Do you love Japan

Do you love Japan



>still using a reddit tier meme

hell no
please exit this world, gross Japanese

saomeone post real version

it already was posted
at end of this long image

>Japan hating leaf poster

I love Edo era Japan.
Shit was cash.

I could be convinced to love modern Japan if I had a female physical representation of the country in a relationship with me.

They are Chinese live in Canada. :)

> a female physical representation of the country in a relationship with me

Do you want to find love in Japan?


He wants to fall in love with Yamato Nadeshiko.
So do I desu

Unfortunately almost all Yamato Nadeshiko live in Japan.
So, you have to come to Japan, if you want a girlfriend of Yamato nadeshiko.

I want to be Japanese
I respect Japan
I respect all of Japan


I love you Japan
Let's kill all gooks and chinks
we are strong

So the Japan ball is cooking and eating the China ball, right?


I just want to find love honestly.

It doesn't matter where...

I love korea

we don't need savage disgusting chink
hate more and more

Hello, anglo in thai how is your business going

Yes, I love Japan. I had a great time when I went there

Thank you, user.
I want to go on a trip to Denmark someday.
But traveling to Europe is very expensive... :_3

The trip from Denmark to Japan is also expensive. But once I was there, a lot of things were pretty cheap. Especially food in restaurents. That's more expensive in Denmark

Japanese yen is lower than Euro.
Moreover, Japan has been deflation for long time,
so prices of Japan is very low than other countries.
For that reason, it is difficult now for many Japanese people to enjoy abroad...

>dat damage control

Does Japan love Finland?