Be czech

>be czech
>call a taxi
>end up in a porn

>be German
>take a piss
>end up in a porn

> be Japanese
> walk into a forest
> end up in a vlog



>be French
>take a shit
>surrender to the turd


>be German
>fuck your brain up watching porn
>get raped and robbed by a brown man


>le old maymay

>be American
>walk outside
>nothing happens

>nothing happens
because you've already been shot

>be american
>walk outside
>get shot

>nothing happens
getting shot has become such a daily occurrence that it has become an annoyance at worst




>be American
>post on Sup Forums
>get bullied


>be Canadian
>Go to a pet house
>End up in porn

>be japanese
>end up in porn

Centralo-eastern germanics are the Alfather's gift to the white race

Is okay Amerika, we here for you

The inbred and the beast
