How do we fix California?

How do we fix California?

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cut it off, let it sink into the pacific ocean

that's ridiculous
what's the homelessness rate like in numbers?

I sucked off a homeless guy once

das gay man
Too much information buddy

It will be okay

Its a lost cause

that puts a treatable disease in line with a bunch of other treatable diseases, whats the problem?
its still a crime to do it, you know

its in the context of doing it purposefully though
exposing someone to HIV without telling them, while knowing you have the disease, is no longer a felony

...yeah, thats exactly what I said
it puts a treatable disease in line with a bunch of other treatable diseases
you know theres been like, over 50 flu deaths this year? you should be more worried about that

its the complicit transference of HIV, so if you're a twink who got the stink and decided to drop a vial of your putrid blood in a public swimming pool in cali, no one can persecute you for a felony.

hiv =/= flu
idk what you're even trying to say 2bh

theres a difference between transmitting a disease person-to-person and contaminating a public area, I really hope youre aware of that
regardless, its still a crime

HIV isnt instant death for people anymore is the point

homeless people move to california because of good weather all year round
stop being obsessed you midwestern shit

Its still extremely shitty to live with it the rest of your life, and thats still an extremely shitty law to change

it is shitty, thats why its a crime
just not a felony, like a bunch of other treatable diseases

because those other diseases can't be weaponized and ruin someones life forever through unprotected sex

let it secede from the union then we turn it into a tributary vassal

im pretty sure a lot of STDs can be used like that, actually

just leave us to our fate

and they should be a felony to intentionally spread as well

not really, no

Yes they can, you fucking moron.

yes really, yeah

I don't think the state is leftist enough maybe we should vote some more in and raise taxes even higher.

HIV is still a death sentence. Gay men don't die from "Aids" anymore they die from liver failure or heart failure due to their HIV and HIV medication.

You sound like one of those fags that gets mad when another faggot won't fuck them because they are "undetectable".

HIV is not the same as herpes, you can't die form Herpes and most other STDs that can kill can be cured more or less.

and yes HIV can and eventually will lead to complications that will lead to death.

Yes they should. Moron.


>t. Liberal Faggot.


Anyone have that ISIS video of them throwing that faggot off a building?

By digging up and sodomizing Reagan's corpse. That dopey faggot caused this whole mess by cutting off funding for mental health facilities, which in turn unleashed these mentally defective retards unto our streets, thus causing this huge homeless problem.
The biggest issue with the homeless is that they can't be fixed unless their mental illnesses are cured. You can even give them housing, which the city of LA tried to do, but they will still end up in the street. Really the only thing to do is to cull the population and fund mental health initiatives to prevent this from happening again. But no one is willing to do that because "muh human rights" and "muh taxes."

dont.. just let me die in pieces of peace

So basically what one county did over here in the Bay was to tell the homeless to fuck off. They closed down any homeless shelters and the police were responsible for prodding them out of whatever place they would go to in the cities. Eventually these homeless end up in big cities, that already have plenty of problems, like Oakland and San Francisco.

Right now this same county is in the process of gentrification. Absurd rent prices for a low-tier home, evictions out of pure greed, selling out land to big companies like apple, google, and amazon. This is all forcing the low skilled people to either move out to the inner state, or move to cities that support homeless, affordable housing for low income families, and even illegal immigrants. Those cities once again being San Francisco, Oakland, and now San Jose. Those three cities? They're fucking shitholes and the other people who still can't afford them end up in the inner state, the Valley, and are making it even worse than the three cities. I don't claim its everyone, but it only takes a few amount of people to make things horrible.

Only a weeb faggot could write a post as bad as this

fuck off google

I gotta ask, how is it legal for the blacklivesmatter niggers to protest on freeways and not get arrested and homless people sleeping on the side of the road but If I cross the street the wrong way I get a ticket or if I walk down the street drunk I can be cited for "public intoxication"?

There have got to be laws against this kind of shit.

But they are all so "progressive".

I think in LA alone it's like 60,000

And willingly and maliciously inflicting someone with a terminal illness not being a major crime seems sane to you?

>how is it legal
It's not.

Reagan fucked us hard. The mental illness thing, amnesty, and gun control are all major reasons California's in the state it is now.

What county is that?

Maybe if we didn't spend 700 billion + a year on the military we could house these people.

Maybe if we forced those jewish kikes to develop high rise housing in LA and SFO the rent wouldn't be so high.

It's funny how Republicans forget how shitty of a president he was.
Bush Sr. is the real hero.

Amnesty was the worst.

Listen to Texas guys.

>develop high rise housing in LA and SFO
Earthquakes nigga
>we could house these people
Doesn't work. These people need healthcare, not houses. There are very, VERY few people who are homeless because they can't afford housing. Even then most of those live in cars and only for a few months at most. The majority of homeless have mental health problems.

High rise let alone social housing is taboo in America

HIV is not terminal anymore unless you deliberately refuse medication

It's funny how (((they))) whine about housing but at the same time (((they))) are the first ones to fight any kind of high density development.

Yeah guess that's why china and Japan have no high-rises.

And yet you'll never find a single republitard willing to say amnesty ron did anything wrong. Him and LBJ are close competitors for who fucked this country up the most.


Lyndon Bains Johnson.

You know all the things bad about niggers and the nigger culture? Well LBJs "Great society" was the catalyst for that.

I actually think the main fault of his presidency was the immigration act of 1965.

>"waaaah immigrants are taking my job!"
Go die in a fire you filthy fucking communist. If some illiterate Mexcrement can do your job better and cheaper than you, you deserve to perish.

Could be San Mateo or Santa Clara

I don’t think anyone is bothered by “muh jobs”, but more bothered by the crime rates either they or their offspring bring

Illegals have lower crime rates than the native population. It's their offspring that's the problem.

>its okay to spread a disease knowingly

The jobs are a small part of it, how about the fact that your country is getting degraded?

>"dumb shithole flyover state heh you'll never be as relevant and progressive like us...wait...what's that? no don't show the video of our homeless problem!!! NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?"

That's a bold claim for a slant-eyed mongoloid. Do you have a single fact to back that up?

hey who r u quoting


Getting shot in the back isn't terminal anymore unless your refuse treatment

I can agree with this
but why
why is the crime rate higher in the 2nd and beyond generation?
I feel like this only happens to mexi/central american spics and black people.

The drug trade and our shitty public school system

Are you trucking retarded? Why do people like shitting on LBJ for actually giving a fuck about blacks and actually giving them access to social services they've always been denied in one way or another?

That's like saying universal healthcare is the cause of long sophistical waiting times for certain procedures.

The percentage of African Americans below the poverty line dropped from 55 percent in 1960 to 27 percent in 1968.

>gun control is a major reason for California's rising wealth disparity, rising homelessness, and economic decline