I think i'm fucking balding

i think i'm fucking balding

show bobs vagene

Is that so bad?

The same. I give up fap I guess it helps me.

Yea, I thought it too some time ago. Then it turned out that I wasn't.

become a mexican neo-nazi skinhead

I'm 28 and there are plenty of people with worse hair than mine, but I always hoped this hit would wait at least until my mid thirties or something

They are called cholos

see the positive side, you can wear old-fashioned wigs.


haha hairlets

I don't have a balding problem right now but instead I have a lot of white hairs at the age of 29, which makes me depressed more than I am


white hair means you're a wise man who thinks a lot

>tfw literally no one in my family is bald

You need to stress less, exercise more and eat more healthy stuff, don't forget to get more vitamin/minerals and plenty of water. Best of luck!


Sucks man but you'll ge tused to it.


>not castor oil

I'm already bald. But when i had hair i already shaved it off, so i don't care at all. Based Dutch genes.