Why aren't the top 10 helping the bottom 10 countries more?
World hunger could be solved in one day, literally
Why aren't the top 10 helping the bottom 10 countries more?
World hunger could be solved in one day, literally
Because we owe them nothing.
How despicable of Uru no to help all of us. We, Latin Americans, are your family, and so, Uruguay has the responsibility to help the entire continent. How can they enjoy being green totally oblivious to the fact that the rest of us are yellow / red!
>Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.
countries are not charities.
>World hunger could be solved in one day, literally
If these retards can't grow food in 2018, then this is their problem
good job polan
We litterally do you fucking idiot.
US foreign aid is 50 billion annually. (This is only 300,000,000 lower than Croatia's GDP)
Because w#ite "people" turned out to be shit people, who would have guessed
I should move to Uruguay for a year desu
Is Uruguay white?
You give these apes food, clothing, homes and other infrastructure and the countries are still shit because surprise, they squander everything and they're too dumb to develop on their own
Pls send food
>Bottom 30
lel we don't have and neither will have prosperity, this map is false
it's proven that the "help" keep those contries poor, the contries that more help have recievd are today among the poorest (e. g. Africa) and the ones that the leat help have recieved are emerging (e. g. Asia)
>50 billion annually. (This is only 300,000,000 lower than Croatia's GDP)
since when is GDP of Croatia $15 sextillion
Very impressive, little boy.
How does a country in Europe end up that bad?
>pay an astronomical amount of money in order to overpower hunger across the globe
>at first everyone rejoices
>days go by and first world countries struggle to maintain their economy
>third world countries that have received donations has been able to sustain their immense need for food
>time goes by
>first world countries begin to regain their economy
>however the third world rockets towards an imminent crisis again
100% this is what'll happen. Paper alone doesn't solve anything
Nigger these countries have been developing at an incredibly fast rate.
Stop spewing Sup Forums memes and pretending you know everything about the world.
Modern Africa is experiencing a developmental period that dwarfs any other time period in human history, in the speed at which it is occurring.
Also this.
It's completely backed up by facts as well.
Kenya recently had to ban several commodities from being shipped via charities. As it was destroying the domestic economy.
>World hunger could be solved in one day, literally
World hunger would be fixed the moment they would properly store their harvested food
90% of their harvested food is rotting in the sun
Famine isn't a result of poverty. Signing legislation in the parliament of a Western country saying that Yemen will receive X boxes of Y food products doesn't actually deliver any of that foot to Yemeni civilians. Famines happen either because conflict or disaster interrupt the connectivity of a certain region to the global economy (and therefore food supplies), or because local conditions (e.g. a drought) require greater intake of food from abroad than national infrastructure allows.
tl;dr it's about war and roads, not money
But not only that OP, you eternal faggot
They would have a food abundance comparable to the West
Imagine them building 2nd world tier cooled storage rooms.
Africa saved.
But no, they are stupid and store their harvested food in the sun and ask themselves why it smells like rotting death after 3 days.
are you fucking retarded or something?
Not an argument you eternal faggot
>why dont they just make farms in all the un arable land they have?
is this the power of white ruthenian education
Then why do they life there?
Just to suffer?
>american education africa is a desert
Turns out that socialists and dictators are bad, and we enable them by sending aid.
Gee, I wonder why does 4 of 7 children starve to death? Must be the white man's fault!
Mind providing even an ounce of proof for what you said then?
No they dont
>and Africa
I refuse to believe a shithole like Canada is more prosperous than places like Switzerland or Japan.
Yeah that map is wrong.
>shithole like Canada
Why do you have such a low opinion of your country's greatest ally and the world's most popular nation, my friend?
because I've been to it
Pretty sure prosperity measures stuff like quality of life, health, education and so on and not just economic growth.
Japan probably has more poor farmers and worse healthcare and shit like that.
>Rank 3
Fucking How?
Not to mention that it also undermines their economy while also contributing to their population growth, making things even harder than they ought to be.
Because I like you Sven :)
Which part?
And I've driven through Detroit. Does that mean America is also a shithole?
Butcamerica is a shithole compared to places like Switzerland or Japan, as is Canada.
>Australia, US is on top 10 prosperity
>Germany and Japan, most people are the richest and comfortable living apparently is not on top 10
t. 16 year-old MAGApede
Bad post
>some civilisation somewhere in the world starts from scratch and slowly creates new tools and technologies and flourishes
>come across a bunch of darkies who just fuck around in the jungle
>"oh hey we have all this cool stuff and knowledge we figured out over centuries, we'll show you how it's done so you have your work cut out for you"
>sometime in 2018 in some retarded american's room:
awful post
Go take an econ 101 class at your community college, although I think only the President can do that in your country.
I'm skeptical that it was faster than China in the 70s or even the present. Source?
That can't be africa
>India and Iran in bottom 30
>Pakistan below CAR and Cameroon
Who comes up with this shit?
>Why aren't the top 10 helping the bottom 10 countries more?
because these top 10 countries are the reason why the bottom 10 exist in the first place.
western wealth generation by industrial revolution is a 100% meme.
Looks like SimCity
Fucking racists give all your monies to poor african children
>World hunger could be solved in one day, literally
People aren't poor because they don't have resources, people are poor because they are bad at managing resources.