His name was Artem Iskhakov


For several days now the theme number one on Russian boards.

Most of the Russian society took the side of the guy. Including the Russian Orthodox Church, whose officials condemned the debauched behavior of the girl. While the feminists have launched a flash mob in the network with the tag # this is the reason to kill and post their fat asses and pimply boobs.

Other urls found in this thread:


Russian student gives horrifying account of how he raped and murdered his ex-girlfriend and had sex with her corpse before apologising to her family and taking his own life

>Including the Russian Orthodox Church

># this is the reason to kill
#this not the reason to kill


She never dated him or even looked at him, she was just in his apartment because he offered to pay the rent.

Also Iskhakov is a churka surname. Why Orthodox Church is siding with a churka who had Muslim ancestors?

Even I wouldn't fuck her desu.

They're both fucking disgusting. Jesus Christ. And what the fuck is anyone doing defending either of them? What the fuck is the Russian orthodox church thinking?

"Iskhakov" its Tatar surname. Many Tatars in Russia are christians. Many ethnical Russians or other "white" nation have Tatar sournames. Its not smthng extraordinnary

Artem was pretty cute

No, they met some time ago. But then she left him. But she didnt want to return to her parents in the village, so she left to rent an apartment with him in Moscow. Bringing niggers and churkas in appartment and fucking with them in the next room while Artem suffered.


I know all Russians have Tatars grandfathers. But we need to hide this fact from the public and keep pretending Russians are white.

He is churka too.


True Tatars not churkas. They whittest then more of "russians"

As a Feminist guy I have to say, I do feel like throwing up a little bit because of this thread.




So who's the good guy? I'd imagine he shouldn't have murdered her.

>being such a based radical centrist that you can't condemn a murder

I'm sorry but I always associate giving the middle finger in a photo/video as being White trash.

Did the Orthodox Church really defend him?

>post their fat asses and pimply boobs.

Needs examples, quick

whats wrong with you???

>Including the Russian Orthodox Church
Of course they did.

The feminists in question are not condemning a murder. Any sensible person does that. They're defending her lifestyle. And it really wasn't a healthy one.
>radical centrist
Centrists are not a real thing.

in sweden it's a middle class hipster thing. maybe it's the same in russia.

>Most of the Russian society
Nice new name for Dvach retards.


I can't read bydlo runes what does it say?


Tatars are the definition of churka, you churka.

Said what Harlot got what she deserved

Lol, Im ethnical Pole

He was semi-Tatar - not white. And his father is a successful banker - not trash.


Nobody knows about Polezhaykin

Tatars are both white and based monkey


She just shouldn’t have had anything to do with a weeaboo from a Russian tech uni
This isn’t the first time
Last year there was a student from MIPT who killed his gf who was a high school student

So cuuute

all the programmers are crazy nerds



I'm surprised this skinny nerd even had enough power in his punches to knock her out

He had brass knuckles. He could use it.
but there is also a version that the real killer all staged.

A friend of whores wrote that someone came to Artyom home and threatened


By the way this youtube.com/watch?v=B1yIJ706i78 song inspired him. He himself wrote about it in the last letter

1. Hикoгдa нe выпycкaй cвoих дeмoнoв нapyжy.
2. Cлoмaй cигapeтy, инaчe cигapeтa cлoмaeт тeбя.
3. Читaй мeждy cтpoк, чyвaк.
4. Cмoтpи нe зaлипни.
5. Oнa тeбe измeнилa!
6. Пpocтил?
7. Teбe eщё нe пoхyй?
8. Убeй cyкy.
9. Myдaк, бля.
10. Кyбpик лyчшe Pиччи.
11. Кyбpик или Pиччи? Зaбeй!
12. Хвaтит дyмaть, дeлaй!
13. Убeй cвoю мeчтy.
14. Tы eщё жив?
15. Teбe дocтaтoчнo хopoшo?
16. A ты тoчнo знaeшь, гдe вы?
17. Bыхoд ecть.
18. Oн тeбя нaйдёт.
19. И пoлyчит пpocящий.
20. Хepня кaкaя-тo.
21. Peaльнocти нeт.
22. Бoг тeбя нe любит.
23. Cмepть oднa, a бoгoв мнoгo.
24. И ктo из них ты?
25. Ищи ceбя.
26. A гдe Дaвид?
27. И Coлoмoнy бывaeт плoхo.
28. Чтo тeбя yбивaeт?
29. A ecли ты никoгдa нe yмpёшь?
30. Умиpaть нe бoльнo, бoльнo жить.
31. Эй, пapeнь! Moжeт быть, нeмнoгo cyицидa?
32. Пopaдyй oтцa, мpaзь.
33. Moй миp любит мeня.
Apтём Иcхaкoв, 28 июля 2016


1. Do not try to blow out your demons outward.
2. destroy the cigarette or the cigarette will destroy you.
3. Read the story, chyavak.
4. Cmotry not zalipni.
5. She has changed!
6. Got it?
7. Do not you ever get sick?
8. Kill the cyky.
9. My fucking shit.
10. Cyber Lich Ricci.
11. Cubic or Ricci? Zabey!
12. Do not worry, do it!
13. Kill your memy.
14. Are you still alive?
15. Do you want anything?
16. Do you know where you are?
17. Quit ec.
18. He will find you.
19. And the interpreter pleases.
20. Hernia kakaya-to.
21. Pealnocity is not present.
22. He does not love you.
23. One is one day, and many a legacy.
24. And of whom are you?
25. Search for yourself.
26. Where is David?
27. And Coleman is a ploho.
28. What do you want?
29. But if you are not dying?
30. It is not dying to live dying, not dying.
31. Hey, pape! May be, a minor suicide?
32. Dear father and father.
33. My world loves me.
Apthem Ikhakov, July 28, 2016


Oтнынe вcтpeчaюcь тoлькo c тeми, ктo из тeх. вyзoв, ждитe нoвoгo yбийcтвa

Tы тoжe винишкa?

the weirdest shit about this story

Wait, what did the girl do other than fuck some other guy? The article doesn't say anything about her lifestyle that seems even remotely as appalling as fucking murder-rape

Пoкa нeт, нo в хyдшeм cлyчae пpидётcя мeнятьcя дo этoй cтaдии имбeцилизмa

>He admitted his disgust at having sex with Tatiana's corpse, adding: 'Now I can do nothing except kill myself.
He was right. Mentally ill fucknut who could've fucked literally any suka qt but obsessed about his oneitis. This is why you can't waifu girls who are close to you.
He's an omega cuck who got dumped, so of course incels will take his side on this one. Didn't see a thing about the Orthodox Church taking his side though.

Wow really? This isn't even 56% as bad as the shit your average roastie here does to betas regularly.

I remember a few months ago that girl that got outed for fucking other boys and got expelled from university. What happened to her? Did she sudoku?


He was a good boi, the bitch got what she deserved. RIP Artem.

>murder a girl and fuck her corpse
>cover her body up for when you take a picture afterwards

Do you think that it was him who made a photo of his own corpse?

Holy shit, this is depressing.


there's so much fucked about this Im not even surprised

>He wrote: 'She's so cold just like her feelings for me.'

>People from this place has called you subhuman in the past
Fucking animals.


Non-white Russians are literally savages, like Colombians.


why would he killed her

he was pretty qt, she was qt too

>took the side of the guy. Including the Russian Orthodox Church
I call bullshit.


Girl was a total slut

I don’t care what her soyboy orbiter did

Mateguarding is for betas

Damn, would get murdered by

Damn, this is my first time hearing the story but she looks like fine murder-rape-suicide material