Tfw no migrants in your country

>tfw no migrants in your country
>everyone online and in real life praises us just because we're racist hicks

I'm not saying we should let anybody in, but we could certainly at least think about accepting people into our country who genuinely need help.

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Why would you care about them? You have nothing in common with those people, you owe them nothing.

I see helping people as a noble goal. If they are not looking for hand outs and they're willing to work and pull their weight, why not?
It's entirely possible to create a system where you select those who bring the most or at least some benefit to the country, while getting rid of slackers and criminals.
Also there'd be a strong integration program, where people would be made to understand that they are in a European country with European values, and either they and their kids conform, or they'll be removed. It's really that simple.

If you want, you can happily take our niggers

They're the same as us

lost all respect for hungary just now

T. Ian. Goldberg

>but we could certainly at least think about accepting people into our country who genuinely need help.

Slippery slope. Just begging for your definition of "genuinely need help" to becomes more lax over time.

I will come, please have the gates open.

>implying anyone wants to get into Hungary

When I was in Budapest I saw billboards mentioning Soros. What are they saying

that he's an ill-meaning wealthy (((globalist))) who wants to tear down our borders, destroy our nation and our culture, and that he's a danger to europe who we must stop from imposing his will on the bureaucrats of the EU, that is to make hungary and the whole of europe a shit-colored cultureless hellhole with pockets of wealthy jews controlling the retarded muslim masses

In the Netherlands Soros is considered evil by pretty much everyone.
The media, the left wing and the right wing dislike him.
Although you never hear anything about who he is or what he does.

We get just warned that X or Y was sponsored by Soros in the same way as they would say Putin was meddling with it.

For example during the Ukraine referendum you heard that Soros supported pro-Ukraine groups. Which means it's bad by default. Although nobody says why. The name alone is enough warning.

Do Hungarian girls like dark complexion men?

Stop with this gay shit

He legally can't.

C-can I come? I’ll wear my collar like a good boy and I will sit when you tell me to sit.

I think he means well, he educated our politicians back in the USSR, so he had a big hand in helping us tear down the Iron Curtain and end the Soviet rule.
That said supporting Ukrainians was a mistake. They're super racist and they're discriminating against minorities of Romanian, Hungarian, and Polish origin. They aren't allowed to study in their own language at all.
Honestly, that fucking backwards place should just be nuked. But those cockroaches would probably survive, like they survived Chernobyl too.

Yes, Hungarians are famously into racemixing. Usually we do other Europeans though.

So your country's people are living perfectly, there's no poverty, no crime nor any sort of internal problems that should be more of a priority than helping niggers? Switzerland must be on suicide watch

I'm genuinely in need for Hungarian qts. can I come in..?

Last year there was a message that Soros wanted to sponsor a more open debate about migration in the Netherlands.
And immediately we had parliamentary questions about foreign involvement in our politics (in the same way as if Putin would meddle in our politics).
And news reports about how Soros backed organisations support terrorism..

here in hungary the open debate about migration is sponsored by based geert wilders himself

Based Thierry, our alt right prime minister in 2021, was also in Hungary before he became a politician. Video related.
He started a party in 2017 and got 2 seats in parliament. But now he's huge in the polls.

Glory to Orban "Order at the Border" Viktor.
After university I will apply as hungarian border guard to protect the nation.

But seriously, come visit Vienna if you want to see the alternative. We have whole muslim districts now. But go there during the day, because you are not welcome there.