Get in, we ain't got no time edition.
Get in, we ain't got no time edition.
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it's 1:05 here
laylah sa'īdah lovely people :3
Fellow anons, we have work to do. Dog got all 4 of his paws cut off in Bosnia, Brčko district. If any of you finds any information about the person who did it the reward is 1100 euros. For more information go to profile Azra Đulović on facebook. I can try and provide as much info as i can in this thread if going to facebook is against your beliefs. Also i can try to provide profile link in this thread if you can't find it for some reason but Sup Forums seems to think my post is spam if i include it, but there are still ways to do it. But i think this will be fine.
Also, here's part of the text i translated from the said profile:
Thanks to the girls who found it (their profiles are linked in the first post on facebook) the dog wass found on the Arizona maret (full adress:tržnica arizona 16 A 1 dubrave 76250 Brčko.) It has been around 2 weeks this has happened to the dog, and it has been sedated, the wounds have been cleaned and the dog is at the vet station at the moment, but he is not good. MariannesDogFoodBank is aware of the crime and is supporting him at the moment. The dog, with injuries this severe can hardly get any help in Bosnia, so we are asking everyone that can, to help. If you have any suggestions about help, or you can think of any way that dog can be helped, contact the girl in inbox. Only one who can take the dog is an international organization which can help with artificial paws and healing of the dog. For all additional info contact Dijana S. Knežević, and Amila (whose identity i cannot find at the moment)..
>inb4 not your personal army
>inb4 fuck facebook
not your personal army, dork
inb4, newfag.
God fucking damn
is the doggo okay?!?
As okay as he can be in the given situation. Like i said, the wounds are clean, he's at the vet station, but all 4 of his paws are cut off so he's not quite okay.
also, dunno if you can translate it , but check out this site
those lads do shitloads of help for puppers and other animals in need, you should check it out
I mean, I feel for the dog, but bleeding heart soyboys that get triggered by shit like this give me fucking bloodlust.
fuck off, edgy tryhard, bosniaks are filthy animals that do this shit all the time, i dont know, its probably their fucking s*rbian genes, but they are absolute apes
How am I wrong? The fixation is simply not natural, it's pathological. They probably got abused as kids or suffered some kind of trauma that makes them misanthropist and abnormally sympathetic towards animals. Worse shit happens in real people within our lives and no one bats an eye, but some random dog gets mutilated in Bosnia and nu-males be getting all sentimental over it. This is just not right.
Yeah, thanks. I'll maybe forward it to the girls, but it would help if you knew someone that worked there or if you worked there.
humans are trash and in general, a human can defen himself
small dog cant, and dogs are ""programmed"" to trust humans, so yeah, rabbing an innocent dog and fucking him up is a pretty fucking subhuman thing to do
I never disagreed that it is a subhuman thing to do. But it is a traditional form of subhumanity that I am completely powerless to stop and therefore feel somewhat justified to not care for excessivelty. But the effect this kind of shit produces in the modern nu-male is a whole new kind of nihilistic, self loathing subhumanity that I fear we have artificially created, and it repulses me a lot more knowing that.
That might be true. You as an individual are powerless to stop it, but if every individual that feels the same way as you do would try to stop it and make primitive people like that evolve, so to speak, world would be a better place and there would be less injustices and subhuman things happening.
When a doggo dies that's a tragedy.
When burim dies, that's an occasion to celebrate.
What would that be?
You can't just "make" people evolve though, that's where the powerlessness of it lies. The kind of psychopathy that produces this kind of cruelty is a predatory vestige of humanity's animal heritage, it can't just be educated away though social policies, it's written in our genes.
A shqip
Yeah, you can't make them evolve, but you can teach them the wrongs of their ways by showing them more civilized ways of doing things and consequences of their actions. When you teach them that they will understand that what they were doing was wrong. This way you "make" them evolve, help them, make world a better place, and automatically help yourself. Psychopaths always existed and will always exist but if people acted this way they would be isolated and dealt with justly very quickly.
what kind of subhuman does this shit
servomans need to be exterminated from this planet
You have never known a psychopath if you think this way. If you attempt to correct them they will turn it on you and suck whatever hope and optimism you may have out of your soul.
Kill the damn animal, there's no point in making him live.
A person whose punishment should be so severe i would need time to think of it. Extermination might be too good for them, but also might be the best way. Isolation, maybe.
Oh, trust me, i've known psychopaths. Better than you might think. While what you said stands correct for some psychopaths, there are some that function well, even those that have learned to direct their psychopathy on positive things. Human behavior is a delicate thing and there are lots of types of persons. Each person is different that is.
dogger ;_;
This genetics paper just changed what people consider the E haplogroup.
Basically, it found out that DE, the ancestor haplogroup which split in to haplogroup D and E, actually split in TIBET.
Thats right, it was the first to leave africa, and that after it split D went east to japan and asia, and E went West into the balkans and south west into North Africa.
So basically, E is a eurasian haplogroup that had some of its members go BACK into africa from the Himalayas and replace the autochtonous haplogroups (chad af).
Who /coffee/ here?
Genetics are still a mystery to me, but they sure seem interesting. Also, Tibet's a nice place.
Nope, I'm considering hell at the moment.
What thread am i in and who let the original 404? Fuck this, i'm out.
women are so powerful
DAS RITE, WE WUZ.... w-what wuz we?
What kind of coffee do you drink? I used to drink frappe and freddo cappucinos (like 99% of Greeks) but I feel like I need something more "refined".
I just drink a regular construction worker's plastic cup of black coffee.
Literally the dog brand of coffee.
The energy drink?
I am not impressed senpai.
Hey fuck you man, I am class. Living like an ancient king here.
Haven't eaten one of those for years.
looking for GF near Zagreb
t. 22 KHV with 18 mil $ in crypto ( 3 mil eur cashed-out and living in a penthouse that I bought for ~ 800k eur )
leave a pic and your contact.
you didnt note if you speak turkish or not
this can be a game-changer for some gf
All bjrm flags on Sup Forums are cramping my style
I like this pic
Typция e вaшaтa poдинa
и тypци ca вaшитe бaщи.
I drank coffee from a cafe this morning. Regular coffee aka nigger sweat
>french intellectuals
Typция e вaшaтa poдинa, Mилкo Бaлeв вaшия бaщa, "Cвинcкa кoчинa" ви e cтaдиoнa, eничapи ca вaшитe дeцa
Green tea with honey desu
How homogay. I bet you wear stockings too.
>memecoins on freefall
awaiting comment from our resident future millionaires "investors"
investing is gay
trading is alpha
go back to Sup Forums disgusting faggots
You guys are so boring right now i dont even want to fuck any of you in the ass
like wtf
There is only you and me here now. Everybody else is at school or work.
are you... you know...
..what? know... her...
günaydin balkanlar
kαλημέρα Έλλάς
I'm so glad you finally accepted yourself :3
Rate my thread and make suggestions. This is an unironic question, I think something should be done. White boys competing with black bulls is like having women in the men's weight classes.
I'm back, and i'm not suprised to see more faggotry, as usual. Any update on the dog?
Iki where do you actually post from? The city you live in I mean.
He doesn't tell.
that's fucking hilarious, is that oc?
Nah, I remember some britbong posting it years ago.
from now on
you will call your master
so bet it
it reflects my personality
τ. Mehmet Bulgarov
no wait
Who would win in Albania/Kosovo/FYROM vs Bulgaria?
what is the Greek word for master?
the world
no this is a Greek insult
come on, you can't fool a Greek
depends on the context
can be αφέντης or kυρίαρχος (or δάσkαλος)
i just found the word αφέντη
is this a Greek word
or from turks?
i dont want the turklets here to call me like that other turk
In English, doc.
how would a slav(e) call his Greek master?
Daily reminder that he is samefagging
Where are the bulgar flags?
it's from the ancient Greek word αὐθέντης
1. the one that commits an act (usually a murder) with his own hands
2. the one that kills himself
3. the ultimate ruler
1-2 derive from αὐτοέντης which means murderer
3 is most commonly used (and used 100% of the times now)
here we call teachers daskal
>the ultimate ruler
this is a worthy title for someone like me
its settled then
afenti (spoken afendis) for the non-Greeks
and my fellow Greek brothers
can call me adelfe
Yeah if you live in 1870.
they know what you are and they dont care about you.