/v4/ + /pm2.5/

Slovak air quality edition

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just testing how I'd do, got curious after the american posted how many matches he got
like hell I'd actually spend any of my earned money to go anywhere and waste it on thots

did you know v4 countries buy the least soap in entire Europe? I wonder why

reminder that god dont real

your a pink lady

big leftover stockpile from all the burned jews

reminder that Virgin Mary is real
>be me as a kid
>Virgin Mary appears in my room
>are you a Catholic?
>do you love me?
>y-yes I do
>good boy *pats me on the head* now I will reward you for being a good little Christian
>Virgin Mary takes my virginity

>he racemixed with a jew

Polish deathcamps


we are proud of them

belarusian history!

oh, wait...

we need to kill all slavshits regardless


kill yourself you ugly piece of shit

Principalty of Polotsk was a thing


that was faster and easier than expected

daily reminder that Belarus is is the real Lithuania and the modern Lithuanians are just samogitian Lietuvians who are stealing pagan belarusian (litvinian) history

which is why we should murder all lithuanians

this unironically

Lithuanians (Belarus) or Lithuanians (""""Lithuania"""")?

>all these map sims
>no one plays Civ or HOMM

I'm disappointed despite not putting any faith in you guys to begin with

nah lads, I still want to live for a few years

hungary, you are my greatest ally.

daily reminder that attention whores who fish for betas on imageboards are the lowest of the low.

the ''''Lithuanians'''''


Dont worry tót we will reannex you one day and grant you lil bit of autonomy ;3 and we will murder whore

stop bullying femvak


never stop bullying femvak even her eyes are fucking wierd, all black and shit


Litwin is actually my boyfriend

Litwin is actually fat hairy 56yo virgin who molest little children

my black eyes are from my hungarian ancestry ;^)

agreed with both but replace boyfriend with girlfriend and little children with little animals

> ittle animals
what is your favorite animal to molest?

my favourite one is to succ a tiny rat's dicc
picrel me

thats some hentai plot not your dream.

aster we slaughtered every westerner the next will be the r*ssians

degenrate genocide when?

>le meme gased poland has better air than here


you just keep collecting haters Stacy.

can someone find me the original music that isnt sang by these cunts?

>Januar 29th

thoughts on this unit?

Hello /v4/
did you go to church today?

LMAO only old people go to church you muttoid, mutated fat jew puppet, bastard of a drunk and a whore

this so much

fuck off, satan

the more haters, the faster and easier I'll be able to leave

>for only 20eur we can guaranty you will go to haven

don't be rude dummies


hello, friends


fuck outta here nigger


no my nigga

I wish Elven woman would sit on my face

why elven?

henlo v4


Elves are the superior women

I like that show, although I haven't watched more than one season

its the only drama show i like, good stuff

they have pointy ears and thats it. And they dont even exist

Good taste.

>And they dont even exist
Like that matters

why would you want something that is 100% not going to happen?

Ideals and perfection are realistically unattainable by definition.

post more thicc

Ironically she is ugly herself

b-but elfs are not real

why are women so cruel and inhuman


Neither are perfect human girls. In real life you inevitably have to settle for less.

I wish I knew

touching a girl like in your pic is impossible for me too

DO NOT bully Slovakia!

why would I bully my own country?

a slovenian killed a pole last night in greece

>Paśić gets his life saved by the Austro-Hungarian empire
>is the same guy that contributes to starting the war that ends their empire ten years later
History sure is ironic.

best unit in the world

i remember the season when autismo kid killed his parents and hte gay marine was after them, did a lot happen since?


who plays lineage 2?

>le 56% face

alright you filthy beet eater, time to make yourself useful
is there any point to trying Heroes V-VII?
will i like them?
which one will i like the most, if any?

hello 2008

Fortress worst city

fun fact: the 56% face was already present in a hun cartoon made in 1986


God I feel old

Ooh... There are no Serbs here I guess.

does the subject field say /v4/ + baby eaters?
i thought it didn't

About that.
>be reading my WWI book
>-"Djordje the first, heir of Serbia, lose the right to the throne for beating his servant to death"
>do a double-take because this happened in fucking 1909

I don't want to susceibe to memes, and they were WWI allies, but Jesus Christ Serbs...
My bad I thought /v4/ had Serbs.

Serbs are subhuman cryptotürks who need to give our stolen clay back

V is good dont bother with 6 and 7

My parents went to Paris this weekend and strolled around in Versailles! They brought me this leaflet back!
But seriously, on my way out since I don't want to fuck with your general either and be an inconvenience.

Reminder that GOTT MIT UNS

whatever we will get the clay one day or die out with them
