generals ruined this board
Generals ruined this board
>Sup Forumsernational board
>everyone segregates
>try to go see what's going on in the country generals
>everyone is speaking their own language and doesn't respond when you ask questions
>*F*nns ruined this board
generals ruined your country
No Sup Forums discussion. Most threads are not even in english. Barely any good memes. everyone just spams their general with bs. This board is just a glorified chatroom at this point
No, Sup Forums ruined this board. I can notice the average Sup Forums poster on here by his obsession with whiteness, insulting every other country that posts in the thread and in general being an attention whore. I honestly hope not deletes Sup Forums at some point it’s such a trashy board
do you know how the catalog works?
>deleting the containment board that is already barely containing itself
You DEFINITELY do not want that, and besides half the posts here are "muh wh*toids muh BBC" which is just as bad as "x isn't white" shit.
>Most threads are not even in english
Oi Monyet Amazon. Sup Forums saja la tempat aku nak maki kau dalam loghtat aku. Bengong.
>wake up
>lets lurk some Sup Forums
>have to hide +20 threads or so that are non english, and are made every single day in shitty languages that have like 5m native speakers at best and will eventually dissapear
>have to hide the 5 or 6 brit therads and variants such as cum and dixie because there is just circlejerking and nothing real good comes out
>I have my "general" thread, which is a glorified chatroom with the same fags spamming lolis and being shitbirds all together, and maybe some 2 o 3 "good" discussion threads, everything else is just shitpost from your typical straya, leaf or finn
You should have seen Sup Forums 5 years ago. it was nothing like this
I am okay with generals as long as they are not made by disgusting anime faggots and spammed by anime girls photos from those degenerate losers.
Sup Forums needs a filter to ptevent people from making posts that have racial or political terms
>he hasn't grown out of Sup Forums in 5+ years
Grampa it's time for you to get off.
Maybe if Sup Forums gets deleted then they’ll go on other chan websites, but good point
this is an international board, you can't expect everything to be in english, and what kind of discussions was you expecting from Sup Forums?
not really
the rest of this board is just Sup Forums lite country-roleplaying and tired "banter" that gets repeated 10000000 times
i don't see how getting rid of generals would fix anything
Hiroshima Nagasaki. I wish he could delete the users from existence but unfortunately he can't.
viva el general peron carajo
Frogposters ruined this board, yet they won't stop posting their cancerous frog. So?