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what happens here

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TV shows about cooking meth.


For fucks sake, why do we have a state named after Mexico in our nation?

We are cucks

you're tsundere for us :3

It's older than the original Mexico

No, the name comes from Mexico

it was named after the valley of mexico, but at the time the "country" was named new spain so they have had the name longer, and you kept it after taking it from us for some reason.

Meth, beaners, white trash.

Is there a city literally named "Truth or Consequences"?

looks like it

the south-west is a fucking joke

Originally named Hot Springs, the city changed its name to "Truth or Consequences", the title of a popular NBC Radio program. In March 1950, Ralph Edwards, the host of the radio quiz show Truth or Consequences, announced that he would air the program on its 10th anniversary from the first town that renamed itself after the show; Hot Springs won the honor, officially changing its name on March 31, 1950 (the program broadcast from there the following evening, April 1).

kek, well it sounds more unique that hot springs at least

ayy lmao

It's literally a new Mexico

When you realize Hot springs is literally aguascalientes

there's a state in mexico called like that


>primaveras calientes
casi, pero no

what do you think happens there pablo? it's full of your disgusting countrymen

spring also means manantial and in a colloquial sense aguas does too, so he's actually correct

rude :(

el abominacion....

Literally nothing. Your namesake is being used to its full potential