Mexico, your food is great!
Colombia, you're the more honest folk on Sup Forums, keep it up!
India, you're working hard to solve your problems! Good job!
USA, your sports crowds and patriotism is something actually beautiful to see!
Argentina, outside Sup Forums, you're really nice people!
Poland, your will to preserve your culture and traditions is admirable!
Finland, your posts are great and your women really beautiful!
Sweden, you have the most handsome men in the world!
South Korea, your music is nice!
Japan, you are too intelligent!
Russia, cheer up your moral! Stop being so selfhating, your country has a great history!
Germany, loved or hated, your country had great impact in all periods of human history!
France, your big capitals are beautiful!
Spain and Portugal, although you might not be in your best moments, you will pass through it and become great nations as you were before!
Serbia, you do as Poland and don't let foreigners countries tell you what to do! Good job, your country is truly yours!
Italy, thanks for all the good food you gave to world!
Mexico, your food is great!
>that flag
>that post
>on Sup Forums
Brazil wishes you the best!
Shut up macaco.
Shut up fat inbred Ameriorc.
abrigado tem um bom dia
That was nice. Thanks nice user.
gee thanks
hum, you weren't mentioned though
I want to fuck Brasil
is this truly classified as being nice in brazil? all you did was post half arsed facts about countries and why the fuck is a muttlander congratulating countries for not accepting foreigners, do you fucking macacos realize the stupidity of typing such things?
Fuck me, I'd hate to be a collective of people that lack self awareness.
Do us! Do us!
>Fuck me, I'd hate to be a collective of people that lack self awareness.
too late Zhang
Don't worry, I didn't mentioned Australia. Therefore be happy, man!
A-user kun!?
Hey, that's rude. Keep the thread friendly.
I can't, your Aussie brother didn't like it.
Shut up and bend over you easy whore. This is what you wanted didn't you?
Y-You too
So this is what was hidden behind your nice words? Lust?
How embarassing.
Good lad, have a nice day.
thank u brazil
Brazil, thank you for your beautiful women.
Good thread, have a bump
t-thanks brazilanon
The macaco awakens
Thank you.
This is a nice thread
otra lista en la que no figuro
>inb4 "Paraguay! thanks for your cheap electronics!"
I'm afraid i'm gonna have to stop you from harassing my waifu.
Your waifu is a slut and the board's bicycle.
Thanks and God bless your soul
Brazil, thank you for the Gold!
>Argentina, outside Sup Forums, you're really nice people
Newfag here, what did we do now? Let me guess, some football related, right?
T-Thanks Kuruminha poster. you t-too
We Brazilians were born to suck the white men's dick.
Why are Brazilians so nice on Sup Forums? They're just like Russians. :3
>outside Sup Forums, you're really nice people!
what did this filthy chimp even mean by that?
I am sick and tired of this. Every day I come to Sup Forums, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive woman dressed scantily and posing seductively with some retarded caption like 'So user tell my why you love "x" country?' or some other stupid shit. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "flash" and pizazz in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I don't have a girlfriend. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced an obese girl to let you fuck her.
Good post. We need more post that destroys the Hueman and facade. The Hue-man cannot live this continuous life of lies that he lives. I predict that the Internet will culturally destroy Brazil for the better.
>tfw not mentioned
thank you user
i love you
ur good girl
I wish we could say something nice about ourselves like other countries do on Sup Forums but we can't, we hate our country
Low self-esteem and insecurity. We grow up hearing that first world are better, taller, more educated, so this is basically ingrained in our brain that first worlders are like Gods, so we act nice.
Exactly, its all an act. I'd prefer it if we were like Russians. Unashamedly bitter, envious, and honest about it.
>Treating them better than ourselves
Part of our inferiority complex to become european or american and reject our black poppulation.
comfy thread
good post
Brazil, a lot of Scandinavians and Brits would probably move to your country just because of how nice your weather is. Enjoy whatever you can get and stop obsessing over stupid shit. Take it easy
The best things about here is the weather, ladies, food, and nothing else. Can't say the same about the people
Fuck off Ivan.
>he didn’t get praised
It’s ok Chang.You’re not even Australian so you won’t understand it
Thanks, Brazil. Best of luck for y-you t-too
: )
Thanks friend