Why do Jewpanese think themselves special??
Why do Jewpanese think themselves special??
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When will Japan embrace diversity?
Japan could actuallly use some diversity and immigration
They are all ugly inbred anglo-tier islanders
How do we BLACK Japan?
We're working on it, it's even better now that jap girls are thickening themselves up more
look at those mongrels wanting to infest other lands like they already did with western europe, disgusting.
we kill bunch of gooks
>tfw she hasn’t done interracial yet
fuck this gay earth
we rape gooks kill gooks and cook gooks
She retired now bro
The only thing that they got going for them is anime.
Their education system?Overly stressful.Pretentious(all the school dressing obligations sound pathetic to me)Clothes do not make a man or a woman.
Economy/Industry?Import western technology,bootleg it at cheaper prices and faster rate.Rinse and repeat.
History?Do nothing for hundreds of years,civilization arrives at their shores in the 1500s they get western technology,they use it to invade and enslave koreans,expel the westerners that gave them that stuff except for the ones that were not buying their slaves.Close the country again until another country opens their legs.Copies western etiquette,technology,clothing basically trying to fit in.Invade other countries to pretend to fit in(ah,germany is doing it aswell so it must be cool).Get fucked for eternity by the USA and their autistic warrior culture dies off.
don't forget how despite the western technology, they still looked completely africa tier before the 20th century. pic related is their "noblemen".
Am I the only one who think they are completely normal and cool af?
looks cool
better than gook at least
they look like a bunch of miniature cavemen that got ahold of some regular sized medieval weaponry
At least we didn't get colonized by you shitskins and become a Brazil tier shithole.
I love you Japan you are leader of asia and Thailand is your best parter
best partner for sex tourism
Smarr physique enhances power of samurai
sex slave gook
Japanese people actually are relatively attractive compared to you obese mongrels
How could we colonize a country that had 20 million people at the time,already.Also,look at Macau instead of Brasil
>Land of the Rising Sun™
>the most powerful ethnostate
>the oldest extant monarchy with the millennia old imperial line
>the invincible history where it has never lost an h2h war, singlehandedly defeating largest empires of the time such as mongol, china and russia with ease
>the longest life span among real countries
>the lowest crime rate among real countries
>economic, technological and humanitarian super power
>The Liberator of Asia®
Thailand is irrelevant
here's a photograph taken in the capital during the Meiji period.
and your point being?
And this is what snownigger """civilization""" looks like.
our military is strong
we can kick your ass with Japan
>Hakone is capital of Japan
>Swedish education
The two‐wheeled vehicle in that picture is "人力車 (Jinrikisha)". :3
Jinrikisha is a vehicle which a young man pull a carriage instead horse.
Also in contemporary Japan, people can get into a Jinrikisha.
>google reverse image search
>ching chong gook language showing up
>kicking America's ass with Japanese (American) military
haha le epic warmer climate that makes inhabiting land without technology that much easier xD
epic ^^
Because gooks are soulless insectoids who lack empathy.
There is justice after all...
The man who posted this thread is psychosis.
stop posting pics of my mom
>implying Japanoid are normal
because other Asians were uncivilized degenerate barbarians back then.
we were the first industrialized and westernized Asian country. it's natural to look down you subhuman chinks
Hahahaha "Jaypan"
because you are under Japan and Thailand
and you are just gook
Because they are have a cultural and economic advance also America is backing them up. So present Japan are a top country in several areas.
wtf is with that old man with one eye.
He was a poet with leprosy.
He has the dreamworks smile
lol half your culture was stolen from China and Korea. We gave you advanced technology over half a century before them and you didn't do anything with it until the 70's.
>all the school dressing obligations sound pathetic to me
Do Portuguese schools not have uniforms?
The rest of your post is ignorant and hateful ramblings.
They are wearing light clothes with a wide range of movement and worn in a manner as to not obstruct the bow.
You're a fucking fool mate.
japs somehow actually think we're special and I don't know why