Do you love Japan?

Do you love Japan?

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No. Buy more milk goy... er, cunt.




Will KANGZ ever recover from this?

Why do Japs desecrate ancient temples?

those must be chinks

Hate them for what they did

because they're uncultured and soulless.

the japan poster is hiroshimoot?

I can't read this.
Probably these words are Chinese characters (Kanji),
but it may not be Japanese language.

Are there Japanese who can read this?

looks more like simplified chinese, as expected of chinese.

You are disgracing yourself moron

this is not Japanese.
you're stupid.

We NEVER use this character→ 锦
Mainland Chinese only use the character.

I can't read that CHINESE characters.

> 锦が見えるけどこれ錦の簡体字だよね

I didn't know "锦".
This word isn't taught in Japan.
It's a Chinese work. :(

Ewww Simplified

as said it was a Chinese kid

WTF I hate Japan now! Stop doing this Jesus Christ

Please read these posts.
This graffiti was painted by Chinese.

Nope. My girlfriend is Chinese and she said it's Japanese or Korean. You're trying to mislead people into thinking Jap tourists aren't vandals.
Heck, I bet Jap tourists have vandalized ancient stones in Lapland as well.

Very much so. I'm going to Kyoto this april for study. I'm very looking forward to it!

Fuck off

> My girlfriend is Chinese
> is Chinese
> Chinese

Thar is the answer! :D

of course don't worry we are always with you

haha!your gf is a liar.
look this article→

They’re Chinese not Japanese. We get tons of them here in Egypt


iirc in roman times visitors were even encouraged to write shit in ancient temples, or maybe was furing the middle age

>s*no-australian subhuman getting this many (You)s from an obvious shitpost

It's a chink named Ding Jiao.

>According to the Egyptian Protection of cultural relics law, the posting of advertisements and posters at the heritage, writing, engraving, or smudging of cultural relics at heritage sites is prohibited and punishable by a jail term of three months up to a year in prison, and fine of 100 to 500 Egyptian pounds (US$14–71).[10]

why do you keep vandalize ancient landmarks? Is it because you don't have any culture at all excluding fucking underaged cartoon girls?