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contentious theres nothing wrong with dickies, baggy uniqlo tees and chuck 70s

solitude: london
whiterun: manchester
windhelm: york
riften: leeds
markarth: belfast
winterhold: edinburgh
dawnstar: newcastle
falkreath: exeter
morthal: liverpool

why are people so horrible to each other lads

alri las

I sleep to escape my anxieties

What is Milton Keynes

ed has his own look respect it

just had sex with legacy captcha

been terrible about sleeping during the week as of late
need to sort myself off before I die

who the fuck is ed

cultural innovator

haggis is nearly done lads

Alan = Nassim
Turtle = Ed
am I missing anything?

helgen hopefully

oh no no no

luca are you turtle?

the point


can see london, manny, edinburgh, newcastle and belfast
windhelm york i dont get
think riften could be liverpool

/brit/ celebrity up there with the likes of thailad and turtle

my anxieties wake me up at 3am every night and I've taken to sleeping with a bottle of whisky next to the bed so I can have a couple of swigs and feel calmed enough to sleep until my alarm goes off haha


anyone like Rome

turtle =/= ed

shut up ed

This isn't turtle?

York is an ancient city settled by the the Norse

wouldnt cave eds skull in i dont think, not even if someone paid me

fucking hell you lot are thick

*action posts for 30 paragraphs*

sucking a nigger

*doesn't read it*

The absolute STATE of London
The absolute STATE of Londoners
The absolute STATE of it


I'm here everyday never heard of him. is there a picture

>chulak? wheres that? east side?

being charming lads

Leeds has more crime than Liverpool but Liverpool might have more poverty

Which city had the more gangs/"thieves guilds"?

thats turtle this is me lad


he was gone for a while cos he had a gf but him and i can only guess jordan knight were here again posting about how his gf dumped him and posting his tinder chats. he also does an ungodly amount of action posting and no photo sorry

got some nice daffos for the flat hehe xx really cheer the place up, sunny outside british weathre

hopefully itll warm up a bit

how can she block

to be fair we'd be better off if the germs won
no jews and no poms

Liverpool hasn’t been anywhere near as poor as Leeds or Birmingham in years

pretty sure they used to link eachothers facebooks



feel like you've been posting these wacky tinder screenshots for years. when are you going to get a gf. do you even get any action, come on



the negative press covfefe

painful to read

How am I mean to cope with never seeing the sun after 9 months of living in Spain, this is insufferable

the annoying orange is finally juiced

guess if he was black he'd be marshal ney-ney

dont know desu
i suppose the main thing for liverpool is its status as a port and neither morthal nor riften are proper ports, but dawnstar does have quite a newcastley vibe

yeah they would do wierd shit like that

already been at toil over 5 hours but it's these last 3 that really crawl

get a SAD lamp to complement your SADACT

never linked my fb desu please dont mix me up with one of the personalities i've created

Are they actually worth it though?

up for toil in 5 hours lads haha x

yeah, it is quite nice, for January anyway, yeah
wouldn't be this mild in Spain though
hm? why would I..?
oh right, yeah I lived in Spain for 9 months

Just finished a long hard day of uni toil

just these mate, thanks
there you go
nice one, uh, is that the right change?
oh right cool, yeah, thanks, just they were a lot cheaper in Spain where I lived for 9 months haha
alright thanks mate, see ya

dunno just wanted to do a sadact joke

>uni toil

Anyone here who lived in Spain?

STILL no MBE, what the FUCK is Liz playing at??

>tfw living in spain was the only interesting thing that ever happened to me

the only thing you finished thats long and hard is ur boyfriends willy haha x

oh shit sorry haha obviously I meant hello
old habit from when I lived in Spain for 9 months, you know haha
oh sorry yeah, uh, 6 inch meatball marinara please

lived in spain for a solid month of my life in total probably

Pamplona for 3 years when I was a kid
dad was a media advertising consultant

Any poz man in

Just can't stop fucking bringing up Spain can you?

you're a spain in my arse mate

woah you're so cultured!

Any cuckold man in

you a dark fella?


I fucked another man's gf a few times with his consent

hey, thanks for seeing me
yeah, uh, right it's just been the past couple days really
yeah it's mostly just like in the mornings, I just feel a bit blocked up and that uh
you don't think it could do with like, international travel or like jet lag or something do you because, you probably saw it on my record, but uh I used to live in Spain? for like 9 months, yeah

19 btw
had an "alt-right" friend in high school
he would taunt people by calling them cuckolds
very bizarre considering none of us were married

what happens if you hold in a shit forever

Spain is the number one holiday destination for us brits

Fuck off you literal child

pretty sure you can't
your body releases involuntarily

your sphincter expands with the size of the eventual shit you unleash

applied with a few toil merchants yesterday
one rang me back and offered me an interview a hour or two ago

Comes out your willy

you hold in a shit forever

*points at a eurochange as we walk past it*
oop, don't need those any more haha
you know, euros, 'cause I'm back in England and that haha

It comes out your mouth

*dances* haha :)

Guess /brit/ loves holding shits in then haha

keep having self-suck dreams

what industry