>Tea is better than coffee
Tea is better than coffee
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This is a true statement
It is you disgusting plebeian.
>don't talk to me until I finish my coffee
>omg i literally cant function without coffee!1
This is how you separate the wheat from the chaff.
Only brainlets would choose tea over coffee.
Get the fuck out of my country, Tory
>this post this flag
oh nononono
Coffee tastes like someone shitting into a mug, but then I suppose that appeals to the ghastly, simian-like Frenchman
Fuck off back to Brazil Jose. You can get your coffee beans straight from the source.
>i feel compelled to make comparisons between two completely different things and decide which one i like more in a failed attempt at projecting the facade of a personality
>cant grow coffee in his country
>too poor to import coffee
>his only experience with coffee is the sewage water he buys from starbucks
>Brazilian coffee
Nothx. Yirgacheffes are streets ahead
coffee makes me anxious, I prefer green tea because it's healthy and makes me feel good
Coffee fucks up my stomache. Tea does not.
No clue how what you just posted is in anyway relevant to what I posted.
Thanks to the global economy we live in I probably have access to better quality coffee beans than you do.
>someone belittling my cultural heritage? I must intervene
And here I thought that caffeine was haram
>that drink you mentioned? well your country is also reputed for drinking that drink therefore I have the high ground
So much this, I literally get diarrhea from coffee.
Eat more fiber
I bet you can't drink milk too, you nigger.
This desu.
I actually drink milk for breakfast and before going to sleep, something even as a snack in the afternoon.
You're rude, user.
my bad then
user, that's not milk
Chamomile is best. Any other opinion is trash
What variety of soy is that?
Chamomile is nice, but it's not tea.
>germans better than celts/
who drinks chamomile during the day? it's a sedative
Reminder to report retarded and soy Wojak shitpost threads
>Reminder to report retarded and soy Wojak shitpost threads
>Actually thinking the virgin coffee is superior to the chad tea
Cold milk with every meal ww@ bros?
Fuck you, I'll fucking fight you, you bastard!
I sometimes do that but it's too heavy for me 2bh, I would end up drinking 2L of milk a day.
>implying tea isnt better than coffee
>death before decaf amirite guyyyysssss
>Italians and hot milk for breakfast
Waiters in non-med countries despise you wankers. Why do Italians assume that we all have a "hot-milk" tap?
>Testes good
>Is a break in the day to sit down and enjoy
>Has a huge range od effects depening on which tea you choose, from helping you lose weight, helping you sleep or the good hardworking English breakfast tea to start you day.
>Drunk by men
>Makes you anxous
>Makes you feel unwell
>Often full of sugars
>Is an addiction
>le pumpkin spice starbux
>Bought and drank in a rush, making you more stressed
>Drunk by women and soys
Just drink milk.
It's the thinking man's beverage.
You do know that in Britain atlease, it is the hipsters who drink coffee. Everyone outside of high blood-pressure city jobs and uni drink tea.
What's so hard about heating some milk exactly?
Because it takes ages to heat your little glass of milk when there's 1000 other things I'm supposed to be doing. Have tea or coffee like everyone else you child
Oh yeah I do remember it happened once in Germany lmao, the employee had a hard time but we ultimately told her to not worry about it.
How do you do a cappuccino without hot milk though? With all the coffee art on instagram it seems like it's a staple in the anglosphere too.
The cappuccino machine just makes the cappuccino. We don't drink hot milk here and most people who order coffee in the morning will take it either black or with some regular milk. Fancy coffees are for after dinner. So when someone asks for hot milk at 8am when 150 people are waiting on their breakfast with one chef in the kitchen we can't exactly ask him to pour a single measure of milk into a pot and call us when it's warm
Please stop doing it x
Lmao ill keep that in mind.
Why can't people drink and enjoy both?
But coffee fags are obnoxious
Coffee is mudwater laced with milk and sugar. It's a huge source of carlories, and caffiene.
In in contrast is often drank with nothing else, meaning it's near 0 Cal, and has far less caffiene.
Coffee is love. Coffee is life.
Yes it is.
You caffeine junkies are disgusting drug addicts.
ga. slapen.
I don't know about better but tea does have more variety.
What is it with French people putting disgusting shit in their mouths? Frogs, coffee, snails, dicks. smdh
I've drank(drunk? drunken? which is the perfect past of this verb?) coffee everyday for the past 10 years
It's by experiencing that we created the best cuisine in the world.
What does soy have anything to do with tea? Coffee is LITERALLY a nigger drink from Africa.
Suck my toes it might inspire you haha
coffee keeps me awake for work
tea for taste and chilling
Don't tell me what to do.
Is english really that hard for you? This is a basic kiddie stuff. Santo cielo....por favor, cabron.
I forget stuff, man.
It is
so does all the semen that swedes chug, that never stopped them though
i don't like both anyway
I've decided to warm up my milk before bed just to spite you in a show of Pan-American-European solidarity
OH excuse me that coffee ruins my beutiful body
you wouldnt understand, uggo frog
agreed, maybe it's the milk lobby speaking but I love milk with most meals.
Hot milk is awful outside of in coffee or tea.