Chile appreciation thread

Chile appreciation thread
best country in Latin America

>High HDI, higher than portugal and most of eastern europe, 30 hdi points away from reaching western european standards of prosperity

>Safest country in south america

>best place for companies to start up their companies

>stable political climate

>beautiful scenery and nature thats switzerland tier

>Best education in Latin America

And they managed all that without needing muh whiteness like argentina

Other urls found in this thread:

>lower than Lithuania
If Chile was in eastern Europe everyone would call it an underdeveloped, poor, 3rd world shithole. But since it's in South America everyone praises it for being super developed and shit

Yes, context is important.

Lithuania isnt even a shithole, its actually quite nice and developed just like chile , dont be an ignorant burger and chile has a higher hdi that portugal and 11 points away from being as developed as Andorra also in Western europe.

racists btfo

>Lithuania isnt even a shithole
I visited Vilnius and Lithuania actually is a full blown shithole, even in its biggest and richest city (300k inhabitants, less than 10% as big as Berlin) you can feel the poverty everywhere

>higher than Portugal


Portugal had great empire tho.

>(300k inhabitants, less than 10% as big as Berlin) you can feel the poverty everywhere
Vilnius has almost two times more inhabitants than that


Du bust ein Verwönter fetter Mann, du weist nicht wovon du sprichst . Du hast eine falshe bedeutung was ein armes land ist weil du dein ganzes leben in west europa leben hast.

More beautiful scenery of chile a top tier country

t. chicano

>And they managed all that without needing muh whiteness like argentina

mmm i don't think so sweetie...

>Safest country in south america

I'm pretty sure he meant stats and not a bunch of cherrypicked vids

CHADmeridian blood is why they succeeded.

>American praises only country in Latin America that spreads its boipussy to American capitalists
>uses American metrics that are totally not baised prove this




As if spain didnt have left wing faggot attacking police all the time. dont kid yourself cunt your country was in the brink of war not too long ago


Chile complains of World Bank unfair treatment



>el americANO defends police brutality
Should anyone be surprised?

>n-no!! how can a shitskin country be even slightly good

That's Argentina.

>not uruguay


lmao when was this?

>drug gang
not from here

rare flag, but stop cherry picking, lets talk about statistics like intelligent people

That's not the point I was making and you know that perfectly well.

>And they managed all that without needing muh whiteness like argentina

Isn't Chile the whitest country in latin america after Argentina and Uruguay?

>homicidios en el mundo
ajksjajjsjajs chicano

fighting againts the world bank jews is a bad thing? stay cucked my friend

you are the proxy who have a hard one for Argentina i see


It isn't even cherry picking, that news isn't from Chile.

have you ever being to Chile and if not shut the fuck up

you can't catalog uruguay as a country

>He believes in a meme rating system

Stop doing this thread pls

That's Argentina, retard

>An autosomal DNA study from 2014 found that the mean Chilean’s ancestry percentages were 44.34% (± 3.9%) Native American, 51.85% (± 5.44%) European and 3.81% (± 0.45%) African.[19][20] About one in two Chileans having Sub-Saharan African ancestry,[20] and 99% of the population has Native descent.[21] A 2015 study analyzing hundreds of thousands of SNPs yielded similar results – around 55% European, 43% Native, and 2% African

Probably but that isnt saying much, the average chilean is slightly whiter than the average mexican

t. cherrypicks a new that isn't even from chile

That slum was erradicated in 2005
Now all of them lives in a scial housing project not far from there

Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Cuba are

You don't even understand what side you are on, you retard.

The World Bank was agree with you. Chile was opposing the World Bank.

What was happening, is that Chilean immigrants working at the World Bank were fudging the statistics for political reasons.

When their preferred party was in opposition they made the country look bad and when their preferred party was in power they made the country look good.

Im not memeing though.


I can literally find a murder case in any western european country and post it on here, does that mean the entire country is a shithole with murders every day? didnt think so idiots

two can play the cherry pic images game

>What was happening, is that Chilean immigrants working at the World Bank were fudging the statistics for political reasons.

Do you have proofs for these serious accusations?

Thats not Portugal, its easy to tell just by the soil

>self reported

Mestizos =/= white

Sorry mates i love your cunt but every time i go their i get robbed

Chile is a shithole


Who the fuck is supposed to believe these fake statistics?
According to them , an average person living in Germany has a 25% higher purchasing power than someone living in Norway, and Finland and South Korea are also richer than Norway.

3/10, bad bait

Chileans are proud worshipers of Pachamama. Do not call them white you dumb yank.

all those "white" chileans still have a large portion of native dna when actually tested

Not joking went their last year


Nice pic from 15 years ago

It was a huge story, last week.


>Mr. Romer’s apology also brought scrutiny to the political leanings of Augusto Lopez-Claros, the economist who until recently oversaw the team that produced the Doing Business report, which ranks countries based on factors like ease of paying taxes, credit availability and enforcement of contracts. Mr. Lopez-Claros was also a professor of economics at the University of Chile in Santiago.



Also this sort of shit is par for course with these rankings. For example from personal experience I know that somebody is fudging the Transparency International ranking.

Apparently the retards who hire people to compile these rankings don't check for political background and hire lots of very politically biased people.


Amazing mountains of

>Mestizo AND White

es kostet wie 15 euro fur ein glass bier in Norweg, das ist der Grund dafur

love you

I got you senpai, with link for proof

But then you look at the cost of healthcare in Norway and it is cheaper than in Germany.

So why is beer more important than heatlhcare?

López claros is Bolivian.
That article just accounts the news we all know.
I don't see any proof for the accusations you made in your previous post.

that girl died from a drug overdose



why do you defended places you haven't being to?

Thats more like it

have you completed the game at 100%?

Why are you always posting GTA shit?

It's about purchasing power like what you can actually buy with your money not how much money is being put from your taxes to your health care system, the price for health care is more dependent on government policies about where your taxes go to than how much purchasing power you have

Im a retard how do you read this?

Nope still suck in san fierro
cause i want to

I dont have to visit haiti or Congo to know they are shit similarly I dont have to visit chile to know it's bad ass country full of bad ass mother fuckers

I think if you look at , Media column it shows percentages but in decimal points (chilenos use commas for points like some europeans)

ABC1 upper class has about 39% amerindian ancestary

and middle class has about 44-46%

lower class has over 50%

Always the same thread, always the same non-sense and delusion.

I visited Portugal recently and was surprised that the memes are somewhat true. Seriously it feels like a sizeable step backwards in development coming from Western Europe. The food poisoning for example is rampant.

I literally havent posted on here since 2 months, I didnt know chile threads were popular.

and nice ms paint map bro, and wealth isnt everything.

Chile is underdeveloped as fuck outside of Santiago.Santiago is a shithole unless you have shekels.

I can't believe Russia is THAT poor, surely it's on par with Brazil

Proof? If we are going by anecdotal evidence i have friends who went to different parts of chile and said it was awesome

How expensive is it?

Eg; a night out at a restaurant, a night out at a bar, a room at a hostel, a metro ticket

Paint map? sure americanmutt

t. never visited the south
not expensive at all

Good joke

>The food poisoning for example is rampant.

Yea abo, is so bad. rotfl

lmao at that triggered moor ITT

On education it's even laughable to compare bro.

Just taking a laugh on shitskin colonials

Portugal is way better than Chile you nigger much more middle and upper class than Chile, less violence, etc.

It's an ultranationalist and ethnonationalist. Why is he doing in Sup Forums - an international board - when some posts are clearly bait and still replying and sometimes changing goalposts I don't know.

>muh pisa scores

thats cool accomplishment for the moortugues that can atually read, what about the other 20% of moortugues that couldnt even take the pisa test because they couldnt read?


>Free masonry