>walk home in London
>get raped 3 times
Walk home in London
East London must be a lot of fun.
Polish sex crimes on the rise
anglos are so violent
this is why i always carry my handy vial of acid
Roastie getting btfo
They try do this here too. You see packs of indians/arabs hanging around clubs hoping a drunk girl gets separated from their friends so they can rape her
They don't understand the concept of treating women like people. Girls in those regions can be raped and then stoned to death because they were raped.
you forgot about the part where you go on telegraph website and complain about Poland and Poles
can`t you send them back.
and girls wonder why i'm dicks to those guys
It is normal.
That sounds like something that might happen in Pakistan or Northern India.
Low-IQ kiwi don't know the difference between an Indian and Bangladeshi/Paki.
So who did it? Muslims?
I thought NZ didn't have big minority populations from either of those groups.
Indians in the UK don't do that shit from my experience
"""Asians""" = British newspeak for Pakistani or Bangladeshi.
The sad part was, the slag had such a loose cunt and was so drunk off her tits, she probably never realized what was happening even after she got home
What’s wrong with white sluts getting raped, the bitch probably liked it
Based brown men
How? I doubt they're intimidated by a white Sup Forumstard.
Wtf Merkel. please kick them out of the EU
Im not a female who the fuck cares