Is Sup Forums a normalfag board?

Is Sup Forums a normalfag board?

I just want to see a nuclear explosion of Moscow.

That's all I want in life

"Normalfag" is a meaningless relative term. I don't care what people believe on an anime site.

your a nigger board

>I don't care what people believe on an anime site.
So fuck off.

I can use a website without building my life around it.

Fuck off cancer.

I wish Sup Forums was gone, but I know it will never happen. Sup Forums is a bit normalfaggish but not to the extent of Sup Forums.

Kill yourself

t. normalfag

I hope one day you find something you love being apart of and that thing gets completely fucking destroyed by outsiders who don't give a single fucking shit about the place you cherish.
You're no fucking different to Islamic migrants who set up ghettos in European countries and try to enforce Sharia law. You are honestly such a fucking awful human being, Sup Forumsleaf.

>Actually being attached to an anime imageboard

A nuclear explosion isn't enough.

Some people really take anti-normalfaggotry to utterly ridiculous levels.

They're practically tumblr-tier, but instead of competing for shit like "most oppressed sexual minority", they compete for shit like "most oppressed abnormie". I mean, fuck, it starts with something relatively sensible like "if you have a gf you're a normalfag", but then in their quest to be the "most oppressed abnormie", they just degenerate into the most retarded shit like:
>if you have a job you're a normalfag
>if you aren't overweight you're a normalfag
>if you've spoken to another human being in the last 20 years you're a normalfag
>if you don't have piss bottles in your room, you're a normalfag
and so on ad nauseum.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with some of it (as stated in the example above, I think we can all agree that "having a gf" is automatically normalfag territory), and I agree in spirit with wanting to rid Sup Forums of rebbit normie cancer, but fuck, in doing so they're just becoming something even worse themselves.

Shut up normalfag if you haven't attempted suicide in the last week you're a normie

Are "oldfags" still mad that there are people here who don't give a fuck about Chinese cartoons?

good post

What about people like me? I started coming to 4chn in 2008 and was a wreck of a person. I'm 30 now and have had several relationships. But I am still drawn back from time to time. I don't parade my normie shit and never referenced my gf on here before now.


Anti normalfaggotry is no where near as bad now compared to 2012.

>screenshotting your own posts

I'd prefer tumblr tier to reddit tier

/tg/ for example is already very tumblr-like

It's no surprise a board filled with soyboys' favourite hobbies got to that point. They can eat shit for all i care. The best board is still relatively unchanged.

Date difference.