Why is capitalism so shit?

Why is capitalism so shit?

I don't give a shit about rich people and their mansions. But why capitalism can't provide at least a decent home, food or education for everyone?

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Capitalism =/= no regulations or welfare

Even Adam Smith himself thought that there should be progressive taxes and government involvement in the economy.

>Even Adam Smith himself thought that there should be progressive taxes and government involvement in the economy.
Literal revisionism

Gee I didn't know accepting a large number of refugees who you don't have jobs for would lead to rise in homelessness

Because you gotta WORK IT for nice things

Refugees get homes

>provide absolutely nothing to society
>spend all of my time begging for handouts instead of trying to find a job
>if someone doesn't give me free shit, they're just a greedy rich asshole

instead of complaining about 'muh capitalism' people should just look at the homeless and see what a lot of the demographics are. There's a big ass difference between disabled vets who can't even work to support themselves (not as common because things like VA, but still happens) and some crackhead who begs and spends all his beggar money on more crack.

And a lot of panhandlers aren't even actually homeless. There's people who just go to a busy intersection, pretend to be homeless, and do that because they're a lazy fuck and won't get a job. Then people are less likely to give to actual homeless people. Also, if homeless people spent half as much time trying to get a job as they did trying to get free handouts, then it wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem.

not if they don't report to anyone because they know they aren't eligible for shit :^)

But if they get a flat or a house from the government they still count as homeless (only if they asylum has been granted through)
t. works in a town hall

>be refugee
>go to country where there's just enough to accommodate the people who were already there
>do not get accommodation
>press chimps out on your behalf

>look mom I made another thread
Imagine being so stupid you keep making threads complaining about capitalism on Sup Forums. It doesn't belong here, fuck off.


It has nothing to do with capitalism, but open border politics (which is a left side thing, actually).
As it says in the article: half of them are "refugees", pretty damn sure 80% of the rest are some eastern Europeans, mostly gipsys and other trash from Romania/Bulgaria.

Homelessness is usually closely tied with mental illness, as is substance abuse, so to someone like you it seems like drug addiction = homelessness when in reality it's depression/schizophrenia/psychosis/anxiety/ptsd/etc = homelessness and substance abuse.
It's probably not very easy to keep a job, maintain a household, and stay sober when you are insane.

>blaming negative results of policies enacted by the state on the free market

Those are homeless are not native Germans you dumb cuck.

Not when they've been caught raping a women and denied asylum.


I know this is b8 but
>drug addicts
>deserving housing or food



Why is nature so shit?

>1% of Germany's population is homeless

>be poor
>pay fees because you are poor
>be rich
>make more money because you are rich

>be you
>keep making the same posts over and over even though no one gives a fuck
Use osap and get a college diploma so you can stop being a neet.

some are rich, some are poor

everyone is poor

>The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state. The expense of government to the individuals of a great nation is like the expense of management to the joint tenants of a great estate, who are all obliged to contribute in proportion to their respective interests in the estate.


same pole that got assmad from the other thread?

Being successful is not enough, others must fall.

This is mantra of rich.

There wasn't a 150% rise in homeless until Merkel decided that immigrants were more important than her own people.
Failings of government aren't the failings of capitalism.

Because you have to gain it for yourself, if gov gave home and food nobody would work

Every citizen is entilted to have a small appartment paid for by the government + a bit of money for food, electricity etc. in Germany.
Those who live on the streets are illegal immigrants and junkies who blow the welfare money on heroin.

It does have to do with capitalism. The right in America seeks to strip all regulations out of capitalism which ends up as a race to the bottom for 99% of us.

Regulated capitalism is great.

because no free lunch