Are you ready for the Australian century?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_largest_arms_importers

How do we destroy Australia?

By allowing Johnny Depp to become an Australian citizen

Polish tanks will always be the best.

>Be Australian gun manufacturer
>Sells guns to everyone but fellow Australians

the coloniser shall soon become the colony

fucking r/australia was fuming about this. muh moralising. fucking autistic gay cunts, between retards and the federal government repressing industries, we'll not even have an economy if they got their way.

>inb4 le reddit meme
it's a good news aggregate sub, i always regret reading the comments though.

Watch out Chinaman, we're coming for you next!

wait surely slugboy wouldn't be doing something like that

Buy our submarines. They're good, i swear.

What about your ca-
oh, never mind


Step 1 become a chinese colony
Step 2 no need for another step because china is in the top 10

why is australia so evil?

We want to manufacture and export weapons when we don't even make cars anymore? We don't manufacture anything and suddenly we want to make some of the most technological advanced manufacturing in the world? What a joke, why don't we make something we can buy in Australia?

8D chess m8.

Fuck off you reddit using nu male cunt no one wants you here

>australia get t


we already export the most opiates, might as well add guns

australia is so worthless all we can do is export if we didn't have the mines and nice beaches we'd be worthless as fuck.

>tfw it's really Australia rises because china

>plan to become one of the world's top 10 weapon exporters
Starting from what? I was under the impression that you guys don't even produce your own service rifle, you just import them from Austria.

>starting from what?
fucked if i know
>You just import from Austria
We're actually making our own now, called the EF88. It's still and Aug variant though.

Australia is already in the top 10 arms importers, which is weird since its the only 1st world nation on the list

Wait really

Its actually misinformation. What I read is that we're focusing on chips and surveillance type of shit and the main targeted markets are 5 eyes countries

You cannot into tank if it is full of spiders

>not buying a SCUD missile for self defence

Serious talk, what defence products Australia makes? I'm curious since most of Aussie equipment is either American or Euro.

Mostly light armoured vehicles, small arms and things that float or sneak about the oceans
We also have some tip top radar gear

None of our defence products are very good, you can ask anyone who has served, they're actually hilarious and the source of a lot of jokes.

its because its cheaper to import japanese car. not that the cars themselves r bad lol..

>i dont know about my own country's economy and industries so therefore they dont exist
people don't just randomly make shit, this is a projection of a likely outcome based on what there already is, not a sudden and retarded change.

I don't think we've ever had imported service rifles, not even in ww1, they've always been manufactured here (generally domestic variants of licensed designs).

Rest in peace for our only car manufacturer. now doomed to reselling shitty chinese boxmods and shit.
Our gubbmint also purchased about 12 joint strike fighters, or as they are also known, "join shite fighters" at 1 billion each. and they are all outdated now. what a fuckin joke.

>Ship out 1,000,000 weapon caches
>They come flying right back

dont you guys have this bullet storm system?

has it left prototype status yet?

Where is the Styre manufactured?

why don't we just sell up some more Sydney land and keep the ball rolling as is a few more years?
no more land left? commercialize the national parks.

wonder who could be behind this post

armed emus?

but will it get me a job?

no jobs for uneducated NEETs

Ha! Of course not.

There's no jobs full stop.

My fucking family got conned into coming to this shithole in the 70s because some cockhead promised a bunch of Brits and Scots jobs and houses.

Now I'm stuck here with neither.

Calm down Xi, you will own Sydney soon just bide your time well

You'll first need a company which can beat Italy.

Soon? They already do.

>brits and scots dont work anywhere

color me suprised

haha yeah of course. Real talk though we can't stunt the cities growth any longer they have to go.

Something has to be done about the height and other retarded restrictions on apartment buildings that exist for no other reason than to give boomers a bigger house price for when they fuck off.
Might cause too many foreign investors to leave tho

>every new BMW, Audi and Mercedes driver is a chink in Sydney

The British migrants to Australia contribute to society and I imagine their unemployment is very low, probably non existent.

>>every new BMW, Audi and Mercedes driver is a chink in Sydney
I live in north sydney and the only mercs i see being driven by chinks are old cheap ones lol
aside from my landlady but shes a sweet lady im happy shes doing well

Forget about that, and remember to choose our Type 26 for your next frigate programme.

So thats why all our news keep talking about a chinese century

last i checked most current brit-aus immigration is old people coming over for the high pensions
real contributers. no clue how they're able to buy into the property market though

"the Government promised employment prospects, housing and a generally more optimistic lifestyle. However, on arrival, migrants were placed in basic hostels and the expected job opportunities were not always readily available."

They were lied to, and it hasn't gotten any better.

I wouldn't mind more defense buying between us

good, we make great armoured vehicles afaik
that place is a greens shithole, but you're right in that it's good for news. crikey has good news and an actual comment section which isn't populated by retards

Mate, I served and all you hear day in, day out is some kind of bitching. The only time troopy stops bitching is when they're being shot at, the sgt sticks a pineapple up their arsehole for fucking up, or they're dead.
You could give the bastards versace undies and they'd still be having a whinge about some shit or another.

I'm not a huge fan of the F88 as they had kind of crappy magazines and there's a number of other things which don't make it an exceptional rifle. Except-
>We got a licence to make them here when the US wouldn't let us way back when
>They are super easy to train people to competence
>Very compact
>Otherwise just as reliable as any other rifle with a similar mechanism

What are you gonna sell?
AFAIK only NZ buys your ships, the rest are domestic use.


Mad because can't deny it's true.

We also buy stupidly expensive and barely functional jets for all the aerial dogfighting that happens in the middle of nowhere... So maybe er can make money off that somehow.

*New China

I have literally been contacted for 3 jobs in the past week, and I know no-one

get good or I will heem you

Can use a lot of munition,stealth,5th gen networking etc
Not everyone can buy those electronic warfare.
You have it better than most of the world, Hornets to bomb someone with flip flops and rusty AKs and F-35 for flip flows with rusty stinger/igla. Good enough to bomb whoever survives burger tomahawk rain.