Based Russian poster

two jews in that pic = not american

jews are the core of american politics, economy, and culture.

no, they are mindless consumerism
their humanity was robbed a long time ago, they are ideology regurgitation machines, other than buying crap they have no other want from live

But this is like the one good thing about them
They don't care about other people at all, they have no morals, not like the gay altruistic shit we hear all the time in Europe

I wish we could do the same and have true capitalism
Let's just remove the social system entirely it was a a bad idea
Cut the welfare and let all the poor people just fucking starve to death and get diseased and die of cold in the streets
In 1 year France would be a good place to live again

do you think i want to pay for the aids treatment of all the niggers in france ?
fuck socialism



you're all probably poor as fuck and hyper-capitalist still lol

You're not entitled to the labor of others, ever.

Not anymoreso than the UK was when they started sending convicts to your island

>Spend +600 billion on defense to keep america "safe"
>Let any retard own firearms for "protection"
>Treat sick people like they deserve to die instead of victims
If you don't see a problem with that, you are legitimately retarded

never understood those types

like i get if you're rich and hypercapitalist but i don't get why people on 50k salaries are

Is this real?

Nice try mutt.

You do realize doctors still get paid, right?

This but unironically

t. retard

inb4 socialists calling self-responsibility "edgy"

i really want to push down a sharp object down bens throat, thatd be totally crazy

because people would rather have mediocre american standards of living than outright USSR-like starvation and misery ?

Did that guy honestly compare healthcare to luxury decor or is this another one of those wacky meme Facebook pages?

not actual europeans, probably some mutts
go back to your shitholes/america

Yes, Ben Shapiro is a real human, who is extremely popular among young conservatives, that says these things.


>Americans GENUINELY believe that doctors in countries with universal healthcare are forced to work in the public system

you know private healthcare doesn't disappear you utter fucking mongoloid?

Ideology rarely panders to how much money you make

Agreed. Except there should be a safety net for whites especially white kids.

>universal healthcare = USSR

ahh yes

I'd say it does if you're not a double digit IQ southerner


kek this. I knew a guy who got screwed over so fucking hard by his employer and was still the stereotypical brainwashed conservatard. Some people are such self defeating idiots.

Socialism works the same as insurance. You don't get treatment for free. The doctor still gets paid. Everyone pays a bit and once in a while needs help, gets it for free.

But we all know insurance companies are scammers. Sanders and everyone who agrees with him needs to think twice.

what ? you asked why poorer people sometimes were capitalist
and that's your answer, the only alternative to capitalism we are offered is socialism, which is even worse
(or fascism, which is better tha capitalism but it is forbidden so)

Okay so you agree with me?

The entire right wing of American politics is based around keeping the rich richer and more powerful while keeping the poor poorer and under control.

>the only alternative to capitalism we are offered is socialism
You're a clueless fuck.

ok let's hear it what else do you offer, moderate social democracy "like in europe" ? lmao it is a failure and on top of that it's still socialist as fuck

As much as conservatives like to pretend they're the voice of economic reason, they know basically nothing as well. A basic principle of economics is that vertical integration will always offer the best value. If the state offers the insurance, the hospitals and the doctors salaries without having to pay investors it will always lead to the best quality/cost ratio. America fails because insurance companies, hospitals, etc all take a cut for profits

>He thinks average Americans are wealthier than Europeans
America is rich. Americans not nearly as much.

successful countries that are less socialist than Europe but less capitalist than the US: Australia, Canada Singapore, New Zealand

t. Doesn't understand US politics but will pretend to anyways

Average Ausfag IQ is 98, all but our blackest southern states are higher.

Libertarianism is cancer.

What's hilarious for me is that these people are 'conservative pro-capitalist anti-globalists' yet fail to realise that capitalism is innately pro-globalist in nature.

>Americans not nearly as much.

What? Depending on how overinflated the housing market is?
According to that, your average drunken Aussie bogan with a shit shack somewhere is rich right now.

The people losing in life don't realize they're the ones losing. It's been interesting to watch a reversal of the use of identity politics over the past year at least.

>America is The Most Capitalist nation on earth
>America has the highest gdp on earth
>America loses in metrics for quality of life, life expectancy, happiness, press freedom, etc. to west europe consistently

Does this not strike you as odd? This is in spite of an ongoing refugee crisis too.

Sanders is just an old insane commie.


Did you drink too much kool aid? No actual socialists exist in USA.

Well memed. Housing prices aside australia is literally paradise to live.

Is there even any other country besides Murica where universal healthcare is politically opposed?

>Guy from my province near US border calls ambulance
>ambulance takes him across the border into the US because it's the closest hospital
>Gets stuck with $170,000 bill
>Fights it in court until province agrees to pay for it

I will side with the US on most issues but their healthcare system is absolutely fucked

>I will side with the US on most issues
Subhuman detected

maybe in one of those shitholes trump referred to

Compared to our pathetic government I mean, obviously

Yet thousands of leafs cross that border WILLINGLY to be cured. I'm not denying that the American healthcare system is flawed, but turning it in socialized healthcare isn't a solution, and most of its current problems are owed to Obamacare making the insurance market even more anticompetitive than it already was.

So yes you do want some sort of moderate social democrats to rule then. This balanced approach is not exactly new and European countries like say NL have achieved it in the past. We have Macron in power here now, i bet you like him as well.
Well we will see how it goes but personally i have no hope whatsoever and i don't doubt that everything will keep getting worse

what's even the point of having a state if it doesn't care about you dying?

Private healthcare is superior if you have the money to pay for it, yes.

The solution is to have a mixed system of both public and private healthcare.

Healthcare is a privilege not a right. Poor people should just die.

Ethnocentric-socialism is comfy

Lmao. The Obamacare that survived basically did 2 of the 3 things.

1. Insurance companies can't deny people over pre-existing conditions. Meaning people who have a family history can't be told to go die. Ie the people who actually need healthcare go it.

2. People who didn't have healthcare head to pay a fine. This was to force healthy young people into getting healthcare that would lower costs to offset some of the new sickly recipient

3. People making below a certain amount would be covered by the government. This got struck down by courts or something

The problem is that the American system without obamacare basically trues to sell people with medium to no risk insurance while leaving out people who legitimately need it.

Canada is 100 times safer than America, how the fuck can you think your government is in any way pathetic compared to America's? Fucking leaf.


exactly. people in the american health industry became so spoiled with their huge profits that now only a socialist revolution can save america. anything else just makes it worse

Law and order

>Canada is 100 times safer than America

So? That doesn't mean our current government can't be retarded. A government can't fuck up that badly in just 2 years.

We let back in actual ISIS fighters and allowed 50,000 niggers to illegally cross our border last year. Our government is VERY pathetic.

you don't even have that anymore

But America doesn't have law or order by western standards, anyway

you might as well swap that word for "national", it'd mean pretty much the same thing

of course it is comfy

whats wrong with law abiding, mentally stable citizens owning firearms for protection?

This thread is going off-topic. Itt: Post more Americana

>Nazism is a synthesis of socialism and nationalism

An AR-15 with a bump stock attached is a fucking automatic weapon. You don't need that to reasonably protect yourself and it's commonly used by mass shooters. Also, way too many people who shouldnt have guns still find a way to get them. In Canada, all the handguns used by gang members are sourced from the US and the same goes for mexican cartels. So your lax laws literally make your own mass shootings worse and lead to violence all across North America.

This can't be real...


Let's be fair here, how could you even afford public health care when your populace is fat and likes to shoot each other?
The insulin alone would bankrupt them.

Why should people's right to bear arms limited to appease your feefees? If you're scared of other people, buy a gun and learn to use it.

Ah yes, the Sup Forumstard leaf that took a wrong turn and thinks twitter opinions count as facts.

Now I remember why you are considered the worst posters on Sup Forums, because you are unironically stupid.


I know felons most of the time can't own guns in the US, but you guys don't check for mental stability, do you?

should have been but hitler made too many compromises with capitalists, so i will argue real nazism has never been tried
i say we try it again

you didn't answer my question
I said law abiding, mentally stable citizens, which is the the largest demographic by far whom own guns.
also, mass shootings are an incredibly small fraction of gun violence in USA. most gun violence occurs in areas with the strictest gun laws

they don't even check the mental stability of their policemen and soliders

>unironic 'if you had a gun this wouldn't happen'

Wew. Explain yourselves Finngolians.

>mentally stable citizens,
>implying that represents anything more than 0.1% of americans

Why should the poor and fat people be allowed to live?

>I said law abiding, mentally stable citizens, which is the the largest demographic by far whom own guns.
Cool. In america, they aren't the only people with guns. It's true, there's nothing wrong with those people to own reasonable weaponry. But they don't anything that could be close to automatic.

>literally the same as amerimuttland average

Still a brainlet speaking. Nazism is it's own thing stemming more from Volkish movement rather than German nationalism or socialism.

If you want synthesis of Nationalism and Socialism, take a look into the former Eastern block, we have plenty of those.

ar 15's aren't automatics and automatic weapons are only legal through very difficult loopholes

The average ausfag don't take IQ tests, we save them for the actual mentally retarded people who need them.

hmm still prefer the jew.

Bump stocks basically accomplish the same thing. Those are completely legal.

if you think bump stocks should be illegal then fair enough, but outlawing firearms for protection is absolutely retarded
also, please don't link me to NYT ever again

can't be real
how is running someone through a ct nearly $7k?
oh shit
what is going on

was at a casino?

>but outlawing firearms for protection
That's rarely ever brought up by few people. It's a fucking false flag that right wingers themselves off to while saying it's alright for wife beaters to have guns(yes, that's a position the NRA tried to defend a year or 2 ago)